View Full Version : getting sponsered?

01-13-2005, 09:01 PM
Hey I have been playing rec ball for like 4 or 5 years now, and 4 of my friends are serious about starting a team. we have played at some local places, like capt'n carls(deleware) and del hobbies(NJ) and we did really well against some older guys (we are all around 16-17) and actual sponsored teams and such, we actually played a "decent" team and tore them up. but thats besides the point, how do we manage to get a sponsordhip or just get into a tournament? wat kinds of things does a team need to do to enter a tourny?

01-13-2005, 09:04 PM
SEARCH "how to get sponsord"

few threads on this already

WElcome to AO

01-13-2005, 09:04 PM
Sign up/pay for tourney. Your best bet is to check with local fields. Play there, meet the locals and most importantly: say what YOUR team can do for THEM.

01-13-2005, 09:09 PM
ah ha....good point, and what kinds of things are feild owners/sponsors looking for from a team

01-13-2005, 09:16 PM
If you can win and market there products so they can earn a profit so it get noticed in a + light

01-13-2005, 09:26 PM
I know quite a bit about this subject, as I have had teams with zero sponsors and my latest team has numerous. First off, you can't get a halfway decent sponsor if you don't win tournies. To enter a tourney it is simple. Find one, call for information, register, and then show up that day. Check out the fields and get a strategy and win. First tourney you never really know what is going on, after that you will know exactly what to do. You got to be able to show a sponsor you have something to offer.

Once you have a decent record, and by decent I mean atleast 4-6 tournies with high places, 1st thru 8th I'm going to say. Start just calling around for sponsors. Make sure you act proffesional. Make your team seem permanent(sp?). Sponsors want dedicated teams.

You can't be picky with sponsors. Remember, sponsors lead to sponsors. Once we picked up McDonalds as a sponsor, they all just starting falling into place. Don't email dye or empire for a sponsorship because guess what? THEY WON'T SPONSOR YOU! Really good teams have hard times getting sponsored and they have established their name on the local tourney scene. Local paintball shop, local field, local buisnesses are the best. If you play at the same field every weekend and they see you are dedicated they will start cutting you prices. It is a slow process, playing good is the most important part of getting sponsors.

Then, eat a snickers bar. Feeling energized you will go and fix that leaky spot on your roof. While you are up their, a bird with poop on you and you will slip and fall off into the street. Then, a dye trucker driver not paying attention will think he hit you. You go to court and win the case. You take over dye for winning the case. Eat a snickers and it will happen to you.

01-13-2005, 09:30 PM
...Then, eat a snickers bar. Feeling energized you will go and fix that leaky spot on your roof. While you are up their, a bird with poop on you and you will slip and fall off into the street. Then, a dye trucker driver not paying attention will think he hit you. You go to court and win the case. You take over dye for winning the case. Eat a snickers and it will happen to you.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Sounds like a plan to me

01-13-2005, 10:55 PM
if you dont even know how to get in a tourney.....you dont need to worry about sponsorships just yet

01-15-2005, 07:09 PM
sry dude, I just was not sure how it all works, we have been playing for a while and we mop up everyone that we play around here. I was just wondering if there were any things I should look out for when entering a tourny. Im not a dumbass with a spyder

01-15-2005, 08:26 PM

The short answer is to play alot and be as visable as possible. Hit up the local stores and local fields that you frequent.Explain to them where you play and how often and how many people you think will see you play while wearing thier Jerseys. Most small stores are most concerned with you presenting a positive visual image and a high volume of potential 'new' customers seeing you on and sometimes off the field. At that level, winning is not as important as the other things,if your attitudes are discouraging and the 'publicity' they get is negative.Sometimes organizing small events to bring in people outside the sport or perhaps the typical rec baller who shops only department stores will get you intended sponsers attention. Just realize that for them it's advertising for them that makes it worth while.

If that doesn't work, find out if they have kids and get them on your team....that often works just as well. :D