View Full Version : A hope for AGD?

01-16-2005, 08:42 PM
We know that AGD has had several things on the back-burner for some time now, held up by "legal" issues.

Now... I have heard rumors of Jax Warriors RT valves that were possible skirting the lines of legal, and special valves with extra hash marks on them to increase velocity by turning the valve some.

This is no judgement call here.... let me state that, nor do I want to turn into a values discussion.

With AGD now a split company - there vast majority of resources, I mean the military divisions and savings (I am making an assumption) and capital split away from the fear of a paintball lawsuit... might we see some new things.. has AGD, in its sale.. made itself judgement proof? And is there a reason behindi t?

This is the question.. which I realize is dependent on knowledge I don't have (the split of the business). Thoughts?

My reasoning: AGD it has to be assumed makes more money from its military contracts then it does from paintball (i have nothing to back this up with, its an assumption). They have some nice ideas sitting on the back burners for a paintball marker, but do not move forward for fear of lawsuits. If AGD paintball is seperated from TK - who is not judgement proof... was it to make it judgement proof, and allow it to move forward and take what it may. I think this explains the "risks" taken by AGD early.. and not as of late. A small business, without much to be sued for, is judgement proof. Perhaps TK, who has worked a long time to get where he is... wanted AGD to move forward, and not risk what he has worked so hard for for him and his family.

01-16-2005, 08:55 PM
My reasoning: AGD it has to be assumed makes more money from its military contracts then it does from paintball (i have nothing to back this up with, its an assumption).

Thats what i though, was never sure about it though

01-16-2005, 10:36 PM
The only thing AGD could save themselves in pb with, would be a flashy, lp, supermilkled/annod paintslinger. We all know the LP myth is false mostly, but thats what people want. Oh yeah, it has to be electro too.

PBX Ronin 23
01-16-2005, 10:43 PM
BUt without Tom designing stuff, where would they get that from?

01-16-2005, 10:50 PM
Someones got to take good ole TK's place! There's got to be someone! I hope AGD lasts through 2005.

01-16-2005, 10:52 PM
BUt without Tom designing stuff, where would they get that from?
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who can design pb guns. So I wouldn't worry about it much.

01-16-2005, 10:55 PM
I understand that this may sound blasphemous here, but there are other people out there that have a great understanding of the Automag/ AGD way that would be able to step up and carry on. Will they??? Would they feel it was right to do so??? Maybe new blood could be the salvation here, only time will tell.
But either way:
Long live Tom Kaye! :hail:

01-16-2005, 11:04 PM
My point is, that TK's assetts and family MIGHT HAVE became a liability for moving forward at this point. Nothing wrong with being successful and having a family to support. However, with AGD now "freed" from that (no clue what Zupe's standings are) does it give us a chance for an electro (which I agree is a have to to move forward) and innovation with setting aside worry about a lawsuit for now. TK, I would guess, was not judgement proof, maybe AGD is workign on being judgement proof now.

PBX Ronin 23
01-16-2005, 11:15 PM
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who can design pb guns. So I wouldn't worry about it much.
Yeah....but if it's not TK, is it still a Mag?

01-16-2005, 11:22 PM
The only thing AGD could save themselves in pb with, would be a flashy, lp, supermilkled/annod paintslinger. We all know the LP myth is false mostly, but thats what people want. Oh yeah, it has to be electro too.

AGD doesnt need that. AGD can desgin whatever super dooper gun they want. They will constantly fail if they dont (A) market their products, (B) support thier dealers.

thats it end of story, AGD needs to start acting like they like paintball.

01-17-2005, 12:02 AM
I have to agree with GT. here in the Pac Norwest, AGD has NO representation in any of the stores or fields. Seriously I get asked what that marker in my hand is at least once a weekend. They need to spread the word again. "Hey, the LXL brought us back, take another look at the fresh AGD." And using the stores and fields across the country would to me seem the best way next to magazine adds.

01-17-2005, 12:29 AM
I totally agree with GT......the field owner I know likes the looks of mags but just remembers getting one and not being able to get it to run. That was six year ago. I told him but he hasen't ever been approched by AGD so why bother.


01-17-2005, 12:32 AM
Yeah....but if it's not TK, is it still a Mag?

Probably not. But the product of any company must meet the demands of its customers. The product must evolve in order to stay competative. AGD as a brand has always stood for high quality paintball guns...let's hope it stays that way and moves forward.

I've met TK several times to know...HE'S ONE HECK OF A NICE GUY!! He's a great guy who deserves more than what he got back from the pb community. He's been in the industry for so long and felt the need to change his lifestyle. I don't blame him and if I had the opportunity to make a change, I'd probably do the same. It's a difficult change but it's also a fresh start. I wish him all the luck in the future.

To dwell on things like these almost keeps a string tied around him. I'm sure it was difficult for him to make that decision...it's not right for us to make it harder on him. We should be happy with what he's done for all of us and look forward to the future.

01-17-2005, 06:16 PM
AGD and TK have always been too caught up in the idea of proving how good the 'mag valve was, as well as too convinced that the rest of paintball was all "hype". With attitudes like that, it's no wonder that they didn't move ahead, and instead floundered in the waves that other manufacturers made with their products.

The unwillingness to progress in paintball, coupled with the disdain held towards players who want "electro, LP, BPS" guns has hindered AGD's effectiveness, as well as their "street cred." Just because someone wants a supergun doesn't mean that they're "blinded by hype."
Vikings, Timmies, Angels, Shockers - they are all amazing guns, whether some people like to admit it or not.

By not marketing to, and looking down upon, players who don't appreciate the 'mag, AGD dug the hole in which it now lies. I honestly believe that PBX's mQ valve CAN be the rebirth of AGD. It's just a matter of whether AGD is willing to swallow its pride and look to the future.

01-17-2005, 06:38 PM
AGD and TK have always been too caught up in the idea of proving how good the 'mag valve was, as well as too convinced that the rest of paintball was all "hype". With attitudes like that, it's no wonder that they didn't move ahead, and instead floundered in the waves that other manufacturers made with their products.

The unwillingness to progress in paintball, coupled with the disdain held towards players who want "electro, LP, BPS" guns has hindered AGD's effectiveness, as well as their "street cred." Just because someone wants a supergun doesn't mean that they're "blinded by hype."
Vikings, Timmies, Angels, Shockers - they are all amazing guns, whether some people like to admit it or not.

By not marketing to, and looking down upon, players who don't appreciate the 'mag, AGD dug the hole in which it now lies. I honestly believe that PBX's mQ valve CAN be the rebirth of AGD. It's just a matter of whether AGD is willing to swallow its pride and look to the future.

01-18-2005, 01:07 AM
truth hurts, but yeah, I dont think anyone has ever said that on here before.

I honestly have no hope for AGD anymore. When somone like tom bails, it means somthing to the rest of us although we may not know what.

Tom's intentions and the way they were expressed may have been exaggerated by him, or AGD persona at some point. What I mean is, I believe he wanted to make sure this site was not run by hype, just like AGD. Which it may have turned out this site is the company or a large (too large) of a factor in the company. He may have let us do too much in some ways and our reactions may have discouraged him, its not his fault. Consider it trial by error, and now hes out and the recent legal events causing disruption in a sport with so much potential appears to have influenced it heavily(ok.. more than appears, i think he even stated it heh).... Its my firm belief that paintball as a sport has no future. Tom just might have held out the longest of all the original few people. Id give any thing to be wrong about AGD not having an excellent future.

I saw this coming a while back, and I sold my stuff. Every time i hear a friend talk about paintball i wish to the highest possible level i still played. But the little things bug me too much.

Who knows, maybe AGD as a company could benefit from separating AO from AGD.(i can see this as a possible/logical event)

I highlighted to create an emphasis on some key words. heh.. take it with a grain of salt i guess