View Full Version : My house was broken into yesterday...

01-14-2005, 04:47 PM
And it came at a very poor time, as if there is a good time. My Dad is not doing well and we have been concerned for his life. Now this. My wife came home from dinner and I went to my parents to talk with my Dad. My wife calls me and asks if I had done anything with the Xbox and Game Cube since the oldest is grounded and we had told him we were getting rid of the Xbox. At this point I suspect someone he knows. After all, who steals just an Xbox and Game Code and all the games. The she calls back and my parent's digital camera that we had borrowed and our digital camera were also missing. I then insisted that she call the police. While on the phone with the police they asked if there was anyone still in the house. She checked downstairs while still on the phone and discovered the point of entry. They had smashed the baby's window and crawled in through the window. That's when she called me back and I came home immediately. Then we got the real bad news. My wife had not been able to wear her wedding rings since about 6 mounts into being pregnant. She was planning on getting them resized and I had moved them to the front of a cabinet in the headboard of our bed. Of course, they were gone. They also took the keys to my truck (nice lowered '88 Silverado). Fortunately I had parked it a few houses down where no one parks. I guess they couldn't figure out which one it was. And I just got it from a friend of mine and he managed to find a spare set of keys. They tried to take my water bottle of change, but I guess it was too heavy. ;) My paintball gear was in the garage, just inside the door to the house. They opened the door, but must have been scared off by all the junk in there. ;) At least the missed seeing my paintball bag! :D They also took other stuff, but those are the important things.

Now I have a very upset wife and two traumatized kids. The oldest is very upset at loosing his brand new Xbox. Both of them were worried that they would come back. Even sleeping in our room, they still worried. I was unable to fix the window last night and my wife was worried. So I got out of bed and swapped the doorknob around so I could lock the room from the hall. And it is an outside knob (don't ask me why) so you can't open it easily. The kids were still talking none stop about it this morning. A sure sign that it is still bothering them. I hope it doesn't affect them too much.

The police were very through. They dusted for fingerprints but came up empty. They must have had gloves on. There have been a "rash" of break-ins lately that match ours. They only take smaller stuff and use one of your pillowcases to carry the stuff out. We found one of our King size pillows sans case. They did catch some kids (young adults) yesterday. They were not in our neighborhood, but it is possible they are responsible. They did have on gloves. Maybe...

I did find out that my local police department has a pepperball gun. They have had it for awhile, but just finished training. He said that they hurt a lot more than a paintball! He seemed to think that they were a very nice option to have. He'd wished they had it when a suspect "hid" under a car. They ended up shooting him with a beanbag round in the leg. He gave up immediately. It took 5 or so stitches to close up the wound. The pepperball guns would have chased him out without resulting in a trip to the hospital. And probably less paperwork. ;)

I'm off to fix a window. Wish the police luck in finding some of my stuff.

01-14-2005, 04:50 PM
Damn that sucks. Ever think about getting a small home security system of some kind? I personally dont own one, but my friend installs them, and says that they work very, very well.

01-14-2005, 05:04 PM
i feel so sorry for you, i don't know what i would do if my house got broken into. I don't think i would be able to sleep again.

01-14-2005, 05:20 PM
aye my friend,i know exactly what your going thru,someone has been trying to break into my shed and house for the past couple of nights..it sucks,alot.GL on the window fixing.

01-14-2005, 05:24 PM
luckly your paintball stuff wasn't stolen :D but seriously, I hope the cops catch them.

01-14-2005, 05:40 PM
Sorry to hear this. I think the kids will forget all about it soon. When I was young our house got broken into and it scared me that night, but I was fine a few days later. I hope the police find the important stuff, like the rings. The Xbox and cameras can be replaced with insurance money. I would also look at getting the locks and ignition changed in the truck. They might come back and try to take it if they can figure out that is what the keys are for (one reason to never have a keychain that says "Silverado" on it).

01-14-2005, 05:44 PM
Good thing they didn't steal your change :( . Anyway hope they find your stuff.

01-14-2005, 05:47 PM
I'm sorry about that, man. Luckily no one was home to possibly get hurt at the time.

01-14-2005, 05:53 PM
That really sucks dude. I hope you get all your stuff back but unfortunately I don’t think it will happen unless they get caught soon. About 2 years ago, Easter morning someone put a bomb of some kind in our van and blew it up in front of our house at like 3 in the morning. Tthat was not a nice wake up and our van was very messed up, all the windows were blown out and 3 of the doors were blown out and there was alot of damage inside also. The ppl never got caught, but I hope the cops catch these ppl. :cuss:

01-14-2005, 05:56 PM
criminals suck

01-14-2005, 05:59 PM
wow. that really sucks, sorry to hear that happened. good thing i dont use pillow cases, they cant make off with the loot :p :D :rolleyes: Good thing your paintball stuff wasnt taken though.

They might come back and try to take it if they can figure out that is what the keys are for (one reason to never have a keychain that says "Silverado" on it).
...or thats one of the reasons to exchange keychains with other people :D ;) "wtf, we've checked every damn Silverado within a mile!!"

01-14-2005, 06:25 PM
Sorry you got robbed. I know how you feel. I live in a frat house and it's been broken into a couple times. The big one was over summer break and nobody was in the house for like a week or so. Usually people are in it all summer. The robbers had the run of the house. They took their time. Broke all the doors down, they opened every single drawer in the house. The worst thing of all they took was our collection of NES games. We had almost every game, and a toploader nintendo!! :( We're pretty sure it's some kids up the street. I'm almost positive I saw one of them using a stolen airsoft gun of mine.

Unfortunatly there isn't much the police can do for this sort of stuff. They take a list of everything stolen and that's about it. I was really pissed. It's like they just don't care, but there really isn't much that they can do. I need the guys from CSI. Since we've been robbed a couple of times we were thinking of setting up a booby trap. We wanted to rig a game cube shell to blow up if it was picked up, but I think it's against the law. Then we thought of putting some sort of radio tracking device in one or something, but we're lazy. Anyway, I hope they find the punks that robbed you.

01-14-2005, 07:28 PM
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I really do appreciate it.

Muz, unfortunately we are renting and I don't have any insurance. I'll be getting renters insurance, but it's like closing the barn door after the horses are out. ;) I just never got around to it with the new baby and all...

The police were very nice and understanding. However, I don't expect them to find anything. Unless the one they already caught have any of our stuff. They told us about the only chance of catching who did it is to find them with some of our stuff. Every day that goes by makes that less and less likely.

At least the window was easy to fix.

..Easter morning someone put a bomb of some kind in our van and blew it up in front of our house at like 3 in the morning.

Man, that is WAY WORSE. I'm glad no one was in it. I actually said to my wife last night that at least we all together. No one is hurt... If it wasn't for the wedding rings it wouldn't be so bad. We're a little short after Christmas, but at some point they will get a new Xbox. And the kids found one of the Xbox controllers that they missed. WoHoo. :clap:

01-14-2005, 07:40 PM
Aw man, im sorry to hear that. There are en extraordinary number of vehicle and house break-ins in Norcal, and they are pretty much all due to meth. I'll miss the heck out of the norcal crew, but I will be glad to leave that crime-ridden area. Check the pawn shops for the rings, or have the police do so. They/'ll dump them as soon as possible.

01-14-2005, 07:46 PM
Thanks. I was planning on trying to check the local pawn shops. I use to think of this as a nice, safe area. I guess we are just too close to the not so nice and safe areas. :(

01-14-2005, 07:48 PM
You may want to check ebay for the rare items.

Also I'm really sorry to hear about this.

01-14-2005, 07:51 PM
Thanks. I was planning on trying to check the local pawn shops. I use to think of this as a nice, safe area. I guess we are just too close to the not so nice and safe areas. :(

It probably is a nice, safe area. However, there is nothing of value to steal in the bad areas the criminals generally come from. So guess where they decide to go? Most of the property crimes I knew of (theft, home burglary, auto burglary) occurred in the "nice" areas, including Orinda, Lafayette, Walnut Creek, Danville, etc etc.

01-14-2005, 07:57 PM
Sorry bro. Hope they catch the punks! :mad:

But all is not lost. I still have the Night of the Living Dead Photo of you somewhere if they stole it. ;)

01-14-2005, 08:02 PM
That really sucks dude, I know how it feels. Our house 2 summers ago was almost broken into at night, they smashed a window next to our door and reached in to unlock it. Then our golden retrevier ran down the stairs at full speed barking, they ran :D Atleast no one was hurt like you said, the weapon of choice of buglers are firearms.

I got an interesting break-in story. My brother lives in chicago in an apartment. It is 2 floors, hes got the first story and basement. A group of kids are above him, then a family above that. The laundry room in the basement is connected to his basement. My brother came home after thanksgiving and his room had tons of stuff jacked from it. His watches, money, camera etc. He was pretty pissed. We didn't call the cops or anything because he had renters insurance and was going to get it all back. So my brother goes to work on wednesdays and his 2 roomates have class all day and are never home. Well, the robber figured this out, and bam, he strikes again and steals lots more stuff. Well my brother's hoodie got stolen. He is walking to his apartment and the girl that lives with the family on the 3rd floor is wearing his sweatshirt. The front pocket is slightly torn just like his :eek: Well, he calls my dad and they get the cops.

It was a long weekend and that is when the cops came. They installed lipstick camera's all over the room. 3 cops were on the top floor and the camera's were being prodcasted into a van across the street. My brothers room is in the basement so that was the first being broken into. My brother intentionally left out money and valuables. Well the guy breaks and in alas, it the dad that lives on the 3rd floor. He steals the stuff, they tell the 3 cops to go in and they bust him. They take him to jail, he was evicted of his apartment the next week.

01-14-2005, 08:07 PM
sorry to hear about that man.

I used to live in a really rough neighborhood for most of my life. And I can tell you that 100% your kids are safe now and you can tell them to relax because they are most likely scared. In all the robberies Ive seen/been around/ happened to me, the same guys never come back to the same house twice. Most likely they just wanted your stuff if they had a grudge against you and trashed your house then I would worry. Good luck and hopefully insurance or something will cover it. O but do change the locks on your truck because they might come back for that since they have the keys.

Its always bad when you have to consider bars on your windows....but maybe thats something you wanna look into if you live in a rough area that doesnt bar windows already.

01-14-2005, 08:30 PM
But all is not lost. I still have the Night of the Living Dead Photo of you somewhere if they stole it. ;)


Damn, and I thought that was finally gone forever... ;)

01-14-2005, 09:38 PM
man, that sucks, sorry for you. At least they didnt get the paintball stuff. Luckily when i was living in the bay area we had two big irish setters, one with a blood curdling howl for a bark. Nobody ever came near our stuff.

Once a UPS guy was at the door delivering some stuff and my mom had answered the door. so he gives her the stuff and says "you smell soooooo good" in this really odd tone (at least odd to hear as a kid) and my dog who was behind the door at the time started this really low growl, one i've never heard before or since. the dude yelps "oh s--t" and takes off. hehe, they may be dirty, but i love big dogs.


01-15-2005, 12:03 AM
Sorry to hear this. I think the kids will forget all about it soon. When I was young our house got broken into and it scared me that night, but I was fine a few days later. I hope the police find the important stuff, like the rings. The Xbox and cameras can be replaced with insurance money. I would also look at getting the locks and ignition changed in the truck. They might come back and try to take it if they can figure out that is what the keys are for (one reason to never have a keychain that says "Silverado" on it).
A kid I know has his adress and phone number etched into his keychain, everyone tells him he is an idiot but he won't change it.

01-15-2005, 12:28 AM

Damn, and I thought that was finally gone forever... ;)

I got the link copied to it right now, so tempted to post it ;)

01-15-2005, 05:12 AM
Please make sure to post any updates on this case here. After reading this, I want these guys caught as bad as you. Well probably not AS bad, but bad none the less

01-15-2005, 05:36 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this! :( I found out that my car had been vandalized on the 13th as I was about to get in my car to drive to my grandfather's funeral services in my hometown. This happened in my own driveway, which really scared me since I'm currently living by myself. Aside from the grief from my grandfather's passing, I was really stressed out while I was a 4 hour drive away from my house. I kept thinking someone was going to break into my house while I was gone, because the thieves obviously know I have expensive taste after taking off with my ipod, xm radio, a cell phone, etc. Then when I returned around 1 am tonight, I had a really big scare as I drove by the back of my house and could have sworn my sliding glass door leading to the yard had been opened and that the pet door attachment had been ripped out. I've been so stressed out that I guess Im starting to see things. I called 911 and asked if someone could come check it out for me because I was too afraid to come into my house. 3 cop cars (way more than I expected to show up) showed up and they went in with flashlights and searched every room and came back out to let me know that everything was alright. I've never been afraid of living on my own but I can't stand that now I'm scared of going into my own house at night wondering if it's been burglarized or that they will try to break in as I'm sleeping. I plan to sleep with a gun by my bed until I move out of here soon..

01-15-2005, 07:51 AM
Wow.. the important information in this thread is clare is living with herself :D

Ok, sorry, I just couldn't resist...

Hitech, I'm sorry to hear that, I know how bad it sucks to have things stolen from you at your house (mine was just a car stolen from the driveway which can't even compare to the feeling of someone actually being in your house). It totally messes with your feeling of home for sometime, in addition to the obvious material loss. I hope they catch them and you at least get the sentimental stuff back, you might take time to go to a few pawnshops yourself, rings are generally identifiable. Sometimes its worth it to pay to get some things back... man I'm sorry it happened and good luck.

01-15-2005, 08:00 AM
I plan to sleep with a gun by my bed until I move out of here soon..

Hahaha, AO Stalkers beware!

01-15-2005, 10:52 AM
I hope they catch them and you at least get the sentimental stuff back, you might take time to go to a few pawnshops yourself, rings are generally identifiable. Sometimes its worth it to pay to get some things back... man I'm sorry it happened and good luck.
Pay? Call the police.

01-15-2005, 10:55 AM
I plan to sleep with a gun by my bed until I move out of here soon..

Isn't that already a law in Texas? ;)

Don't worry. You have lots of friends. :clap:

Dagnabbit! Someone stole that picture from me! Your lucky day bro! :cheers:

Creative Mayhem
01-15-2005, 11:23 AM
Sorry bro. Hope they catch the punks! :mad:

But all is not lost. I still have the Night of the Living Dead Photo of you somewhere if they stole it. ;)

HAHAHA I have that photo too! ! am the one responsable for taking it;) Don't worry, hasnt been made poster size... yet:p

It sucks when your house gets broken into, I know it happened at my old house. Fortunately, my cousin lived upstairs, and had 2 pittbulls at the time, and i would let them roam the whole house at night while i was at work. Lets just say that someone got a nasty suprise when they kicked the front door in :headbang:

01-15-2005, 12:10 PM
, which really scared me since I'm currently living by myself.
If you want, I'll come stay with you until you get over it ;) :p All I ask for is a few paintball tips. :clap:

That really sucks that you got broken into. I hope they catch the guys that did it and you get your stuff back.

01-15-2005, 03:09 PM
I think the best defense to burgalry is a big dog,

01-15-2005, 04:00 PM
Definitely, On TV they had an ex-burgler giving tips and he said if he ever heard any dog bark he would never break into that house.

01-15-2005, 04:36 PM
I think the best defense to burgalry is a big dog,

Its also helps when the air temperature is -10 with gusts down to -40. Makes a good hinderance to crime. I think there was a murder suicide the other morning where they had to pry/dethaw the body from a sidewalk like some CSI episode.

So yeah, the high temp today is -3. You can throw boiling water into the air and it vaporizes instantly to snow/particulate

01-17-2005, 01:18 PM
...I'm scared of going into my own house at night wondering if it's been burglarized or that they will try to break in as I'm sleeping. I plan to sleep with a gun by my bed until I move out of here soon..

Clare, I truely understand how you feel. Trust me, I'm living with it. Sleeping with a gun next to your bed is probably a bad idea. Unless you are WELL versed in the use of deadly force it will probably do more harm than good. It could even be used against you. However, these thieves are not looking to get caught. Coming into someone's house is a sure way to get caught.

01-17-2005, 01:33 PM
** UPDATE **

Well, Saturday things got worse. We hadn't noticed that they also got the extra keys and remote entry thingy to my jeep (the vehicle I normally drive). They came back Friday night/Saturday morning and stole it also. I had just paid it off, but decided to keep full insurance coverage as I depend on it. At least something in my favor. When I made the police report the officer had just come back from an area that he recently recovered two other stolen vehicles from and saw a jeep matching mine. He called another officer on the radio to go back and see if it was still there. I never heard anything, so I assume it was gone. However, at 3:30 am this morning the police called and had found my jeep. When I got there they had found a few articles in the jeep that were not mine. The best was a cell phone. They were dusting it for prints when I left. Hopefully this will get them caught. They had bought baby wipes and wiped down the interior. I guess they were planning on dumping it and forgot the cell phone. Wish us luck in catching them.

01-17-2005, 01:41 PM
OMG Hitech, this is some crazy stuff going on! i feel your anger on this one. :mad:

Man, i really hope they catch those bastards!

01-17-2005, 01:41 PM
Sounds like it might be a break [no pun ;)]

Good luck bud.

01-17-2005, 02:10 PM
How did Jeff Foxworthy put it

You see a house with a dog tied up to a tree, appliances in the front yard, an engine hanging from a tree, four cars that don't run. YOU KNOW A GUN LIVES THERE... :D

So you go to the house with the Democrat signs :D

01-18-2005, 12:48 PM
Man I'm sorry to hear about this, I hope they get them.

You might want to check your renters lease, perhaps the landlord is required to carry some sort of insurance. It seems to me that here in AZ. It is required by law that they do....

02-01-2005, 09:32 PM
Ok, time to put down the E-Mag and get the .44 mag. It's time to kick *** and take names. :shooting:

02-01-2005, 09:40 PM
Ok, time to put down the E-Mag and get the .44 mag. It's time to kick *** and take names. :shooting:

wheres the fun in that?

1. Richard Simmons. period.

2. lets see 3,000 people with paintball markers?

god save him if its number 1

02-02-2005, 10:46 AM
Set up turrets...The only answer.

02-02-2005, 06:53 PM
Set up turrets...The only answer.
Tesla coils are better, just don't let them knock out your power.

02-02-2005, 07:08 PM
Old thread :argh:

02-02-2005, 07:56 PM
Deal with it.