View Full Version : Recommendations for Xbox Modding

01-18-2005, 01:07 AM
First off; yes.. i did search, but didnt find anything of substance on AO so far, and as for googleing? heh well, i want to hear it from you guys

Anyway, after being a totally dedicated pc-guy, very anti-console for a year or two now, i finally got xbox. needless to say... im not on the computer much anymore :D

so im interested in modding my xbox. i would like to be able to connect it to my computer, capture video (seen some funny stuff with us Rooster Teeth Sponsors :rolleyes: )

im also looking to turn it into a primary mp3 player

im totally confused by all of these different models, and makers.

so to put it blank, can anyone recommend which one they've tried?

01-18-2005, 07:41 AM
be careful, if you talk about any form of modding that allows you to either play "back up" disks or load them onto your hard drive your thread will be shut down by the fascist regime

01-18-2005, 08:22 AM
when I got my Xbox (used), it already had a TON of MP3s on the drive, like a few hundred tracks from the previous owner. I havn't looked into how they got there, but I think its a standard feature if you put an audio CD in.

a few guys here have done some cool cosmetic mods, but it seems to me that the only point of hardware mods (aside from replacing worn out components) is to copy games... which if you talk about at all the mods shut the thread down right quick.


01-18-2005, 10:19 AM
If you want to do video capture, all you need is a video capture card in a computer that's setup to do that sort of high-datarate capture. I think what the RvB guys use is a decently powerful computer and an expensive canopus DV capture card, then they process the video with a bunch of adobe software.

the xbox itself is a mp3 player, you can insert CDs and rip them to mp3s if you boot the xbox without a disc in the machine. The CDs you rip can be used as soundtracks to some games, and you can play them back from the xbox whenever you want.

If you want to get a little fancier with it, you can install linux on the xbox and do whatever you want with it. You can turn it into a little PC for your living room, you can turn it into a server, you can boot the thing as normal and play games, etc.


That's a pretty decent article describing the concepts and methods behind getting linux installed and working on an xbox. Once you have a working linux distro on the xbox then you can install one of a few different mp3 players and DVD players and turn your xbox into a portable audio/video system. There's a few projects going on to get a version of windows running on the xbox, but nothing stable has come out of it yet.
Any more information than that and the mods will lock this thread - they have to be on the up-and-up when it comes to removing "illegal" information (like how to copy games, etc, because in theory it can be stealing). Have fun and don't do anything stupid.

01-18-2005, 11:52 AM
..just a quick note, the Xbox does not rip to MP3, it rips to WMA.

01-18-2005, 12:51 PM
i would say don't modd it anyway. microsoft is now banning people from Live who have modded their boxes with aftermarket parts. why not just use ur computer for computer stuff? why does ur ps2 or xbox need to be turned into a server?

01-19-2005, 04:35 AM
be careful, if you talk about any form of modding that allows you to either play "back up" disks or load them onto your hard drive your thread will be shut down by the fascist regime

Oh, STFU already.
Quit whining.

01-19-2005, 04:21 PM
Get an xecuter 3. It's the best out there IMO.

01-19-2005, 04:33 PM
xecuter 3's are the best and the easiest to use imo, ive installed 3 of them now and they are just lovely, with the x3 config live u can change the colors of the splash screen and even the flubber image without haveing to make a speacial bios...

also... visit this site, they do awsome work

</shameless plug for my own site>

01-19-2005, 04:38 PM
btw just a tip, LPC headers are GAY. Do a wire install. :)

01-19-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm about to put an Xecuter 3 in mine