View Full Version : extreme concepts closed. mail train !!!

01-18-2005, 10:45 PM
ok so there is this place i used to work at here in mainsfield texas called extreme concepts paintball.(quit because of school and soccer) well it is near a train, a mail train. well one day after closing the 3 owners, also backmen of the extreme concepts team with empire timmys, dm5s and dm4's. well they decided to get drunk that day and heard the train coming. six minutes and four and a half cases of paint later the train had a line of pink and green and yellow down it. so now they are closing because of the mail train complaining and a lawsuit or whatever. but it as freakin halarious !!!!

info provided by andrew northcutt.

wish i was kinna there.

01-18-2005, 10:46 PM
No you dont. Because then you would be considered an accomplice. Being there is just as bad as doing it ( in most cases) That's pretty stupid on their part.

01-18-2005, 10:48 PM
No you dont. Because then you would be considered an accomplice. Being there is just as bad as doing it ( in most cases) That's pretty stupid on their part.

you my friend are correct, i rethought it. ea they are stupid.

01-18-2005, 10:49 PM
Thats one reason why it cost so much to get a feild going. :mad:

01-18-2005, 11:04 PM
LOL i always get stuck behind a train at our field either coming or going.

ive layed a few balls into it befre ;)

Mr. Mouse
01-18-2005, 11:42 PM

01-18-2005, 11:54 PM
Thats one reason why it cost so much to get a feild going. :mad:

No, it costs so much so that you can't afford it.

01-19-2005, 04:44 PM
Ummm there feilds sucked, they didnt rake paint so it always smelled like butt and corn chips, there "ownership" was always less then desireable, there paint was subpar, and there lack of reffing and rule enforcment always made me wonder why they hadnt closed sooner... also, they had no teams constantly making it out there to pratice, and there attempts at tournaments ALWAYS failed and they did so without much care or respect twords those that planned on attending...and they always treated there reffs like shat... Its no loss at all to the TX Paintball community....

I have noticed quite a few feilds by train tracks though....that being one of them, also Powerplay, FMXs old location was across the road from one, and Madddogz( I know we have had to call a couple railroads due our rec feild being open to the tracks and haveing had a group or two while playing turn to shoot the train as it passes to prevent ticking off the lines).... which brings me to my next statement and shameless plug.

THE feild to goto in the area is deffently Madddogz in Waxihachi... Ron runs an ausome feild, great facilitys, reffs, prices, good stuff....If you still play or know anyone in the area, send em down(info at: www.madddogz.com)

50 cal
01-19-2005, 04:52 PM
My wife works for the Post Office. They don't take kindly to being messed with.
The boneheads got what they deserved.