View Full Version : I got this theory going

11-11-2001, 05:50 PM
alright, from what i have seen so far...and from what i have learned talking to people, most people who like tippmans also like cockers, and most people who like spyders became mag people, could you post what your preference was when u started and what you use now, i think there is some truth to this theory.

Mega Man
11-11-2001, 05:57 PM
actually for me and my friends its the oppisite. I had a tippmann and now i have a mag, my friends had spyders and now they all have autocockers, well one of them has a predator but thats just like a cocker

11-11-2001, 05:59 PM
i liked spyders and i went briefly from mag to palmer.
now I use whatever suits my fancy as long as it isn't electro.

11-11-2001, 06:01 PM
it is the exact opposite with me and my friend that play to I had a tippmann and now have a mag and he has a cocker and had A spyder but I will have my cocker soon

11-11-2001, 06:03 PM
I use to have a Spyder...now I have a Mag on the way.

11-11-2001, 06:07 PM
it was the opposite for me and my bro too i had a tippmann and now i have a mag, he had a spyder and went cocker. It seems stacked tubes stay together and so do single tubes.

oh but wait my friend went from a tippmann to a sto, ahhhhhhh

11-11-2001, 06:19 PM
i went spyder to mag.... but my spyder sucked extremely. i dont think i played one game with it without breaking a ball or two... now with my mag i dont break jack squat

11-11-2001, 06:30 PM
I'm an old timer. I went from an F2 Illustrator to a Minimag. When I made my choice to move up to a "hi end" gun, the choices were mag or cocker. From what I had seen on the fields, it seemed the cocker owners spent alot of time on maintenance. I went mag so I would have more play time. I have never regretted the decision. I don't know if the late model cockers and all the new electro guns are more reliable now.

11-11-2001, 06:58 PM
I, and basically everyone i play with went from spyders to mags, never even noticed that before. I never did like the stacked design of the spyder, alothough i loved that gun. That's a reason i don't like just about all of the electros out today, alot of them all have a "stacked" design, plus i don't like the idea of electronics, too many things to go wrong. I loved the low profile of the mag, it's simplcity, everything about it , i don't think i'll be able to change to a several stack marker. I went from pump to spyder and now to mag....and i'm finally happy at where i am!.

11-11-2001, 06:59 PM
Opposite here too. I have a Tippmann and I like mags. I hate spyders.... evil . Kingman paints the same gun a different color and slaps a new name on the frame and sells it a week later for 20 dollars more.
Cant complaint about cockers much.

11-11-2001, 07:06 PM
I went from a Piranha to my mag.

11-11-2001, 07:12 PM
seems i was a tad off, in NY everyone who had a tippman said cockers owned mags any day i think its cuz 01 cocker has a rifle type of look with that plastic piece in the front, and tippmans got the rifle feel to, unlike most spyders

11-11-2001, 07:14 PM
well, it was true a while back (opposite of what you said, tippmans-mags and spyders-cockers). Many people who have tippmanns, now adays mainly M98's, go to mags. But, with a billion guns in the low price range on the market, there isn't much of anything of a pattern going on. Tippmann and AGD have similar customer service, so people who likes Tippmann's service go to AGD.

Personally, i went from a pump, to a spyder, to a mag, back to pump/stock class, then cocker, then electro cocker which kicks arse! (centerflag) :)

11-11-2001, 07:43 PM
started off with a tippmann, then got a spyder, now i got my minimag, and can't stand cocker's.

11-11-2001, 07:48 PM
I figured it out:

People that went from Tippman to cocker - They had a gun that they never had to do anything to, and they got sooo bored when all their friends were takin apart their spyders, that when they upgraded guns they went for the gun that you had to take apart and tinker with

People that went from spyder to mag - they got tired of fixing their gun while their friends with the tippmans sat and laughed at em while they fixed their guns, so when they upgraded they went for the gun that never messed up

People that went from tippman from mags - they stuck with the guns that never messed up

People that went from spyders to cockers - they stuck with the complicated guns with 55 billion modifications!

I went from stingray to spyder to cocker to spyder to cocker to angel and now might be goin to impulse:)

11-11-2001, 07:49 PM
i went from a stingray 2 to an automag RT
found i didn't like to fix the gun more than i played with it.

11-11-2001, 08:19 PM
uhhhh i had a spyder but no mag, only angel
whats up with that?

11-11-2001, 08:23 PM
theroaticly it should be tippy's to mag's becuase they are both very durable, sorry if someone already said this....it's late, and i dont feel like reedin

11-11-2001, 08:24 PM
I started with a pump gun and then went to my mag

11-11-2001, 09:19 PM
Quite the opposite:
I have a Tippmann SL-68II and a Model98. I got both due to their high reliability, which led to my Mag. I have avoided, and will continue to do so, the whole Spydder/Cocker family of guns due to their high maintenance requirements and constant downtime. Just my .02.

11-11-2001, 10:39 PM
Never owned a Tippmann, I have owned 3 Spyders(plus some spyder ripoffs), and I have a mag. Your theory isnt real! NO!!!!


11-11-2001, 10:41 PM
MUAHAHAHA i am correct...in some cases, 3 spyders and some rip offs to a mag, theres all the evidence you will ever need....EVER

11-11-2001, 10:53 PM
I am like Blennidae and started on an F2 Illustrator. I still have it but it sits in the closet mostly. The difference in the Mag and the F2 is quite amazing! After all these years, I have never shot a cocker. I guess I will have to try one someday.

11-11-2001, 11:03 PM
I went from Spyder to Mag, but not for any maintenance issue. My main reason for the Mag was that my 6 months of playing with my Spyder was mainly at a small indoor field, which caused me to develop a front player style of play. This naturally led me to the compactness of the Mag when I decided I needed a higher level gun. Oh yeah, not to mention, I picked up my mag very slightly used (only like 6 times) for $250. I got to have my new gun NOW, instead of another month for the $100 more and order a cocker.


Evil Bob
11-12-2001, 12:18 AM
The markers I have owned...

I started playing in 1982 when there was no pumps, no auto anythings, all we had was what was out at the time, the Nelspot 007, it was BOLT action and held 5 rounds. The bolt was usually so tight and hard to work with it was very close to being a muzzle loaded marker (ala black power rifles concept). From there people cut off the end of the tubes the paintballs came in and taped it to the rear of the Nelspot marker so it would hold 10 rounds, not that they could shoot any faster being bolt action and all, but they just had more rounds to TRY to shoot faster with.

1983 saw the appearance of a new marker, the SplatMaster, mostly green plastic, it looked cheap in comparison to the Nelspot, but it could shoot a bit faster. The SplatMaster was rear push bolt cocking, you just used the thumb of the shooting hand to reload the marker... well, it actually took both thumbs as they had some hard springs and after a day of playing with it you'd switch back to using a bolt action Nelspot. The accuracy of the SplatMaster left alot to be desired.

About the same time in 1983 some Einstein found out you could take a section of PVC pipe, cut a notch in it so it would fit around the barrel on the Nelspot and screw it into the bolt, hence the pump was born. Since the bolt had a lock (you moved it forward and then down to lock the chamber closed) you had to hold the pump forward to get the balls to shoot out. If you didn't hold it tight enough, you'd get alot of blow back through the reciever and the ball wouldn't shoot as far.

1985 - Enter Bengimin Sheriden, long know for making quality air rifles, started producing the PGP (marketed through PMI) which was a pump based stack tube marker that held 10 rounds, had a longer barrel then the NelSpot and the SplatMaster, could load and shoot faster, and was all around a great marker for the time, a revolutionary product. The PGP was the base blueprint for most markers that were introduced from then on, including the Autococker.

1987 - Bought a PMI KP3, it was simply the coolest marker I have ever owned, Bengimin Sheridan quality through and through.

1988 - Line SI introduced the Bush Master, a long barrel pump on which you could hold the trigger back and pump away rapid fire. PMI also introduced longer barrel versions of the PGP they called the Pirhana line.

1989 - PMI came out with the PMI III (now seen as the VM68) from Bengimin Sheridan, semi auto, gas guzzling, heavy... it rocked! Almost all moderm semi markers are based on this design (Spyders, Pirhanas, etc.)

1992 - Bought my first Automag, once I shot it I quietly packed away all my other markers as they wouldn't be used again...ever.

1994 - Bought any Autococker, the usually closed bolt vs. open bolt debate blah blah blah... it was fun to tinker on as there were so many things that could go wrong with it. When it worked, it was sweet, when it went out of timing, it was a nightmare.

1997 - Bought any Angel. Like the Autococker, it had alot of things that could go wrong on it, but unlike the Autococker, it was NOT fun to tinker with. 6 months later bought a second one as a back up. It's NO FUN to have an Angel go down during a tournament and run around begging someone to lend you their marker to play the rest of the tourny with...

1998 - Bought an RT, it outshot my Angel in cycling speed but also ate alot of paint in the process, it had a voracious appetite, still does. It was a toss up between the Angel and the RT... raw speed and no electronics vs less broken paint and a finicy marker... I ended up using the RT more, the two Angels I had spent alot of time in the shop. RT was just so damn relaible.

2000 - Bought an Angel LCD, it, like it's other two brothers, it spent time in the shop getting the micro switch replaced, getting the LCD replaced, getting the 14 way worked on, getting the solonoid replaced, etc... got rid of my previous Angels and bought a second LCD 3 months later, again as a back up.

2001 - Bought the Emag with a warpfeed...and quietly packed all my other markers into a padded box to never be used again...

What will I buy next? An Xtreme body, a HALO, and (when it's done) the trap door module for the Xtreme body. From there? Who knows...

-Evil Bob

11-12-2001, 12:46 AM
Riotz and myself both went from Spyders to mags :)

OUr friend John is going from Tippman to Mag soon :)

11-12-2001, 12:52 AM
I went the opposite way of most people. I borrowed a friend's mag and then went out and bought one. I have since picked up an M98 with a response trigger to use as a backup/primary when I'm in the mood. but when I'm done with it my M98 will probably only see action in big games, due to it's weight. anyone seen the Tippmann grenade launcher?:D

11-12-2001, 01:03 AM
I am a tippmann mag person. I went for the company.Only good customer service for me.

11-12-2001, 06:21 AM
Started with tippman's procarbine and moved to a
mag(favorite), shocker, bushy, and autococker. I started out with the tippman because I did my homework on alot of different guns by asking what kind of maintence will I have to do. and will I know what the hell everything on the gun will do so that I can fix it. Tippman appealed to by being reiable and I still bring it with me to the field jsut in case but I havent had to use it since I got my mag.

11-12-2001, 07:50 AM
Spyder to Mag. Wanted a Cocker until I noticed they were always being fixed in the target range.

Cool history on markers, Evil Bob. Even better because you included how they worked - or didn't work.

I'm planning my next gun. I want an Extreme Mag.

11-12-2001, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
The markers I have owned...

What a great cronology Evil. I realy enjoyed it. What a life you have had eh?

11-12-2001, 08:37 AM
When I first started playing paintball was when I was 16, a buddy found a box of 20 or some splatmasters. Some of them worked, some didn't. We would go get those 12 gram co2 and 10 round test tubes from a local sparting goods store from a friend b/c you had to be 18 to purchase paintball equipment w/o a parent. Ignorance set in and our low budget had us steal ski goggles for eye protection from a local ski shop. All I can say is that close contact, low action paintball was enough to get me hooked. We would make "hissing" noises to simulate the release of one of those 12 g co2 to make your opponent think that you were changing, this would sometime get them to rush you thinking you were Vulnerable, makes them an easy shot. Those games, you couldn't find a bunker and spray and pray the whole game, you actually had to shoot someone. The funny thing is that every shot was a lucky shot, lucky if the ball breaks. Just something about those Splatmasters.

11-12-2001, 08:39 AM
I went straight from a tippmann model 98 to an automag RT. So i'm different. =)

11-12-2001, 08:39 AM
All yea, about that theory. My post-spaltmaster playing was w/ a borrowed spyder and my first purchased marker was in 97, 68 automag pf.

11-12-2001, 09:53 AM
I went from a rental tipman pro am to a pnumatic design storm and a old school pgp to a three year retirment then a spyder and then a rainmaker that i traded for some beads and trinkets (now the rainmaker and a pgp have somehow been grafted togther .... don't ask :) then to my micromag retro and my shiny black ray of sunshine EMAG #152

11-12-2001, 10:05 AM
I went from a VM 68 to Cocker (had it 3 days and took it back, exchanged for my wonderful Minimag) and the Minimag never failed me. Now I got my blue beast, E-mag w/ warp and all the goodies. Yum....:D

11-12-2001, 10:13 AM
well, before i got my mag, i had used anything i could.. i never owned my own marker

i used many markers till i could decide what i wanted. ive sucessfully used these markers for a day of play - untill i got my mag of course :)

- tippmann 98
- tippmann 98 RT
- Automag RT
- several angels- leds, lcds, darks.. :)
- bushmaster
- Elcd spyder
- Em1
- chaos ANuS series cockers
- mag
---- after i shot a mag, it was over.. cheap price good deal, fun to shoot with..

11-12-2001, 10:24 AM
How I thank god every day for granting me the intelligence to avoid the dreaded Spyder.

I miss my Razorback III...


11-12-2001, 02:42 PM
WOOOHOO my first 2 page post....

11-12-2001, 02:50 PM
2 guys on my team (including me) went from spyder to mag..however, that had MAJOR influencing with 2 other guys on our team who started/currently own mags...the other spyder guy also owns a cocker as his 3rd gun purchased...but he's one of those "i have to own everything" kinda guys

11-12-2001, 02:55 PM
as a side note, my spyder is a better marker than my rtpro for recball! and ive used it the last 2 times out instead of my rt. but for any real action, i rely on my rt of course. like when there is a crowd of newbies and a couple of angeldolts come out talkin shiz about renties this and newbies that...off come the gloves!

11-12-2001, 03:13 PM
ok, i'm not trying to flame nor dis you in any way... but..

1.) your theory is totaly not a theory

2.) I've owned a spyder but liked M98s better. I've owned an Automag, RT and Cocker. I'm not exacly sure what i really like, RT or Cocker... can't decide. I'm thinking about switching to Angel. But anywho, your thing is inaccurate.

11-12-2001, 05:59 PM
FeeltheRT dont u be tellin me my thing is inaccurate....once you form a theory about something like this and it is totally correct than u can flame me but until u do what i did, u got no right sayin ne thing

11-12-2001, 06:52 PM
I went from using a VM-68 to a Spyder TL to what I have now, an RT.

11-12-2001, 07:19 PM
I went from SL-68II to a Mag, almost got a spyder though. I still do like spyders better. I can't stand how loud and that dumb clamshell design on a m98.

11-13-2001, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
FeeltheRT dont u be tellin me my thing is inaccurate....once you form a theory about something like this and it is totally correct than u can flame me but until u do what i did, u got no right sayin ne thing

BTW, i wasn't flamming you. I was just saying you can not judge what people like because they have previously owned something. I suppose all the guys on Tippmann Effect love Mags? I've talked to one of them and most of them own just like their custom M98s and their Angels.

again... it's not a theory...

2nd, it's not accurate... I know people who owned Tippanns and liked Autocockers better. I even know people who owned both Tippmanns and Spyders but only liked Autocockers..

11-13-2001, 07:17 PM
Black widow pump to VM 68 to Montneel mega Z to minimag. And the story stops there.:cool:

12-14-2001, 07:16 PM
Umh my first gun was a tippman 98, never really liked it that much. Just felt weird in my hands. Bought a cocker next and that was a sweet gun. Never really got the whole timing on my cocker just right, so i didn't get to enjoy it fully. Sold it and thought i would be able to get out of paintball, but couldn't. I bought a spyder TL plus and that shoots sweet. Im looking for a tourny level gun so now I am building a retro mag w/ black powerfeed body (looking for a black body rail if anyone has one) Maybe ill get a cocker again but who knows. Depends on how much I like the mag.

12-14-2001, 07:39 PM
I've asked a few hundred people these same questions...I've noticed this

If you start out with something simple and durable (Tippmann, and Rays..I know I know, Rays arent the most durable, but they are simple), you tend to stick with the same quality of gun so its somethin like this


With spyder owners...I've noticed that they tend to keep with more compex guns...Being that Spyders are a lil more complex and more delicate than a Tippmann...And keep with the Kingman quality service


There are always exceptions to this rule, but I've noticed that about 50% of Spyder owners go for Cockers (out of about 100 people I asked), the other 50% went with other guns...Maybe 10% mags.

Tippmanns are the same though, its about a 30% Mag, 30% Bushmaster or Imp, then 40% other....

I dont think this is conclusive, but this is what I've seen from asking people for 2 years.

12-14-2001, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by AngelBoy
I figured it out:

People that went from Tippman to cocker - They had a gun that they never had to do anything to, and they got sooo bored when all their friends were takin apart their spyders, that when they upgraded guns they went for the gun that you had to take apart and tinker with

People that went from spyder to mag - they got tired of fixing their gun while their friends with the tippmans sat and laughed at em while they fixed their guns, so when they upgraded they went for the gun that never messed up

People that went from tippman from mags - they stuck with the guns that never messed up

People that went from spyders to cockers - they stuck with the complicated guns with 55 billion modifications!

exactly what i was thinking i have a tippmann 98 and am about to get a mag i think cockers are way too complicated and to back up the "55 billion mods" well i looked in the new 888paintball.com winter catalog and there are like 2 pages for tippmann, 3 to 4 for mags and close to 8 for cockers!!!!

12-15-2001, 01:15 AM
I started with a used Alleycat....

12-15-2001, 10:19 AM
I am going to a mag from a tippmann.
One of my friends is getting a cocker from a tippmann.

12-15-2001, 10:32 AM
Tippman is much like AGD.
1 Both have great customer service. if you need an oring, AGD will be glad to send it to ya, + Stickers. :)
If you need ayting on a Tippmann, they will send it to ya, most of the time, free. (Hell, I got a bolt and a sear, free, and it wasn't even the problem of my gun.)

2. Durability. You all know the mag's durability. Speaking upon the behalf of the M98, Its a close race.

theres more.. but im hungry. oh.. upgade-ability. Hell, the m98 is upgrade heaven, like a cocker, but I have seen plenty for mags too.

12-15-2001, 02:15 PM
Stingray>M98>Cocker>Cocker>Spyder>Micromag something like that throw a talon in somwhere.

12-17-2001, 09:29 PM
both the tippman and cocker have open sights allowing you to sight over the top of the barrel while both the spyder and mag generaly have the power feed. I went spyder, tippman, mag. I liked them in that order also. BUT now I hate SPYDERs ewwwwwe.

12-17-2001, 09:58 PM
ACTUALLY,its both for me.see I had a tippmann,sold it bought a cocker HATED THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUTTA IT,sold it bought ANOTHER tippmann just to trick out and plat with,sold it bought an automag RT PRo.I believe u have ur theory a lil backwards,BUT as i said i did both.PEACE

12-17-2001, 10:38 PM
Here's my List. They are listed in the order that i bought them too.

Traccer #1
68Automag P/F
Shocker #1
Traccer #2
Shocker #2
Gen X Autococker
Shocker #3
Emag (Still Have, My main Gun)
Shocker #4 (Still Have, is FS)
99 AutoCocker (Milled and Annoed is, FS NOW)
Bob Long Cocker (Just bought)

Unless listed its long gone. wonder who has my used guns now...

Think thats all. Might have forgotten a couple

12-17-2001, 10:39 PM
Gunna post gun list on new thread, it be interesting to see what guns ppl have bought.