View Full Version : Decision...'Mag or no?

01-17-2005, 01:24 PM
OK, I know questions like this are asked all the time. However, I continue watching for sale posts and monitor offerings on eBay and I just can't get past it...I want a Classic 'Mag. I love the sleek lines, the stainless steel body, the compact nature of the design, and the fact it shares the same grip frame of my primary 'gun (and thus feel also). However, there are a couple of snags in my path to a new toy. First is cash (17 mo old daughter and wife get most of that ;) ) and second is CO2. I have been playing many years (about 17) and know that CO2 has limitations. However, in my area HPA is limited and I have a CO2 fill station in my basement so it only seems logical for me to keep using it. Also my Sniper II, SL-68 II and M98 all take it in stride so...

I can't sink much into a 'Mag and would be selling my M98 to do so. I really don't fire fast enough to worry much about needing LVL10, nor do I want the extra pressure requirement to run it if I am going to use CO2. I plan on using an anti-siphon tank and an expansion chamber and could be using it in temps in the 30s, 40s, and 50s (rarely) but primarily in temperatures above 60. Would I be satisfied with the performance of a Classic 'Mag with the above circumstances at a max 3-4 bps fire rate? Should I keep the M98 (I am a pumper at heart anyway) and save towards my ultimate goal of a Palmer product? Give it to me straight, AO'ers. Thanks in advance.


A long time lurker and 'Mag lover at heart.

01-17-2005, 01:49 PM
;) i think you would like a 68 classic, i know i adore mine... i inherited it from my brother a couple months ago, and he's had it for years.... i was playing 1v1 with my friend yesterday at operation paintball and i lit him up like a christmas tree... which made me smile because he was shooting 16bps at me with his angel, and i was sitting there with my 4bps semi-auto :shooting: :D ... so i think you should look into that, its a blast.. i run co2 and compressed air on it.. so i dont think you should have a problem... i havent had to do hardly any upgrades, it doesnt chop no matter how fast i shoot.. the only upgrade i would suggest is a foregrip and a comfy gripframe, and your set to have a blast! :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

01-17-2005, 05:40 PM
The classics work fine on CO2 as long as you keep liquid out of them. I never used the anti-siphon tubes because I use the CO2 tanks on different guns and sometimes with a remote so the best solution was a Palmers Stabilizer.

As for using it in colder weather you might have a problem, CO2 at colder temps put out less pressure so at around 30*F its like 500 PSI, 40*F is just under 600 PSI. I think its recomended to have at least 600 PSI input for the Mags but if I'm wrong hopefully someone will correct me. Hope that helps...

01-17-2005, 07:46 PM
what about a regulator combined with an anti syphon. Because you CAN regulate Co2 w/ a Mag but its just not the best idea for using the extra reg with a compressed air tank. (shoot Down) But thats what I did... it got rid of the liquid and just helped out overall

01-17-2005, 08:11 PM
Seeing your playing style, and the guns you own right now... Definityl... Closed bolt (advantage over m98) twice as small (Advantage over m98).

What kind of frame are refering to? The .45 Single Trigger? If you do get it make sure u get hte Houge wrap arounds... I prefer those over stickys anyday

Barrel is most important upgrade you'll see probobly... LVL10? Not too important in ur situation here. Just mainly stock mag with some kinda Chamber/Regulator... welcome to AO, enjoy ur trip

01-17-2005, 08:37 PM
NewMagMan 21 - I thought about putting a Stabilizer on the 'Mag but I am not sure. Expansion chamber may serve the purpose at less than half the cost. I like the Stab on my Sniper II but it isn't being pulled off her, that's for sure. I'll take that Sniper to my grave...or pass it on to an heir!

Echo419 - The stock 'Mag frame is what I am interested in since it is the same frame on my Sniper II. I prefer the PMI/VL grips (like those on a stock Minimag) to any grip going. Just my preference...

Asym - I believe you are correct on the recommended input on the 'Mag. Keeping it going below 40 may be tricky. However, I so rarely play below that temperature, it might be a non-issue anyway. I could just use the Sniper then.

Thanks guys.

01-17-2005, 10:09 PM
If you decide to go with the classic try and find a level X kit. With the LX kit I had 99% of the performance of my new RT Pro. You can find them all day long on ebay in the 200 dollar range. Just be mindful that lots of classics come with the twist lock body - not the modern threaded barrel style out there now. Good luck.

01-17-2005, 10:17 PM
I think it is a good idea. It sounds like your plan is set as far as keeping co2 out of the marker. I'd get a powertube spacer and parts kit for it, because co2 does seem to wear the orings out a lot faster.


01-17-2005, 10:40 PM
I have used mags exclusively since 91 - and have just recently changed to a Texas Storm timmy due only to both my team using them primarily now and my close proximity to Bob Longs house and shop - so I feel that I can say through my experience that CO2 and mags do NOT mix well - if at all.

Mags in my opinion are best used with O2, so due to the reasons that you listed limiting your use of O2 - stick with what you have.

I can say from past play that when I switched to both O2 and the level 10 upgerade, my mag(s) were simply heavenly........

as far as Palmer goes - since I am assuming that you play primarily rec ball, I feel that would be your ONLY bet - I have seen the quality of Palmers product first hand - they really are awesome and run AWESOME on CO2 - with no chops - seriously - I was way impressed.

feel free to flame me guys............. ;)

but just keeping it real

01-17-2005, 11:00 PM
NewMagMan 21 - I thought about putting a Stabilizer on the 'Mag but I am not sure. Expansion chamber may serve the purpose at less than half the cost. I like the Stab on my Sniper II but it isn't being pulled off her, that's for sure. I'll take that Sniper to my grave...or pass it on to an heir!

Here Here! To the Sniper II. Unfortunately I didn't think the same way at the time. (I was 13) I took mine off and all the threads got stripped and it was ruined... :( . So then that put me in the whole $90.
Anyway I personally have never had a good X-chamber so I cant really compare. But a Mag would be the best way for you to go being a "Pumper at Heart" probably the best semi auto marker that fits that playing style, and if you want you can turn it into a pump. :p
Good Luck with your Purchase :clap:

01-18-2005, 08:09 PM
Thanks Kramer for your honest opinion. I will certainly give that some serious consideration. My first choice in new toys is definitely the Palmer Blazer with the 'Mag coming in second. The only problem...the Blazer is about twice what I could setup a 'Mag for and 'Mags are becoming less available as every day passes.

NewMagMan21 - I am not afraid of stripping the ASA or regulator (I take it of to clean once in a while), just defiling the good karma that lives in my Sniper. :) I don't want to touch the setup or switch parts back and forth all the time.

Thanks again for all replies.

01-18-2005, 08:57 PM
Do you have stainless right feed (std) bodies? I like and old-school 'Mag...

01-18-2005, 09:06 PM
Do you have stainless right feed (std) bodies? I like and old-school 'Mag...
^^^ Heh STD lol :rolleyes:
I have one thats cutt down so its not so high that you could just have. lemme know

01-19-2005, 03:16 AM
ive got an old stainless mag with hopper right with the really old school grip frame the one with panels!!! its also an old rental so no lvl 10 but it works great and runs well off of c02 that i want to get rid of!!

01-23-2005, 01:51 PM
Thanks anyway Enemy. I don't really want a rental valve as I understand that getting it beyond 275-280 fps isn't possible.

01-23-2005, 02:15 PM
Thanks anyway Enemy. I don't really want a rental valve as I understand that getting it beyond 275-280 fps isn't possible.

A Rental valve is simply a Classic valve with 'Field Rental', or 'Rental' Etched into the Body of the Valve. I have a mag with a rental valve, and it has NO trouble hitting 300fps, and over.
I dont play with tat Velocity, but for the point of fact, It has no trouble doing so.

01-23-2005, 02:18 PM
Would I be satisfied with the performance of a Classic 'Mag with the above circumstances at a max 3-4 bps fire rate?

YES, at that rate you will be fine. Us old S.O.B.s[tourny team] were shooting classics faster then that with co2, set up like you said.

see Rogue or Tuna for a good deal

01-23-2005, 03:17 PM
A Rental valve is simply a Classic valve with 'Field Rental', or 'Rental' Etched into the Body of the Valve. I have a mag with a rental valve, and it has NO trouble hitting 300fps, and over.
I dont play with tat Velocity, but for the point of fact, It has no trouble doing so.

I didn't know that. I did some searches here at AO on rental valves and thought from what I read that the velocity was capped. My bad...

01-23-2005, 03:34 PM
I didn't know that. I did some searches here at AO on rental valves and thought from what I read that the velocity was capped. My bad...

No Worries Chief! :cheers:

01-23-2005, 04:04 PM
A Rental valve is simply a Classic valve with 'Field Rental', or 'Rental' Etched into the Body of the Valve. I have a mag with a rental valve, and it has NO trouble hitting 300fps, and over.
I dont play with tat Velocity, but for the point of fact, It has no trouble doing so.

Not true.

Classic Rental valves can't take the Level 10 without modification. A flow restrictor is in place to make sure the gun doesn't shoot overly hot. You'd need a qualified machinist to drill it out.


01-23-2005, 04:10 PM
When I get home, I can get you pictures of my Rental Valve, if you want proof.
I'll crack it open, and even compare it to another classic valve that I own. It's identical.
The Valve is a Classic Valve,with the logo buffed off (there are still traces of it) and 'RENTAL' stamped on it.

01-23-2005, 08:24 PM
To answer your first question...

Expanison Chamber - Anti-Syphon - Remote Line

If you have all three of those you will NEVER get liquid in your gun. But you will be fine with just an expansion chamber and an anti-syphon

01-23-2005, 10:57 PM
Can ya put a lvl 10 on it?

To be honest, yes. It's on there.
After i bought a Reloader B, I ditched the Lvl X on my Xvalve, and replaced the parts on the Rental Valve. Does it work? I have no idea if it does, i dont use that valve anymore.

02-03-2005, 08:09 PM
To answer your first question...

Expanison Chamber - Anti-Syphon - Remote Line

If you have all three of those you will NEVER get liquid in your gun. But you will be fine with just an expansion chamber and an anti-syphon

NEVER antisiphon a tank on a remote. The tube will siphon the liquid out of the bottom of the tank. Only use an antisiphon OR a remote tank. One of those used with the x chamber should do the job. And palmer blazer are wonderful on C02, and im sure all of their pumps are the same high quality. (wanna buy a blazer pm me :) )

02-04-2005, 03:42 AM
Can ya put a lvl 10 on it?
we tried on the rental vavle it woulnt work! i even tried putting the back half of my real classic to test to see if it was the reg piston but that did nothing either!!

02-04-2005, 05:11 AM
I just won an auction on eBay for a nice PF left 'Mag. Time will tell if I made the right decision but I did get a chance to shoot another PF left 'Mag the other day on CO2 and an expansion chamber. It shot very well and I was impressed.

So starts my journey as an Automag owner. :clap:


02-04-2005, 04:45 PM
Congratulations. Welcome to the wonderful world of Automags. :cheers:

02-12-2005, 08:18 PM
Thanks! I have received the 'Mag and although I haven't played a game yet, it seems like a very well-made and accurate 'gun. Some Marbs now reside against the side of a tree in my backyard and I am looking forward to sending more there soon. :)

It is a Classic valve with serial number CF52608. Does anyone have any idea the age of my 'gun? It is in very good shape (seems almost new) so I am guessing it isn't too old. How many shots can I expect before the sear or bolt needs to be replaced?

Thanks for the welcome! I believe I am going to enjoy being a part of the Brotherhood of the Automag.


02-12-2005, 08:36 PM
good choice!

About the lvl x debate, if youre going to be shooting at 3-4 bps, all you need to not break a ball is a ricochet AK, not a lvl 10. i mean, come on, the classic valve's top bps capability is like 10, right? so why would you need lvl 10 if you could just get a loader for cheaper that can outfeed the gun?

02-12-2005, 08:43 PM
Loaders are not the only reason for breaks. Level 10 is great when using more brittle paint, less of a mess.

02-13-2005, 11:50 PM
[QUOTE=JKR How many shots can I expect before the sear or bolt needs to be replaced?

Probably never have to. The beauty of a mag.