View Full Version : Tippmann or Mag?

11-11-2001, 04:02 PM
Im getting a mag for christmas but i wanna kno if i should get a tippmann and upgrage what should i go with?

11-11-2001, 04:04 PM
omg kyle, i should go over ur room and beat u right now for 2 reasons....A, a mag owns a tippman any day and this is a mag forum <B>what</B> do u think the answer is gonna be?

<I>*Language* -Miscue</I>

11-11-2001, 04:10 PM
I can see you guys got some brotherly love going...but yes you should go with the automag. The automag is actually much easier to clean/maintain then a tippmann, shoots faster, more accurately than a tippman and flatline, a lot more upgradeable, and a nice small package instead of a running around with a long stick.

All in all, check like www.pbnation.com, www.paintballdojo.com, www.pbreview.com, and www.completepaintball.com you'll see a lot of tippmann's up for sale cheap because no one wants them anymore.

11-11-2001, 04:29 PM

Reliable, stainless steel build, good service and warranty, easily maintained, simple, high quality, many nice mod being made by AGD(proven to work)


Tough, cheap, plastic/ steel, not as good of service, more complex than a mag, a couple more mods that might have no purpose.

11-11-2001, 05:11 PM
while tippmans are very good, reliable guns, they are a dead end. the number of upgrades is minimal compared to a mag and they really just don't compare period. although, you have to try it out before you choose. if you like the feel of having your foregrip a foot away, be my guest. but it really comes down to the way it feels. a $1000 gun could mean nothing to you if it doesn't feel right. so, my advice is, go to a store and check them out. or go nextdoor to your bro's room and try playin around with his mag and then let him slap you upside the head when you ask him to take you to the store to try a tippy. good luck with your decision.

11-11-2001, 05:23 PM
MAG! thats all i gotta say...... MAG > tippman

11-11-2001, 05:48 PM
who ever thought mathematical inequalities would be used in paintball....lol, and i dont got my mag YET...notice yet, i cant wil til christmas and i get it, i always was a spyder person myself

11-11-2001, 05:54 PM
"don't got"? Hey...what skool you went? Prolly same skool I lerned at. Just kidding...:D :D

11-11-2001, 07:03 PM
tippmann does have pretty good service, i admit it's nothing compared to AGD(no stickers), but they replace pretty much every part for free.

11-11-2001, 09:33 PM
AGD has to have the greatest service on the planet. i sent in my gun when i first bought it (used, so it needed a tune up). they replaced absolutely everything on the AIR. gave me a new trigger, sear, bolt, set parts, new saftey on my trigger frame and about 5 or 6 ball detents. all for a total of 45 dollars because it was out of warranty.

11-11-2001, 09:37 PM
youre asking this on a site dedicated to automags:rolleyes:

11-11-2001, 10:33 PM
dont got...its quite a commonly used term man, perhaps its a NY thing only...im from NY if that explains anything, for instance i say forest as Far-est not..For-est and orange as are-ange and not or-ange, and those gang type people use it alot, MAN I AINT GOT NOTIN TO SHOW U....

11-11-2001, 11:29 PM
um, have any of you seen a Tippmann lately? i mean, the path of upgrades has come 10 fold. there isn't much that you can't do to a Tippmann, that you can do to any other gun. in fact you can do more things to a Tippmann than you could do with anything else. and a Tippmann is not made of plastic, its cast aluminium for the M98 and mild aluminium for the Pro-Carbine.

for the 98:
RT Trigger(sure AGD came up with it first, but...)
LP Kit
Flatline barrel
various electronic kits
kameleon(sp?) body kits
modual(sp?) bodies(i.e. the custom 98)

for the Pro-series and Carbine:
RT Trigger(a non Tippmann mod, not quite ready for the masses)
Rear Hammer

the list can go on.

also, Tippmann may not give much away in stickers or the like, but you can not beat their custom service. you send in the gun, and they will fix the gun, no questions. it doesn't matter if its brand new, or 10 years old(though its much like AGD).

the debate is moot. both companies have great service and a long and varied customer base. to say on is better than the other, is like saying a Mag is better than a cocker, or vice versa.

11-11-2001, 11:54 PM
but a mag is better than a cocker. just kidding :D

11-12-2001, 01:08 AM
to be honest to get the M98 up to the caliber of a mag it will cost you in upgrades. however I have seen an electronics kit that makes the M98 cycle so fast that with a CO2 tank, 2 regs, and pointed straight up the hole gun was covered in ice. Then the moisture blew the electo kit. (oops, glad I wasn't using it at the time.) but man put air on it and it's the fastest thing I've ever seen. it will cycle faster then a stock warp will feed. scarry. The part that got me was he still had the stock barrel on it. :confused:

11-12-2001, 01:40 AM
that stock barrel is like 14.687 instead of .687, after that comment I might as well share my opinion.

I would honestly go for the mag for the many obvious reasons.

A Ven diagram would really be the best way to compare things...Too bad I can't make my two big circles:(


Smaller more compact
More comfortable for most people
Very little recoil
High ROF
Short crisp pull(some may find hard but...I like it)
Great Upgrade Path
Amazing gun, stock
Consistency is great
While it may be able to run on CO, nitrogen is really what it wants

Tippman Model 98

runs well on C02
Recoil is fairly bad
Upgrades are many but not too many that are useful
Stock pull is not great
Not very consistent
Rather bulky for some people and may be cumbersome
The tippman model 98 when stock is really more of a backup gun
Many of these problems are solved when you upgrade it and pour a bit of money into it.


Great Customer Service
Highly customizable

11-12-2001, 07:41 AM
is there possibly anything else that can be said? i don't think so. :D

11-12-2001, 09:39 AM
inteliframe, barrels, good air system, drop forward, and warp. that's about all you really want to do with a mag, that you can get off the shelf. anything else you want to do your looking at custom parts, and really knowing how your gun works, so you can design or make them. here's a tip if it says ANS, and it for a mag, don't touch it.

11-12-2001, 03:02 PM
leaving out the cons of the mag, you say all the good things but non of the bad, my opinion is unbiosed,

Heavyer than most markers
Stif trigger pull till about a case of paint.
Valve freezes up if you tilt the gun back with CO2
Mag has a tendancy to chop if you shorstroke

But overall dispite these problems mags are still on a higher level than Tippmans. Have you thought about getting an Autococker?

11-12-2001, 04:03 PM
SlipknotX556: This is the worst place in the world to bring up that "Which is better, The Mag or _______?" debate. You will always get a prejudiced answer.

The Patriot: Why do you continue to refer to New York when your location says Florida

Bartleby: Why are you kidding? Mags ARE better than cockers.

InfinatyBPS: What happened to the guy who used to beg for people to trade a Mag for his Raptor? You have turned your back on us and must therefore be ostracized throughout the land. Tar and feather the heretic!!!


11-12-2001, 05:55 PM
well maddog i refer to NY alot because i will always be from NY...ALWAYS, a little location move about 3months ago still wont change that im from NY and always will be, i also still have my NY traits such as accent and my love of it...u do know its the best state right?

11-12-2001, 08:41 PM
not all of us express our biased opinion. yes, ofcourse we all have one, here, in the land where the emag is god. but not all of use choose to simply say that one is better than the other and that is that.

P.S. yes i know, a mag will cream a cocker anyday, and i have done it many a time. :D lol

11-12-2001, 08:43 PM
bahh you patriot get out of my state before you embarass us any more:)

11-12-2001, 09:01 PM
Question as asked by InfinatyBPS:

Have you thought about getting an Autococker?

Answer by me:

He shouldn't have one. Trust me, if he gets a cocker, and doesn't learn it, he will want to kick himself in the head becasue he is going to have tons of problems with it. I know a former teammate of mine wanted to throw his onto the highway and watch happily as an 18 wheeler would run it over. Don't get a cocker if you aren't willing to learn it, and besides, he is asking if he should upgrade to a Tippmann or a Mag. That should tell you he just got rid of a Talon, or something equally low. He doesn't need a tournament quality gun right now. it depends on what kind of games you plan on playing, now, and later on down the road. If you see yourself going out, playing a few days a month, not really cleaning your gear after you get home, playing rec ball, dropping equipment (accidentally) and basically just trashing the gun, then get the Tippmann. If you actually plan on going into small, local tournaments, or playing higher quality players, cleaning your gear after every day of play, and like to show off how smart of a buyer you are, then get the Mag.

11-12-2001, 09:03 PM
LOL! People comparing Spyders to Mags, now comparing Tippmanns to Mags!? Mags beat Tippmanns anyday!


11-12-2001, 09:07 PM
actually, i was thinking about getting a cocker or building one from a cheap base. don't get me wrong, i love my mag beyond belief. but it just performs too flawlessly. i'm not even contemplating selling my mag, i would just considre the idea of getting a cocker as well to get a better understanding of the physics of paintball. not to mention, i love building and fixing stuff. when i was 12 i took apart a CD Rom drive and fixed it for my parents. i think i may need something that's gonna break occasionally, otherwise it just doesn't feel right.

the mag is MY gun. if i were to get a cocker, it would be for construction purposes and i probably wouldn't play with it too often. my mag will always take priority. :D

11-12-2001, 09:40 PM
for one.. a Tippmann 98's Internals are not more complex than a mags.. nto by far. the Valve is all in one, if it breaks, you dont have to tear it apart to fix it.. you just send it in and they give u a new one. and its a CPX valve.. longer lasting than anything ive seen. Two... their customer service is well above par.. its excellent. I can say from experience. I had a problem (cuased by the store i bought it, not the manufacturer) and they shipped me a whole new bolt and sear.. free... in 3 days. actually 2 1/2. And nice as you can get. So dont burn it there. And they are tough as a tank.. so are mags.. but i think tippmann wins there. I mean.. i have dropped mine in a POND. yea.. i slipped on some mud while skipping paint across the water (very fun) and i fell if, and in it went.i jumped in after it, and fished her out. Now, unlike mags, the 98 is an open bolt. Water had gotten in the opening where the cocking know is. It was full of water. I drained the hopper as good as I could, and with water still in hte bolt and around hte valve/powertube, I fired. it worked just fine. the only thing that was wrong was the paint was wet so it wasnt to accurate, but it fired perfect. I have also dropped it in snow, mud, on concrete (friend dropped it, *******) etc.. still works. and if the powder coating gets scratched.. you can just paint over it with some black paint. try doing thta on a 400$ ano job on a cocker.

Anyways.. not dissing mags.. they are better than tippmanns... but only in certain ways. If your short on cash, or might not wanna blow it all on the gun, get hte Tippmann. and a 98 with a flatline can prove very useful.. if you havent seen the distance.. it is a sight to see.

11-12-2001, 09:51 PM
and... (back for more)

Im not much up on Automag RT's but.. isn't the AGD RT in the valve..?

the Model 98's is a air cylynder behind the trigger... it uses blowback gas to operate it so it doesnt wate anything.

So it isnt the same.

11-12-2001, 10:09 PM
I thought the rt did that too...

11-13-2001, 11:19 AM
I've owned them both, and what you should get all depends on what you want to do. The m98 is heavier, has more recoil, and is longer than any Mag. It also runs well on CO2, has a myrdriad of upgrades (if thats what you are into), has a simple trigger, and rarely, if ever, breaks down. The Mag is smaller, more consistant (no gun is more accurate than another), arguably higher stock RoF, field stripable design (never ever break your m98 down in the field without a huge tarp to work on, learned that one the hard way). However the Mag doesn't like liquid CO2, so either creative thinking or HPA is required, you need to maintain it excellently (you should do that with any gun, but I've seen some sad looking m98s shooting like they did out of the box), and you have to learn the trigger. The last factor is the cost. The Mag is more expensive.

I had a m98 and sold it for a Mag instead of upgrading the m98. I never regretted owning either for a minute. For me the consistancy, size, and design was worth the extra price. You have to decide whats right for you, but there is my unbiased list of pros and cons.

11-13-2001, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Vegeta
Tippmann 98's Internals are not more complex than a mags...you dont have to tear it apart to fix it.. you just send it in and they give u a new one. and its a CPX valve.. longer lasting than anything ive seen.

I don't know, I think would prefer replacing an O-Ring to packing up my gun and sending it off for god knows how long. I also happen to know from experience that the M98s internals are a HELL of a lot more complex than just the valve. You also have about a dozen screws, rubber ball detent, pins, springs and Tippman can't make up their minds whether they like Gas or Liquid.

Two... their customer service is well above par.. its excellent. I can say from experience. I had a problem (cuased by the store i bought it, not the manufacturer) and they shipped me a whole new bolt and sear.. free... in 3 days. actually 2 1/2. And nice as you can get. So dont burn it there.

I have yet to have to use Tippman's customer service, so that in itself is a testement to the company.

And they are tough as a tank.. so are mags.. but i think tippmann wins there. Are you @&*%$ing stoned?!?! -Fred I mean.. i have dropped mine in a POND. yea.. i slipped on some mud while skipping paint across the water (very fun) and i fell if, and in it went.i jumped in after it, and fished her out. Now, unlike mags, the 98 is an open bolt. The Mag is definately an Open Bolt System, hence the invention of the Powerfeed by AGD Water had gotten in the opening where the cocking know is. It was full of water. I drained the hopper as good as I could, and with water still in hte bolt and around hte valve/powertube, I fired. it worked just fine. the only thing that was wrong was the paint was wet so it wasnt to accurate, but it fired perfect. I have also dropped it in snow, mud, on concrete (friend dropped it, *******) etc.. still works. and if the powder coating gets scratched.. you can just paint over it with some black paint. try doing thta on a 400$ ano job on a cocker.

Ok, I don't do Drugs, but whatever you are smoking sounds good to me! You are comparing an Aluminum Gun to a Stainless Steel Gun. I could build a house using the Automag as the hammer and still play paintball over the weekend. This is without a doubt the MOST DURABLE PAINTBALL GUN ON THE PLANET!

Anyways.. not dissing mags.. they are better than tippmanns... but only in certain ways. If your short on cash, or might not wanna blow it all on the gun, get hte Tippmann. and a 98 with a flatline can prove very useful.. if you havent seen the distance.. it is a sight to see.

OK, a Tippman with a Flatline cost just around what a P/F 68 Mag costs, so why would anyone even bother?


11-13-2001, 06:38 PM
all i have to say is OMG! if i saw the "pimptest" timppman (wich is imposible) for free or a mag, i would rather pay $300 for a stock mag than take a free tipman! have u ever seen any good person play in a tourny with a tipman? Mags own almost all guns, especially a tipman!