View Full Version : Mag Questions

Lone Gunman
11-11-2001, 05:34 PM
I finally bought a mag. It is a black teflon powerfeed with a 68 ci Flatline.

Now I have been on this forum for about a year; but I want to know if there are any tips or things to know that I wouldn't have picked up off this forum during that time?

Also, is the black teflon similar just another fancy name for powder coating? Thanks alot.

11-11-2001, 06:10 PM
If you hang here you pretty much know the scoop. The black teflon is NOT the same as powder coating it's a different process.


11-11-2001, 09:21 PM
here's a tip. try not to laugh too hard at the cocker guys when their guns break down. enjoy it. you're set.

Lone Gunman
11-16-2001, 08:12 AM
I promise nothing!

I will laugh uncontrolibly when the kids I play with break their STO and Black Magic cockers.


Hop Hop
11-16-2001, 11:21 AM
lol, that is so true Bartleby, I was in a game where a guy had a cocker... and he gives me the "ehhhh..." look. Got me piss-off a bit... however, he was having problem with his cocker since the first game started... almost taken ever parts off from his gun.... I tried so hard not to laugh, but at the end I failed.

11-16-2001, 04:36 PM
i'm just beyond holding back. there's just so much built up back there i can't contain the amusment i get from these things any longer.

Last time i went, i was filming one guy on my team who had a cocker. he was behind the van on the left side of wasteland (if you've ever played at CPX) and i watched as a guy with a rental, jumped around the corner. My frined tried to shoot him but he chopped three balls, the bolt got stuck, and the gun stopped working entirely. that's when the other guy shot him 4 times in the chest. :D

he's been hereing crap from me ever since. what makes it that much better is that i caught the whole thing on film. too bad i turned the carmera off when he came back and threw his gun at a tree. :D

Lone Gunman
11-16-2001, 07:50 PM
Now thats what I'm talkin' about! Strike up another one for the mags!

11-16-2001, 09:04 PM
speeking of which, he had an STO. He got so pissed off at it that he ended up using his angel the rest of the day. ofcourse, once he switched to that he wanted to go against me in a rec ball. needless to say, i got him out three times because his shots were goin everywhere. and i'm just that much of a better player than him....lol :D

11-16-2001, 09:58 PM
the only problem I have with my GenX is I can't keep enough paint in the hopper:D

I should have two power feed bodies for my mags soon (look out john woo) :eek:

11-16-2001, 10:23 PM
I owned a cocker and they are a helluva gun if you know what to do with it. They aren't much work at all. I like mags better though.