View Full Version : so who got a pbn band?

01-14-2005, 08:00 PM
Alright guys. Be honest. I bought 1, just because it's a paintball wrist band and it's t he new fad. I can be cool and express my love for the game.Im still waiting for mine in the mail.Here's a pic of what they look like though.
http://imgs.pbnation.com/misc/gear/wristband01.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v237/lakebum8412/P1010011.jpg

01-14-2005, 08:07 PM
looks pretty shotty to me.

01-14-2005, 08:09 PM
Waiting for mine.

01-14-2005, 08:10 PM
are there any other colors??? and a link plz b/c there are always over 1200 ppl on there

01-14-2005, 08:11 PM
I do not like having things on my wrists, thats why I do not wear a watch. So I wouldnt wear one, however I like anything that supports paintball :headbang:

01-14-2005, 08:12 PM
That has to be one of the most gay things I ever seen. I can understand the people wearing the Yellow ones for Cancer, etc...

01-14-2005, 08:13 PM
looks pretty shotty to me.

I think you mean "shoddy" and yes, I agree.

01-14-2005, 08:20 PM
are there any other colors??? and a link plz b/c there are always over 1200 ppl on there

i was about to ask for that, but i got lucky and my search got through:

i'll order mine tonight

01-14-2005, 08:22 PM
That has to be one of the most gay things I ever seen. I can understand the people wearing the Yellow ones for Cancer, etc...

Ditto!!! :argh:

01-14-2005, 08:28 PM
Ditto!!! :argh:
I agree with the fact that the livestrong bands are supporting cancer.You have to admit though, it's the new fad. Everybody in school has atleast 1 on their wrists. It's kinda like if you can't beat em, join em

01-14-2005, 08:30 PM
That has to be one of the most gay things I ever seen. I can understand the people wearing the Yellow ones for Cancer, etc...

Word :spit_take

01-14-2005, 08:30 PM
nah that is not for me I need a better reason than "i am a PBaller." to get one.

01-14-2005, 08:42 PM
If there was one for AO, all of you would buy one.

01-14-2005, 08:42 PM
I agree with the fact that the livestrong bands are supporting cancer.You have to admit though, it's the new fad. Everybody in school has atleast 1 on their wrists. It's kinda like if you can't beat em, join em

Why give in to the common fad? I guess I was always the that found most trends and fads to be stupid, pointless and usually expensive.

Be yourself, not everyone else.

01-14-2005, 08:43 PM
If there was one for AO, all of you would buy one.

Nope, sorry, I would not.

01-14-2005, 08:45 PM
Nope, sorry, I would not.
I am afraid that I can't believe this. [mango smiley]

can'tthink of1
01-14-2005, 08:54 PM
I want one, I don't think I will ever get one though.

I'd get an AO one if one was ever made.

They aren't really gay, they are just supporting your forum. I mean, with the price, almost all teh money is going to PBN. ANd if you want to keep Pbn up and running and fast, etc, You'd buy one. PBN has its downsides, but its still a good forum, with a lot of knowledge admist the flames. Though I only use it for the b/s/t and tribal forums really.

01-14-2005, 08:56 PM
just ordered one.

go 'head, flame me ;)

01-14-2005, 09:00 PM
I am afraid that I can't believe this. [mango smiley]

Oh well then, you won't. But there are many things that have been made for "AO" that I donot own. Hell, the only thing I do own as a barrel condom and I have it because I caught it when Jon threw it AT me.

01-14-2005, 09:11 PM
Oh well then, you won't. But there are many things that have been made for "AO" that I donot own. Hell, the only thing I do own as a barrel condom and I have it because I caught it when Jon threw it AT me.
I was being sarcastic, you know.

01-14-2005, 09:14 PM
i dont really like pbn, but, thats a great idea, havent seen em till now, i want an AKA one

01-14-2005, 09:14 PM
most fads I find are rediculous and not my style in and out of paintball. This is one of those fads that I like I guess. I mean I'm sure as heck one of those kids that follows the pack. I just want to support paintball, that's also kind of my way of being unique. In my grade I'm known as a paintballer. I like it that way

01-14-2005, 10:16 PM
ok the wristband fad is ok with me i think it looks pretty cool but those just look like crap!!! could have atleast gone sport band dont you think!!

01-15-2005, 12:03 AM
The fad is not wrist bands, it's these gumband looking things. First time I ever seen one was my buddy had one on after his uncle died of cancer. I have only seen yellow and pink (cancer and breast cancer (I think it is).

01-15-2005, 12:53 AM
Thats the first time I've seen those, I too wear a Live Strong, but thats it, at school ive seen atleast 8 other ones, that don't pertain to any form of cancer.

01-15-2005, 12:56 AM
i just bought mine ;)

i think we could show a lil saport for pbn... and these things shoot a mile!! they rock!! :hail:

01-15-2005, 01:03 AM
Nike sells them in tons of different colors.

01-15-2005, 01:10 AM
if it came with a free lapdance i would pay for one ....

01-15-2005, 09:42 AM
You know a fad is overdone when it spawns an anti-fad. Kids around here have started wearing those fat rubber bands that come on broccoli.

Then there's always:


01-15-2005, 11:03 AM
i was actually thinking of getting one when i first saw it here on AO. I definately dont follow fads just to be a part of them, but i like some of the wristbands (dont have any yet though...). I was thinking of getting one to wear outside of the field. at school etc it is a symbol that you play paintball, and you can sometimes meet another player through gear. I met a freshman at my school that plays because he was wearing a "we kill suckers" shirt, and i found out that he has a team and a lot of friends in the school that play. on the field though, its a symbol that youre a pbner. I actually am registered on pbn and have looked around a bit, but really dont like the forum, its not exactly friendly and mature. I like AO a lot more, and if AO (do it!!!) made bracelets, i (do it!!!) definately would get one.

sorta off topic, but does anyone know where to GET these bracelets? I sorta stole one from someone for a day, a dark pink one (not the breast cancer ones) and want to get one :D . yes i like pink. you can shut up now.

p u r e e v i l
01-15-2005, 11:21 AM
I can see having bands for different foundations and such, where the money from selling each band goes to help the foundations by the money going to them directly. It was a success, but what is the PBN one for? Where does the money go? Does it go to the site or something else to benefit them?

01-15-2005, 11:22 AM
I do not like having things on my wrists, thats why I do not wear a watch. So I wouldnt wear one, however I like anything that supports paintball :headbang:

same here...

If i wore a watch it would have to be a nice Oakley watch... (and that is pushing it...)
or a 007 watch with a laser heheeh....(ZZZZaaaapppp....)

and i am Anti-wrist bands...(they are stupid)... :tard:

01-15-2005, 04:11 PM
if it came with a free lapdance i would pay for one ....

From a woman

:headbang: :headbang:

01-15-2005, 04:34 PM
Anyone that buys that is a tool in my opinion.

For Pbnation is profiting off of a fashion trend created by charities.

01-15-2005, 05:14 PM
I got a Live Wrong band from Action Village.Much better in my opinion;) ...I wouldnt pay anything for pbn stuff. I pay to keep 13 year olds flapping lips? Nope.

01-15-2005, 05:16 PM
...I wouldnt pay anything for pbn stuff. I pay to keep 13 year olds flapping lips? Nope.
hmm... maybe we SHOULD pay to keep the site up, to keep them from coming here. ;)

01-15-2005, 05:17 PM
I got a Live Wrong band from Action Village.Much better in my opinion;) ...I wouldnt pay anything for pbn stuff. I pay to keep 13 year olds flapping lips? Nope.

haha werd

as a mod at pbn i dont support it..

somehow they added supporting member udner my name..

i dont want to sound ungrateful but if i wanted one i wouldve donated...

as a mod i am entitles to free ones as well as free HK headbands and other meaningless stuf i wont wear or use.

01-15-2005, 07:22 PM
I agree with the fact that the livestrong bands are supporting cancer.You have to admit though, it's the new fad. Everybody in school has atleast 1 on their wrists. It's kinda like if you can't beat em, join em

You are sad.

01-15-2005, 07:24 PM
its true man these bands are a fad..

the $ is going to a good cause but face it its a fad...this one chick has like 18 and she brags about em..

you shouldnt feel like u haeve to brag u donated.

01-15-2005, 07:29 PM
I got banned by PBN!!!! OOPS!! no you meant wrist band. Couldnt pay me to get one. Now an AO one I'd break down & get one.

01-17-2005, 12:17 AM

At least Livestrong, H2ope, and all the rest were supporting some worthwhile cause... And before you flame me, realize that this band is not "I support paintball" it is "I support PBNation." :tard:

But don't let me discourage you. Go buy one! Quick! Get it in pink so you can be agg! :rolleyes:

01-17-2005, 02:43 AM
Sounds like an AO forum, constant repetition of "Im better because I post on AO; regardless of the fact that PBN has more members and forums than AO will ever have. They even have their own armband, what gay losers and I forgot to say I'm better than you".

Its annoying after a while of hearing this same attitude over and over again. If you really think you're better stop whining about PBN and hold up to the impossible AO cant say *** standard.

I actually like AO, I go to the AO norcal days and events but people like the above make me hate this website.

01-17-2005, 10:42 AM
If there was one for AO, all of you would buy one.

correction, if Rogue or Frymarker designed one we would have more interest ;)

01-17-2005, 10:46 AM
correction, if Rogue or Frymarker designed one we would have more interest ;)
What's sad, is that it's true.

AO is great, but people jump at knocking PBN every time they have a chance, which is just stupid.

01-17-2005, 11:45 AM
???? Why the hate??? its like calling your kid brother a dork.... Most people post at both , personally I like both but AO is more down my alley with my being a mag hag & all. I go to PHOG for phantom info , AO for Mag stuff & PBN for general questions / info.

01-17-2005, 12:19 PM
I would sooner feast upon my own entrails, than pay PBN to advertise for them.

???? Why the hate??? its like calling your kid brother a dork.... Most people post at both , personally I like both but AO is more down my alley with my being a mag hag & all. I go to PHOG for phantom info , AO for Mag stuff & PBN for general questions / info.
You can't get any real answers from them, 99% of the posters there are 12 year old kids who don't even know what a pump gun is for example. Any info you get from them is usually wrong, or just biased.
I fully support the guy who made this site, and agree with it 100%! http://cleedo.com/pbnation.html

01-17-2005, 12:53 PM
I got one, but then I'm just gay. I've got a Livestrong one too cuz I support cancer of the testes, it tends to thin out the herds.

Just get one cuz you want one, don't cuz you don't. By not conforming to a fad, and hating on it, then you are just conforming to non-conformance or is it non-conforming to a conformance, you say tomato, I say........

01-17-2005, 01:26 PM
the main reason I have not bought one, and will not buy one, is because they stole the idea from 2 members. They threatened to press charges and they banned the people with the idea.

I like AO and PbN... my first forums to join was AO, but for some reason I go on PbN alot more, I guess because of the variety.

01-17-2005, 02:50 PM
You can't get any real answers from them, 99% of the posters there are 12 year old kids who don't even know what a pump gun is for example. Any info you get from them is usually wrong, or just biased.
I fully support the guy who made this site, and agree with it 100%! http://cleedo.com/pbnation.html
And you're not, Mr. Smart Parts Army.

I guess you don't venture into the marker specific forums, because they all have knowlegable people there, and are no worse than AO.

In fact, I've seen more activity on AO that you people describe as PBNesque, than on PBN lately.

01-17-2005, 02:57 PM
100% agree with you -=Squid=-.

01-17-2005, 03:01 PM
Sounds like an AO forum, constant repetition of "Im better because I post on AO; regardless of the fact that PBN has more members and forums than AO will ever have. They even have their own armband, what gay losers and I forgot to say I'm better than you".

Its annoying after a while of hearing this same attitude over and over again. If you really think you're better stop whining about PBN and hold up to the impossible AO cant say *** standard.

I actually like AO, I go to the AO norcal days and events but people like the above make me hate this website.

I wouldn't buy one unless the profits are going to charity, regardless if it is AO, PBN, PBR, FofN, etc...

So get off your I'm better than AO, because I like PBN elitist stool :p

01-17-2005, 03:10 PM
Wow.. yet another annoying thing that helps me distinguish what player on my own team to naill in the back off the break...

Related but Un related.. Last time I played at a local indoor field some dumb *** kid was tooling around on the field with no hopper and screaming "AGG!! IM AGG " and ripping on his gun at top speed.. may have been on auto. I dont like shenanagins mostly when Im on the field and trying to not get shot and I have this 2 bit PBnation stickered HK Jersey whereing fool doing his thing next to me.. So I turned to my buddy mark who was into the bunker next to me and just said.. " YO WATCH THIS! " as I shot this newb in the back like 8 times from 10 feet.. yes Im wrong.. but it made this old school baller feel just a bit warm and fuzzy :)

Any way.... Back to the topic.. Im not into these wrist band things at all.. its to the point of pointless hell 711 even sells knock offs by me.

Also.. I makeing a bunch of shirts that wil be posted on the dealer forum shortly.. the best one yet... " SHUT UP NEWB! "

01-17-2005, 03:36 PM
And you're not, Mr. Smart Parts Army.

I guess you don't venture into the marker specific forums, because they all have knowlegable people there, and are no worse than AO.

In fact, I've seen more activity on AO that you people describe as PBNesque, than on PBN lately.
I'm not 12, I happen to be 32 in February. I've played the game of paintball longer than most PBN kids have been alive. And AO is becoming more like PBN everyday. I am a member at PBN, have been since 2000-2001, but I hardly go because, from experience, they are mainly unintelligent misinformed little kids who'd rather flame than help. There are the few good people with intelligence, like HaveBlue, but the majority are idiots.

01-17-2005, 03:41 PM
i go to PBN because there is a TON of guns for sale and like squid said if you have any problem with any kind of gun someone on that site will know what is wrong. it has tons of info and just about every gun or part you will need.

01-17-2005, 03:45 PM
I'm not 12, I happen to be 32 in February. I've played the game of paintball longer than most PBN kids have been alive. And AO is becoming more like PBN everyday. I am a member at PBN, have been since 2000-2001, but I hardly go because, from experience, they are mainly unintelligent misinformed little kids who'd rather flame than help. There are the few good people with intelligence, like HaveBlue, but the majority are idiots.
Whoosh... That's the sound of the point going over your head Mr. Almighty 32 year old.

I was referencing the fact that you're biased; I don't judge people based on there age like you just did.

01-17-2005, 04:45 PM
pbn = :tard:

makes bolter = :mad:

all I ever want to say on pbnation is

"learn to spell.....what exactly is teh ghey?"
"why the flaming?"
"you are not a member of Dynasty, why did you try to attempt an answer?"
"Russian Legion are not funded by their government, and they dont use implants"

but that gets boring. So I rarely go there anymore.

01-17-2005, 05:00 PM
pbn = :tard:

makes bolter = :mad:

all I ever want to say on pbnation is

"learn to spell.....what exactly is teh ghey?"
"why the flaming?"
"you are not a member of Dynasty, why did you try to attempt an answer?"
"Russian Legion are not funded by their government, and they dont use implants"

but that gets boring. So I rarely go there anymore.
That's why you stay out of the general talk. Go to the specific forums and you get nothing but intelligent responses. And cmon, small talk is just hilarious.

01-17-2005, 11:06 PM
That has to be one of the most gay things I ever seen. I can understand the people wearing the Yellow ones for Cancer, etc...

I think it is kinda sad. At my school people wear them to look "cool" not for cancer.

01-18-2005, 03:31 PM
all these stupid bands are getting on my nerves. People at school take it as like a fad rather than a charity. Some kids like talk about ordering them online..... i meen the yeller ones where the first and were neutral meaning not cool not nothing but now that all these other stupid bands are coming out its retarded.

01-18-2005, 03:49 PM
At my school people wear them to look "cool" not for cancer.
exactly. if you want to donate, donate. if you want to buy a wristband, buy a wristband. although i guess organizations are playing off of the fact that teenagers will think its cool... although personally i hate the yellow ones :tard: . im liking that livewrong one though :D too bad it costs ~$10 with shipping...

01-18-2005, 06:15 PM
if they had one that said Paintball or something liek that, and was like a navy blue, or regular blue, i would buy one...but not one that looks like that.

EDIT: And btw...i came into this forum thinking it said "So who got a pbn BAN?"...and i was gonna say yes too. :p

01-18-2005, 09:50 PM
Got my PBN band today. Looks pretty good, although now I have three bands.. my Livestrong [which I've had since last June, thank you very much, before anybody knew what they were], a "MySoldier (http://www.mville.edu/mysoldier/)" band and my Nation band. Hm. One has to go. Probably Livestrong.