View Full Version : So can paintball players "dance"?

01-14-2005, 09:26 PM
Old movie title, "White Men Can't Jump" So I present another question that PROBABLY should be in "Friendly Corner", but I'll take a chance it might actually be a paintball topic.

Can paintball players dance?

I say no, and here is why. This vid (http://www.pbvids.com/upload/rippin%20karni.WMV) has made the rounds, the guy "ripping a Karni" but dancing around like the "Star Wars Kid". There's another of a group in their "Dye" stuff (http://www.pbvids.com/upload/DM5Rippinitup.wmv) doing the same thing. And, well... No moves! A basic sense of rythym but not really much else than... "White boy bouncing", if you know what I mean.

The whole thing came up today at physical therapy when I was talking to the PT guy about paintball. He's modifying my PT specifically for paintball, and it's really hard for him. He has nothing to reference off of. I burned him a copy of the shows, but I really can't compare it to any other sport. So we're working on "explosive power" and spinal flexibility, but nothing concerning fine motor skills like balance.

But we talked about gross body movement (not "eww gross", more of large range of motion), and how some sports require footwork and the like. There really is no finesse in paintball. There's speed, there's manual dexterity, but there's no real sense of fine motor control or techniques. I should also mention that he looked at the superman slides, cringed, and said something about spinal compression.

So outside of the women (Who are all exempt, all women look good no matter how they dance) CAN paintball players dance? Is there enough fine motor control in the sport of paintball to let paintball players NOT look like "goobs" on a dance floor? I'll allow for the "drunk" wildcard too.


-Tyger (Yes, I'm bored, tired, and wondering about my sanity...)

01-14-2005, 09:32 PM
I saw this recently over at FoN. Funny stuff.

So how much longer until the Tyger can get out and play again?

Edit- Discussion, ehh? Can paintballers dance? If they are white ( most of us are) than no. We have no rythm, except in our fingers.

stop whining buy a mag
01-14-2005, 09:33 PM
Please hide those videos before all paintball players lose pride :tard: . If they are the prime example of paintball players then the answer is we can't dance.

I thought Michael Jackson donig the moonwalk was bad, but we beat him.

01-14-2005, 09:34 PM
Hoping to make it to AO*IL Feb 13th (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=160553).

/me crosses fingers

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-14-2005, 09:34 PM
OMG :eek:

01-14-2005, 09:42 PM
LOL i would like to think that if dye ever made a commercial they would use those guys dancing with a slogan of "get down" or something. but i can dance :clap: :dance: :dance:

01-14-2005, 10:02 PM
Well Tyger, since I am probably as bored as you (High temperature today -2F). I took a week of vacation from work, just to get a bad cold.

Hope PT goes well...

Dancing. It is my opinion that the body movements used in paintball do not lend themselves to making someone a better dancer. Then again, you could always try it!! You know, lean, snap shoot, lean back, lean to the other side. It's kind of like the hokey pokey, except you don't turn around until you get shot. :dance: :sleeping:

Moving along. I would think that at the next event you cover on webdog that you could put together a music video of the paintball dance; just don't include us big back players or you may get accused of remaking that sir mix alot video "baby got back"... Or maybe you feature us to that song... :cheers: and then buy beverages so that we get a sense of humor!

For the most part the only thing that I can think of that would be somewhat similar is baseball. You run from point to point, slide, "lead off" a.k.a. lean out of a bunker and try not to get "picked off", and then you crouch like a catcher. Then there's all that crawling, but that's just filler...

Hope this helps... So Superman slides are bad for the spine??? I'll have to run that past my chiropractor, that could explain a lot...

P.S. everything I know about dancing, I learned from him ----> :dance:

01-14-2005, 10:05 PM
i cant dance i know it so i stay away from dancing activities!!!!but good point tyger!!

01-14-2005, 10:16 PM
Hope this helps... So Superman slides are bad for the spine??? I'll have to run that past my chiropractor, that could explain a lot...

P.S. everything I know about dancing, I learned from him ----> :dance:

As he quickly put it, the head-first slide causes the lower spine to compress when the backbone arches backwards and your hips rise off the ground. Or something like that. I'll talk to him next week and get a better idea what he was talking about in more detail.

:headbang: rawk the nana :dance:


01-14-2005, 10:18 PM
I couldn't dance if my life depended on it, NO!
Good to see things are lookin up Tyger, hang tough bro.

01-14-2005, 10:43 PM
As he quickly put it, the head-first slide causes the lower spine to compress when the backbone arches backwards and your hips rise off the ground. Or something like that. I'll talk to him next week and get a better idea what he was talking about in more detail.

:headbang: rawk the nana :dance:


So basically POORLY PERFORMED superman slide results in spinal compression. You know, if you do it properly, your legs just slide along the ground with you. I bet practise of the correct technique (at first without gear) probably helps. If your hips come off the ground, don't your feet and legs become targets?

01-14-2005, 10:45 PM
True. I never really thought about it that way, but I guess it WOULD be a target.

01-14-2005, 11:03 PM
Tyger, guess I'll have to learn some fresh dance moves for AO-IL ;)

01-14-2005, 11:10 PM
I can't speak for all paintballers... But I can't dance at ALL, nor do I want to. My friends never stop trying to "teach" me either. They just don't get it that I don't feel like dancing to R&B/Rap or whatever and looking like a tool.

Good luck with your rehab!

01-14-2005, 11:11 PM
Tyler knows I am a pimp.

01-15-2005, 12:20 AM
I think the question is kinda a compound one. First off, we all play the game at different levels. It's kinda like taking the guy that goes out and plays soccer once or twice a year with his kids, and making him be the "standard" level of finnesse/gross motor control needed in soccer. Tyger, I know that you have played the sport in some pretty competative arenas and at a fairly high level, so you should have some sense of the "foot skill" of good paintball players. Rec paintballers treat the game, and the way they train for the game completely different than those that are playing in the upper echelon of the sport. The way I train for paintball is the same way that many people train for soccer, football, and tennis. I do sprints, long runs, upper body, and torso workouts that are all designed to bring the strengths of the body together as one core strength. At any rate, I think that the best paintball players have the same level of command over their bodies as many of their sporting counterparts do, it's just that those skills are not really honed in the rec player, so they are not realized about the professional.

So, can we dance? I can, but it's not cause I am have a certain fittness level, that helps, but it's because I go dancing a lot. I don't think that you could just hand Fred Astair a paintball marker and he'd turn into Ollie Lang, do you? I think that paintball is actually of the most physically demanding sports in the world. One main issue that I see is that there are NO players at any level of the game that are playing to the extreme potential of the human body. That is unlike other sports where everyone is so close to the bleeding edge of athletic refinement that the only way to have the edge is through drugs.

The superman slide is really a bad thing for the spine. The reason that it is such has to do with the differnce in speed of the halves of the body once you're hitting the ground. At the moment you touch down, you're generally comming to the ground first with your chest/upper body, and then your quads and the rest of your lower body follows... That's cause the diver's feet are usually kicked up like a heels-over-head flip. Anyhow, the upper body touches down first and instead of the whole body traveling at speed x through the air, half of the body is slowed by the friction of the ground to speed x-y, while the lower half the the body and the hips are still going through the air at speed x. Now, it's only for an instant that the 2 speeds are affecting the body, but it's enough time to compress all of the lower vertabrae and bend the spine in the wrong way.


01-15-2005, 12:46 AM
thank you Tyger for giving me something to do in this -30 degree weather :clap: . Although I think burning my retinas out may have been healthier for my brain!

foget the PT, go and make some shows... or something that does not include dancing paintballers

but hey, if they can do a dance like this, :dance: , their in my cool book

01-15-2005, 01:29 AM
So I see more of a correlation between lack of dance skills and wearing DYE equipment ......

01-15-2005, 02:16 AM
Here's what I think...

There's a genetic gene for dancing. I know for damn sure I don't have it. My idea of "dancing" is standing there tapping my foot maybe. Slow dance with my fiance? Sure. Dance to a beat? Not if my life depended on it.

01-15-2005, 08:15 AM
dancing is over rated any way!

01-15-2005, 08:46 AM
:shooting: dance damn you!!! dance!!!!!! :dance:

01-15-2005, 09:52 AM
THat was funny stuff! Reminds me of the movie Napoleon Dynamite...must be something in the Dye products that makes people do that, my slide shorts make me do that sometimes, but I just thought it was because of the chaffing.

01-15-2005, 10:28 AM
If that physical therapist is having trouble designing your PT for paintball specificity, I would stop going to him. Most PT's have little formal schooling as it is and this lack of knowledge is not surprising. The PT my mom had to go to for her wrist had no idea what Glucosamine was.

Anyway, It is not difficult at all to design a physical therapy program for paintball, or a strength training or Physical Training program. It all stems from the idea of "Specificity of Training" and is no different than for any other athletic sport. One thing that causes less emphasis to be placed on athletic training for paintball is how diverse the roles on the field are. People do not see a NEED to train because the movements in paintball do not directly demand it. That is the percieved notion however. They figure "well I can just trot up there and kneel down" or "I can just use the back bunkers."

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Paintball Players are NOT ATHELETES. Not even the pro's (except for Russian Legion).

Every professional team, and those teams wanting to play at the top of thier game, should all institute a training program much like other competative sports. It simply should not be a question. If this sport wants to take it to the next level. Just look at the Russian Legion when they get on the field. The players move like well trained athletes. Other teams are going to have to step up to the plate and should hire Athletic Trainers.

I have written many strength training programs for paintballers who wanted to increase thier game. There are many key areas that need to be dealt with and that should be addressed but overall, it is not difficult at all. It takes knowledge, creativity and being a baller yourself to understand the stresses placed on the body. While I play, I'm constantly analyzing the biomechanics of my movements, what muscle groups are involved, frequency, joint angles, etc. I plan to do something involving Paintball as my Senior Seminar for college and if I go directly into Graduate School, I will definetly involve paintball in my research somehow.

01-15-2005, 10:32 AM
and here I always thought it was just because Im white :eek: . I guess paintballers just cant dance.

:edit: great posts, kyro and mango. and why is it that mango only has a serious post if it has to do with exercise? no offense, but when i first came to this forum i thought you were an idiot 13 year old.

01-15-2005, 11:08 AM
Didn't bother to read the thread...

I'm a paintball player and dancer!

Actually, I'm going to a dance competition in aproxmately 37 minutes! ahaha! :-p

wish me luck!

(BTW: I do hip hop and dabble a little in breakdance)

01-15-2005, 11:30 AM
and why is it that mango only has a serious post if it has to do with exercise? no offense, but when i first came to this forum i thought you were an idiot 13 year old.
Mango is a wealth of information on this topic. If he knows what he's doing, he'll act accordingly.

01-15-2005, 11:30 AM
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Paintball Players are NOT ATHELETES. Not even the pro's (except for Russian Legion).

Alright Mango, I'm glad to hear that some1 sides with me on this one. Though, i dont know too many that would agrgue, it's good to hear another person mention those facts. Paintball players really want to call themselves atheletes??? They should probably quit the binge drinking the night before tounaments. Sure, they all do it, so the playing field (with the exception of a few individuals) is level. The next time I make a paintball team, it's gunna train like a college soccer team. Shooting paintballs will only account for about 60% of practice, maybe less....

ok, no thread hijacking.....sorry tyger..... I can still dance tho!


01-15-2005, 11:39 AM
Too bad that the actual song they were dancing to was "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats...

Take a listen... (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/recs/radio/krex/-/track/B000001J72001001/ref=pd_krex_dp_t/102-9423989-0924927#)

Anyone remember that video? :tard:

01-15-2005, 02:24 PM
If that physical therapist is having trouble designing your PT for paintball specificity, I would stop going to him. Most PT's have little formal schooling as it is and this lack of knowledge is not surprising. The PT my mom had to go to for her wrist had no idea what Glucosamine was.

The Friday visit was doig more range of motion in the back, and it was simulating moving side to side in a standup can bunker. Actually, it was kinda cool, he handed me a 4 pound weight to hold and I demoed what the move is, and going side to side switched hands. :cool: It's amatter of exposure for the therapist, and once he's seen more paintball stuff I get a feeling this'll get a lot more interesting.


01-15-2005, 02:28 PM
:edit: great posts, kyro and mango. and why is it that mango only has a serious post if it has to do with exercise? no offense, but when i first came to this forum i thought you were an idiot 13 year old.

Join Date: Apr 2004


01-15-2005, 02:38 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004

point being? I know you used to be different, but thats almost a year you havent been serious outside of an exercise thread. not that i havent enjoyed some of your posts, like the flying lawnmower... :rofl: .

01-15-2005, 02:54 PM
hmm.. well, I am a paintball player that can dance.. I have done years of house and break dancing -- I grew up going to raves and dancing all night was pretty much the norm. While I'm a little rusty, I can still rip it up a little bit.

*edit* and to be honest, the guys in the Dye add aren't all that bad when it comes to some modified pop-n-lock type stuff.. While they aren't very 'tight' so to speak, they definitely aren't just messing around ...... they definitely have some experience in that area of dance.

01-15-2005, 03:23 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed both videos. Nothin' wrong with a little dancing and having fun!

01-15-2005, 03:26 PM
Well how many of these people are paintball players if not we have all seen some people dancing like this ;) link (http://www.muller.co.uk/loveLife/) be warned it is 5.9mb and if you like it that much you can download it.

01-15-2005, 09:44 PM

01-15-2005, 10:59 PM
FAT White Men Can't Jump

No sKiLLz
01-16-2005, 08:48 PM
I was waiting for the guy to put the Karni into that Big Screen.

01-16-2005, 10:44 PM
I guess I am the exception, rumba, mambo, salsa, chacha, waltz, whatever else you will teach me, Russian and Spanish character, flamenco, and of course the 9 years of classical ballet training. White guys can't jump unless they are me, I'll jump over your dorito when I bunker you.