View Full Version : Now its my turn

01-16-2005, 09:28 PM
Well since i've heard from several AO members finally decideing to work out and lose the fat I'm going to also. When people see me they dont think i'm fat but my age and what the scale say is just the oppisite. I'm 14 5'11" and weigh around 197 :( Ever since i was little i was always heavyer. I'm in AFJROTC drll team and allways get laughed at for falling after 15pushups and not being able to do any pullups. So basicly i need ideas on what exrises to do my legs are probly the strongest muscles so i'm not going to work out my legs as much.
so heres some things i've been doing in the past 2days:
Pushups(i was watching south park B,L,&UC so i did 10 inbetween comershals)
Pet the dogs(its an exercize for my arms where i do jumping jacks w/o jumping)
on the bench press i put 25 on eatch end and held it 2in off my chest for 20sec then brang it up for 20sec(did this for bout 15min)

so i need ideas on what to do.

PS my goal is for when sophmor year rotc Physical fitness time comes around i want to be able to comeplete the 1 1/2mile in 12min or under and get at least 10chin ups everything else i can do

01-16-2005, 09:51 PM
so i need ideas on what to do.


after seeing countless numbers of threads on weight lifting and weight loss, you still need ideas??!?! ;)

all i can say is use the suggestions on all the other threads. there's plenty of 'em.

01-16-2005, 10:45 PM
*resituates on my ballchair*

Ok here we go, the goals you have are actually easier to attain than you think. Well by easier I mean, they are not impossible at all and with some dedication and effort you WILL achieve them.

I would need to know how often, or how many times a week, you do PT with the AFJROTC or if at all. I am unfamiliar with this program and what is involved.

Doing the static holds with the barbell that you described would not be the most effective way to increase chest strength. It will show a brief change in untrained muscle but you would be better off with doing a proper chest workout, that also hits the shoulders and rotator cuff muscles as well as scapular. But, for now, just do a pyramid workout of pushups since it requiers no outside equipment.

Start out like so:

5 5
10 5 10
15 10 5 10 15

Looks weird but its effective. you start out by doing 5 pushups, rest for 1 min
then go to level two, 5 pushups, rest for 1 min, 5 more
level 3, 10 pushups, rest 1 min, 5 pushups, rest 1 min, 10 pushups, rest 1 min
you get the idea for the last level
Do this every day if you wish, along with any other workouts you are doing. The TRICK to this is to NOT wuss out and do it as if your life depended on it. Go all out and challenge yourself. If its too easy, either cut the rest down to 30 seconds, or add another level (which you will have to do as you get stronger). When you can complete this pyramid, with little challenge, kick it up another notch, go down the pyramid and back up!! I will tell you, it will kick your butt.

As for the running, you need to start a proper running program outlined in a previous thread. I will post the link here.

Now get out there and train maggot!! :) I joke, I kid. http://www.sprayingmango.com/ohnoes.gif

01-16-2005, 11:33 PM
*resituates on my ballchair*

Ok here we go, the goals you have are actually easier to attain than you think. Well by easier I mean, they are not impossible at all and with some dedication and effort you WILL achieve them.

I would need to know how often, or how many times a week, you do PT with the AFJROTC or if at all. I am unfamiliar with this program and what is involved.

Doing the static holds with the barbell that you described would not be the most effective way to increase chest strength. It will show a brief change in untrained muscle but you would be better off with doing a proper chest workout, that also hits the shoulders and rotator cuff muscles as well as scapular. But, for now, just do a pyramid workout of pushups since it requiers no outside equipment.

Start out like so:

5 5
10 5 10
15 10 5 10 15

Looks weird but its effective. you start out by doing 5 pushups, rest for 1 min
then go to level two, 5 pushups, rest for 1 min, 5 more
level 3, 10 pushups, rest 1 min, 5 pushups, rest 1 min, 10 pushups, rest 1 min
you get the idea for the last level
Do this every day if you wish, along with any other workouts you are doing. The TRICK to this is to NOT wuss out and do it as if your life depended on it. Go all out and challenge yourself. If its too easy, either cut the rest down to 30 seconds, or add another level (which you will have to do as you get stronger). When you can complete this pyramid, with little challenge, kick it up another notch, go down the pyramid and back up!! I will tell you, it will kick your butt.

As for the running, you need to start a proper running program outlined in a previous thread. I will post the link here.

Now get out there and train maggot!! :) I joke, I kid. http://www.sprayingmango.com/ohnoes.gif

Thanks i'll try that I'm going runing in the morning doing 2miles of it possably more we have a trail that runs through our town to other towns so i'm gonna go and do the piramid with the push ups and gonna do it running so 5min jog, rest 1min, ect...

01-17-2005, 01:27 PM
Thanks i'll try that I'm going runing in the morning doing 2miles of it possably more we have a trail that runs through our town to other towns so i'm gonna go and do the piramid with the push ups and gonna do it running so 5min jog, rest 1min, ect...

If your going to run for 5 minutes and then rest for 1 minute...thats ok as long as you keep walking during your rest period. Believe it or not while your resting if you can keep your heart rate up you will still burn a lot of calories. So I would say jog, walk, jog, walk and so on and after you do this a bunch of times you'll notice you can run for longer intervals without walking as much. At that point pick a longer trail. Dont ever be satisfied and keep pushing your body to new limits. Eat healthy but dont eat too much and with a structured work out program the pounds will come off eventually.

01-17-2005, 02:45 PM
ya when i said rest for a min i ment just slow down and walk

01-17-2005, 04:21 PM
*resituates on my ballchair*

hahaha! mango, you should start a personal trainer service on teh interwebs!

01-17-2005, 04:54 PM
I was going to add that any cardio work (running, rowing, biking) would combine well with Mangos words. Not at the same time obviously as push ups and running are tricky :p but cardio work, fast breathing, sweat, all good for fitness. And pyramid it all like Mango said. Set goals.

01-17-2005, 05:00 PM
hahaha! mango, you should start a personal trainer service on teh interwebs!


01-17-2005, 07:22 PM
ok i'm going to post how much i've lost every saturday my goal is to get to 150!

01-18-2005, 12:06 AM
1.5 miles in 12 mins?
should be easy to achieve with a little dedication.........

I started working out for a different reason..........
muscles to small and too skinny.......

I am 19 and 6'2" and was 165.......now at 178 and climbing :headbang:
all either fro running or lifting.

I have to get my 1.5 mile down to 8:55 before June 16 :wow:

01-18-2005, 12:19 AM
I've found a new workout for running that works extremely well for me. Best done on a track, or any flat space, hills would kill you in this. You start out jogging for a set time (I like to start at 40, when I first did it I started at 30). After you have jogged for, say, 30 seconds, you sprint 30 seconds. Then you jog for 25 seconds, sprint for 25, jog for 20, and so forth. The most important thing is that there is a huge difference, speedwise, between your sprint and jog. Slow down your jog, even, if you have to so there is a difference between the two. Do this, and a bunch of agility exercises, and you're Golden.

Like Mango said, when you're working out, do it as your life depended on it. Running from a tiger, or a large crab. Or whatever scares you.

01-18-2005, 09:54 AM
if you really want to lose wieght and get in good short term shape join highschool wrestling, that is probly the best way to lose 45 pounds in 3 weeks(my best friend did it)

05-09-2008, 02:21 AM
Well Coming out of basic in 98 I was 6'3" and 225.... 8 years later and out of the Army for over 4 years, Im weighing in at 255.... was running my 2 miles in 13:15 now it would prob take me 30 if I could do it. I have started to cut the pounds, lost about 8 in the last 2 weeks. For me it is all about cutting out the freakin pop/soda/cola what ever you call it where you live and watching what I eat.... I love the carbs.

Working 72 hours a week really doesn't help things, when Im off Im either sleeping or hanging out with my kids I hardly get to see, working out is the last thing on my mind. Need to start though, just turned 36 and it wont get any easier the longer I wait.

05-09-2008, 04:21 AM
it wont get any easier the longer I wait.
I just hope AGDlover hasn't waited since when he started the thread. :rofl:

I need to gain weight. I have no muscle, I think I'm 5'10" or so and I weigh 130.

05-09-2008, 05:08 AM
LoL, I didn't even see the date :eek: Didn't notice the guys first post was a super nechro post! I sure hope that is spam..... if that is his first "real" post I say he's a witch and we should burn him!

So AGDlover, how's the weight loss coming? :rofl:

05-09-2008, 01:56 PM
Well at least it was a decent thread that was necroed. I need to start working out this summer because I'm growing boobies. and as much as I love boobies, they are not welcome on my body.
That pyramid workout looks like it's right up my ally. My arms are twigs and I've always been awful at pushups.

I have a question though, am I doing sit ups wrong or do they normally hurt your *** bone? When I do a situp its like my bone is pinching my skin between it and the ground, and it hurts like crap. I've tried doing situps on pillows or something like that, and that doesn't work that well and it makes for an awkward situp.

rifleman wi
05-09-2008, 04:13 PM
Well Coming out of basic in 98 I was 6'3" and 225.... 8 years later and out of the Army for over 4 years, Im weighing in at 255.... was running my 2 miles in 13:15 now it would prob take me 30 if I could do it. I have started to cut the pounds, lost about 8 in the last 2 weeks. For me it is all about cutting out the freakin pop/soda/cola what ever you call it where you live and watching what I eat.... I love the carbs.

Working 72 hours a week really doesn't help things, when Im off Im either sleeping or hanging out with my kids I hardly get to see, working out is the last thing on my mind. Need to start though, just turned 36 and it wont get any easier the longer I wait.
pt in my unit sux, i need to go back to basic.. winter was not kind to me.. :(

05-09-2008, 04:13 PM
Well at least it was a decent thread that was necroed. I need to start working out this summer because I'm growing boobies. and as much as I love boobies, they are not welcome on my body.
That pyramid workout looks like it's right up my ally. My arms are twigs and I've always been awful at pushups.

I have a question though, am I doing sit ups wrong or do they normally hurt your *** bone? When I do a situp its like my bone is pinching my skin between it and the ground, and it hurts like crap. I've tried doing situps on pillows or something like that, and that doesn't work that well and it makes for an awkward situp.

Actually, they say you're not supposed to do situps anymore. Situps mainly work the hip flexor? I think? Esentially, you're holding your upper body rigid, and letting your legs do the work, while putting a LOT of stress on your back. This can lead to injuries.

They say you should be doing crunches. Lay on the floor, and crunch your back up, making sure you get your shoulder blades COMPLETELY off the ground. Also, don't use your hands to pull your head up because it can put more stress on your back. Options for arms are across your chest or letting your fingertips rest on your ears.

Also, if you're working abs, don't forget to work your back as well. My back starts getting really stiff if I don't work it as well.

I'm going to try that pyramid pushup thing. I usually jumprope until I get out of breath, then do pushups until they get hard, then (while not breaking position) switching to planks (core work) for as long as I can hold it, then try for 5-10 more pushups... slowly. Then my muscles are tired, but I'm ready for more jumproping... etc.

Now I'm thinking of adding in cycling a couple times a week. There are quite a few nice trails around here, and my dormmate across the hall goes on rides every couple days.

05-09-2008, 04:17 PM
That would make sense... crunches are a good workout, I guess I'll just do them.
I just got back from cycling in the first time in like 2 years and wow... I'm going to be feeling that later. Definitely a good workout.

rifleman wi
05-09-2008, 04:21 PM
That would make sense... crunches are a good workout, I guess I'll just do them.
I just got back from cycling in the first time in like 2 years and wow... I'm going to be feeling that later. Definitely a good workout.
thats why the marines do crunches for their APFT test.

05-09-2008, 05:12 PM
bro, start by running a 1/2 mile, then work your way up

05-10-2008, 11:42 AM
what i do is every morning i get up before the sun and run 6-10 miles. mostly for cross country training but its really nice because i can eat all i want because ill burn it off the next day. but when i started running i had really bad asthma and wasn't in shape at all but my sister got me running the summer before my freshman year because the boys cross country team needed more people. but it was... well lets just say sad how bad i was (couldnt go a mile at practice pase) but after a year of working up my running ive got my asthma under control and am on the varsity team. but my sister still beats me in place she usually gets 2nd or 3rd i get 5th or 6th (boy and girls run separately) so i word of advise is to run/jog every morning, or whenever you have time. (i just dont recomend doing it in the heat of the day) it really burns alot of calories and gets you in shape. ive seen some people a little overweight come onto CC and by the end they are at a good weight and enjoy running, which will keep them there.

but whatever you decide to do for exercise i cant stress that you drink a lot of water, 6-8 bottles of the stuff will make things so much better for you. good luck

05-10-2008, 12:23 PM
OK OK OK, look. If your problem is what my problem was then you should focus on having fun while exercising! That will make it easier to keep doing once you get into the shape you want to be...
what gets me is that no one here has said... "go play some paintball..." seriously I worked my way out of asthma as a kid by playing paintball. I couldn't run on a treadmill to save my life but as soon as my *** was getting shot at my body didn't find much trouble in what must have been miles and miles of running on any given Sunday. The best part is... now 11 years later, I'm still playing and exercising!

Go play a 20 person respawn game on a small field. That'll get you started... then find someone to chase you with a mag while your jogging...

Seriously though I ride a bike to work (only 3 mi) and try to swim whenever I can. I hope to get back into racing sailboats soon as well. Some might laugh and make sailor jokes, but when your only held into the boat by ankle straps and a line in your hand for 3 hours or so you would be amazed at how quickly you loose any gut and max out any leg extension machine you happen to walk by. :cheers:

Have fun :D

P.S. I still can't run on a treadmill, but it's an impact thing.

05-10-2008, 07:35 PM
holy crap who dug this one up! haha yeah old new I actualy started working out with a friend a while back and actualy dropped about 50lbs in a few months so right now i'm sitting 6' at 160 good weight but it beats 200
lol yeah tread mills are a tricky thing for me as well mainly since i have longer legs and i keep kicking the front. but yeah wow wasnt expecting to see this thread ahah :cheers: all