View Full Version : Anyone know anything about novacaine?

01-18-2005, 12:38 AM
I had to get a tooth pulled today. The doc had to put like six or eight cartriidges of novacaine in me{ I am a big damn sissy at the oral surgeons office] I don't feel the numbness anymore infact I feel everything. I finished up at 2:15 its now 10:30.
My question is- Should I expect more pain cause It aches but its nothing I can't handle with some Tylenol..
If this is it I'm gonna be pissed about paying for pain pills.

01-18-2005, 12:45 AM
ive always felt numbness, and like.. "annoyingness" but i dont think i felt any actual pain post-op.

my dentist uses orajel before the novicaine, which numbs the injection, and helps overall

01-18-2005, 12:50 AM
ive always felt numbness, and like.. "annoyingness" but i dont think i felt any actual pain post-op.

my dentist uses orajel before the novicaine, which numbs the injection, and helps overall

This is a dull ache at the spot the tooth was pulled. It's pretty iritating but nothing I can't handle.
Like I said I am a big sissy in the dentists office. I slept like three hours cause I couldn't stop worrying about going today.

01-18-2005, 01:08 AM
well don't worry about TAKING pain pills, cuz novicane is a local anesthesia, and won't really interfere with tylanol or advil or whatnot. But novicane also wears off quickly, and the relief won't come back... so I'd say you've felt the extent of the relief the novicane will give you. I've always felt pain post-op cuz I have the tendancy to chew through my lips on novicane.

novicane won't STOP the pain, it just numbs it. for a little while. now go take some aspirin.

01-18-2005, 04:01 AM
well don't worry about TAKING pain pills, cuz novicane is a local anesthesia, and won't really interfere with tylanol or advil or whatnot. But novicane also wears off quickly, and the relief won't come back... so I'd say you've felt the extent of the relief the novicane will give you. I've always felt pain post-op cuz I have the tendancy to chew through my lips on novicane.

novicane won't STOP the pain, it just numbs it. for a little while. now go take some aspirin.

Hopin so, bout how long should I be swabbing blood up with gauze?
It's decreased severly but its now 12 hours later and i still soak up blood on my gauze

01-18-2005, 04:02 AM
DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN... Aspirin is platelet inhibitor -- makes your blood less likely to clot. So in your case, your can promte bleeding at your surgical site. Take some tylenol, or ibuprofen. Of the two, the ibuprofen may be better as it also acts as an anti-inflamitory.

Of course taking the advice of people on the internet is no substitute to actually talking with your doctor or dentist.

01-18-2005, 04:11 AM
DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN... Aspirin is platelet inhibitor -- makes your blood less likely to clot. So in your case, your can promte bleeding at your surgical site. Take some tylenol, or ibuprofen. Of the two, the ibuprofen may be better as it also acts as an anti-inflamitory.

Of course taking the advice of people on the internet is no substitute to actually talking with your doctor or dentist.

Don't take aspirin anyways and plan to call doctor first thing in the morning. I am just a whinney lil kid when it comes to dentists. That and Ihave nothing better to do now.

01-18-2005, 04:29 AM
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I had to leave the cotton swabs in for about 24hrs. Luckily I had vicoden, but I only had to use 2 of them because it didnt really hurt. I was out and about the following night. Beforehand I was concerned so i talked to my uncle who is a dentist. In general when a tooth is pulled you will get some swelling and a little bit of aching, but it should go away. Best is to talk to your dentist/oral surgeon if you get concerned. And like what was mentioned, Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Ibuefprofan work best.

01-18-2005, 08:39 AM
for the soul?

01-18-2005, 03:36 PM
I got my wisdom teeth pulled, it hurt a little bit when he stuck the needle into my gum but other than that not at all. The guy kept telling me that this or that was going to hurt a lot too, I think he just had me ready for a whole world of hurt so what I got didn't seem so bad :)

Hamster Huey
01-18-2005, 11:50 PM
Ibuprofen/Motrin/Advil is a platelet inhibitor, too. It's probably not too bad if you take it, but I would avoid it if I could. Your doc probably wrote you a script for something with narcotics, likely some Tylenol with codeine or some Percocets. Use them. They're not all that expensive, you'll likely only need a few to get you through the next 24-48 hours, and it's better than sitting around feeling miserable.

One word of caution: don't take additional Tylenol on top of your Tylenol w/ codeine or Percocets. You can easily overdose on Tylenol that way.