View Full Version : can someone use photo shop and get a signature out of this for me please?

01-18-2005, 09:53 PM
okay, we have this dog and we're trying to find more vet record on her, she's a 7 month old rottwiller, awsome dog, but we need the previous owner's last name and address, could you guys please help me out here and find this for me.
is there any way you guys could get a name out of this please?


i appericate any help that is given.

01-18-2005, 09:54 PM
That would be quite tricky;

Hope you get some help; Ill try, but I have limited skill in the area of image recovery..

01-18-2005, 09:58 PM
That looks like pencil, can't you just erase it?

It looks like someone may be able to get the name and the city, but it looks like the adress is pretty much lost..

01-18-2005, 10:00 PM
That looks like pencil, can't you just erase it?

It looks like someone may be able to get the name and the city, but it looks like the adress is pretty much lost..

its pen, erasing is the first thing i tried.

address doesn't really matter to me, the city is grandville.

i just need to know the name

01-18-2005, 10:05 PM
I really couldn't get it cleared up; I have some of it though.. I just took the same color pen as in the "dog" writing and enhanced it.. but the graphite from the OTHER pen blocks out too much. It seems to end in tio.. starts with M.. :/ sorry man.

EDIT: It actually looks like Mike ..y....otio.. lol


01-18-2005, 10:24 PM
Well they did a good job of erasing it.
Have you tried calling the Animal hospital to see if they have a record duplicate for "Dog" F born on that day etc...and did the person you buy the Dog from not have this information? Were they indeed the actual owner? May be nothing but seems strange.

01-19-2005, 10:25 AM
Well they did a good job of erasing it.
Have you tried calling the Animal hospital to see if they have a record duplicate for "Dog" F born on that day etc...and did the person you buy the Dog from not have this information? Were they indeed the actual owner? May be nothing but seems strange.

animal hospital there has no record of her, she looks like a purebred rottwiler so it makes me wonder if she was stolen at one time.
she is such an awsome dog though.

01-19-2005, 10:35 AM
Theres no way you are getting a name out of there. They scribbled over it too much. I tried erasing some of the pen scribbles off and there wasnt enough left to be comprehensible.

01-19-2005, 10:35 AM
Turn that piece of paper over, then lightly go over it with a pencil (barely touching/just above the backside) - see if you can pick off the indents where someone wrote (likely heavier than were someone scribbled).