View Full Version : What would you do with 100 billion dollars?

01-18-2005, 11:04 PM
Pretend for a moment that you had that kind of money at your disposal, what would you do with it?
First I would take a billion to a few banks and argue with them trying to exhange it for pennies.
I set aside 1 billion for a white male christian scholarship fund to make a statment.

Then I would do stupid things because I could.
I would probably buy a McLaren and disassemble it with a hatchet
Buy three million dollars worth of sour patch kids even though I don't even like them
The infamous olupic sized jello swimming pool
Buy a random sports team (probably the rangers) and make their uniforms pink and frilly as well as change the name to the autobots
Hire midgets to do all my bidding

I was working on a house today right on the water in Huntinton Harbor. The lot must have cost at least two million and could easially be closer to three. Well they built a house for her and were just finishing plywooding it when she decides she didn't like it. So what does she do? Tears it down and starts over. It must be nice to have money.

01-18-2005, 11:07 PM
Buy a random sports team (probably the rangers)

You're going to need a lot more than 100million to buy the NY Rangers.

01-18-2005, 11:08 PM
I said 100billion dimwhit.
I could buy the whole NHL for that, or at this point they would probably pay me to take it :)

01-18-2005, 11:09 PM
Pretend for a moment that you had that kind of money at your disposal, what would you do with it?
First I would take a billion to a few banks and argue with them trying to exhange it for pennies.
I set aside 1 billion for a white male christian scholarship fund to make a statment.

Then I would do stupid things because I could.
I would probably buy a McLaren and disassemble it with a hatchet
Buy three million dollars worth of sour patch kids even though I don't even like them
The infamous olupic sized jello swimming pool
Buy a random sports team (probably the rangers) and make their uniforms pink and frilly as well as change the name to the autobots
Hire midgets to do all my bidding

I have to say, your list seems top-shelf. Bravo.

I would do the same, but I would replace Sour Patch Kids with cans of coke.. just cause.

I would also buy / build the worlds largest Narwhal, put it on my front lawn, and have it maned 24/7 to shoot fire at tresspassors.

And then I would hire 100 chefs to make a house out of cake.. UNDERGROUND IN A SEALED VAULT. And then I could live in the house and eat it.

With a milk moat.

01-18-2005, 11:11 PM
I said 100billion dimwhit.
I could buy the whole NHL for that, or at this point they would probably pay me to take it :)

haha wow, gogo reading skills.

01-18-2005, 11:16 PM
i would show up to work naked with "I quit" written on my ***.

01-18-2005, 11:16 PM
I'd probably purchase something, invest it, or donate it.

Will Wood
01-18-2005, 11:17 PM
Give 50 billion to Charities; no way I could spend 100.

I'd buy some old car, and pay a bunch of mechanics to help me restore it.
I'd get a nice house (not big, but nice) on a nice lake in a relatively small town, but close to a decent city.

I'd open a bar/restaurant in that small town and work there, not caring about profits. I'd just have a nice "family" business.

I'd use the rest to travel constantly on my own jet with my own pilot.. untill I learn to fly it.

red robot
01-18-2005, 11:24 PM
two chicks at the same time.

the rest would go to charity.

01-18-2005, 11:28 PM
use it to make 100 more. Then do it again.

Then do something with it all

01-18-2005, 11:33 PM
I'd go to all the depressed regions of the world and hand out stacks of $20s and then laugh because I just made people rich but there's nowhere to spend the money.

01-18-2005, 11:39 PM
Take over the Tsunami Relief with 50 billion
Build a Very Very Big House, with butlers, a Room with Surround Plasma TVs (TVs on the Floor, Walls, and Ceiling, But an Aircraft Carrier and turn it into a Big Paintball field, (Big Fields on the deck and smaller ones in the plane hangars) I'll get me the hottest wife ever (They will marry me for my money :) ) Buy 22 Mini Coopers, plus any other car i've ever wanted, Go to a very good college, Make shure my Mom and dad will live well for the rest of their lives, Invest a bunch of it, and make shure I don't lose it all, oh yea, and buy the Minnesota Vikings

01-18-2005, 11:43 PM
i would buy 200billion candy bars :D

01-18-2005, 11:58 PM
This is what I would do in this order:

Buy my parents a house, fix their teeth, get them healthy, get them both any car they want.
Buy a pimp *** benz.
Buy myself a house with a party house in the back yard.
Buy my best friend a ticket from texas and adopt her and have her live with me in my mansion :)
Buy a few pounds of weed, buy enough of any other drug me or my friends would ever want to try, buy alot of food, alot of trippy movies and alot of alcohol.
Lock me and my friends in my party house for a month long drug trip, then pay for everyone's rehab and medical bills.
Pay for all my friends and/or family to goto college.
Buy my friends car's and maybe a house for them to fight amongst themselves for.
Get lipo and go on a shopping spree for new wardrobe.

01-19-2005, 12:07 AM
Find a cure for Lukemia so no one else would have to suffer..

ps: and buy Muzik a new car, he deserves it for all the times he has been there for me. ((hugs))

01-19-2005, 12:08 AM
i'd set aside about 2 million of it just for paintball. buy new guns all the time, buy as much paint as i want, and go all the time.
i'd buy totally random things, and destroy them with really large explosives imported fireworks from mexico and china that i would buy with all the money.
i'd pay people to do random acts of stupidity in public.
i'd go to gunbroker.com and buy some anti-tank guns and other large guns and shoot expensive cars that are surrounded with barrels of explosives and stuff.
i'd go fly to whereever american gladiator is and be a participant just because it looks fun.
i'd find more things to spend it on

01-19-2005, 12:08 AM
Hmm, lets see.

One hundred billion dollar hooker or one hundred billion one-dollar hookers?


But seriously- I like the ideas so far. But I would have to add to that buy a CRAPLOAD of tools to play with, and pull AGD out of the toilet, and lets see...

Maybe hire a guy to act as my personal "black knight" and do my bidding? Or maybe...

hire 2 guys to be black knights! :eek:

01-19-2005, 12:35 AM
or maybe I'd put it all on a game of craps? blackjack perhaps?

not that any casino would let me...then again...i could buy the casino...

but seriously...prolly do something useful...I could never live a lifestyle of the rich and famous

01-19-2005, 12:52 AM
I'd donate 80 billion to various causes (40 billion of that would probably go to the tsunami relief). 20 billion is still more money than I'd ever be able to spend, so that's make me perfectly happy.

As for fun spending: Buy several X-Ball feilds, every paintball gun I ever wanted, create a massive CD collection, buy the best sound systems known to man, buy a small house, and open up a music venue in my back yard (shows would be free, I could pay any band I wanted to come).

01-19-2005, 01:10 AM
That makes me think- make the biggest CD collection in the world. I would want to make the biggest CD in the world. Or french fry. So like when you say "I want a large fry" at McDonalds then they would give you that- one large fry.

Breaking a bunch of records would be a cool thing to do.

01-19-2005, 01:42 AM
Buy a few pounds of weed, buy enough of any other drug me or my friends would ever want to try, buy alot of food, alot of trippy movies and alot of alcohol.

you are the coolest kid I know

01-19-2005, 01:50 AM
Rule AO with a cruel iron fist!

No excess pie-eaters! No twelve-paragraph-pontificators! Long live King MarkM!

Ahh, the wrath of oh so many college library computer humming along...

/who ate teh danm pies?

01-19-2005, 03:44 AM
i would show up to work naked with "I quit" written on my ***.

that's a good start! But the inbred ppl at work think they are so high and mighty I would definatly have to take it up a few notches to feel good about quitting

01-19-2005, 08:01 AM
70 Billion In Charities
20 Billion to Tsunami Relief Fund
7 Billion to misc. 'find a cure' type businesses (AIDS, Cancer, Lukemia, etc)
2 Billion for the rest of my family
1 Billion in the bank and live off the interest, and the remainder of the money to go to my family to inherent when I die.

Spending a Billion dollars is hard to do if you don't buy random high priced crap that you never use more than once, which others could use the money for in much higher need.

01-19-2005, 08:11 AM
-Purchase PBN from the owner, and make it into a hardcore porn site.
-Purchase a iPod and Powerbook for all my friends
-Hold many, many, many contests all the time and give tons of free things away(cars, etc).
-Make a Full Length Feature Film(horror)
-1 million dollars to each family member that is close to me.
-Buy a nice house in Sapporo, Japan, and in Shinjuku, Japan.
-Create a Television Network equal to CBS, and broadcast locally. Repeat all internet funny clips over and over until fee's become too high.
-Donate alot of it to the schools of america.
-Help out my town alot, probably donate alot to random people
-Go to NY, and hand bums 100 bills, videotape, and show on my TV Network. What a happy show that would be!
-Buy a giant house where all my friends can live and we can do whatever we want. But we will be responsible!
-Get killed by some psycho who doesnt like me and is jealous.

I could go on for days.

01-19-2005, 08:57 AM
Pyro made a good topic. Wow :) College must really be helping, Tom.

First thing I'd take care of would be automobiles.

I'd get a GT500 (pewter), a 71 Cuda (yellow), Hummer (Black), and a Maserati Spyder (They have this orange color thats gorgeous). I might top it off with a Maserati MC12. What the hell, why not, I'm stinkin rich. Maserati MC12 in white.

Then, on to houses. I'd buy a house in Jersey, a house in Manhattan, a house in Vermont, a house in Colorado, two houses in Italy (one for my parents), and a house in Germany.

I'd get a private jet and a huge-*** yacht for my travels around the world.

My house on Jersey would be on a cul-de-sac, and I'd buy all the other houses on the Cul-De-Sac and give them to my best friends. It would be awesome.

I would start a charity that helps homeless people individually. Instead of trying to feed and cloth all of them, it'd work on one at a time, getting them cleaned up, off the street, into an apartment, and getting a job.

I'd buy an apartment building in NYC and make it rent-free for homeless people, providing they passed an interview and once inside they behaved themselves. The rules would be strict, but it would serve as a place I choose people for the above charity from.

Last but not least, my birthday would turn into a national holiday due to massive parties I would sponsor all over the country. Everyone would be so hung over the next day they would HAVE to declare it a holiday.

I'd also give some money to my family and whatnot but thats besides the point.

01-19-2005, 09:07 AM
I would buy your mom of course! :D

The Action Figure
01-19-2005, 09:21 AM
give tom kaye 1 billion
give 10 billion to my church
buy agd and give dan zupan 1 billion
give everyone on ao an xmag
buy huntersville north carolina and build the wold biggest paintball complex and invite random people over to play
buy draxxus
build a huge house with an indoor paintball field and a heated pool
quit school
buy my school and make a nice bonfire
buy an aau wrestling program
buy dynasty and put a bunch of noobs shooting tippmanns on it

and id still have like 60 billion left

01-19-2005, 11:09 AM

I'd buy houses all over the world, and travel mostly.

I'd pay pornstars to be my pod bishes.

I'd buy the company I work for, and fire the all the idiots.

Theres a few charities I'd like to help out, and some family members.

That's it for now.

01-19-2005, 11:29 AM
I'd first buy me a few nice cars, few houses, all the paintball gear I ever wanted, a couple of paintball fields. Then give like 300,000 to all like 30 of my Aunts and Uncles.

01-19-2005, 11:38 AM
It would depend. Are we talking 100 billion in cash or in stock options? If it's cash, I would stuff a few matresses and keep the rest in plastic bins in my basement:)

01-19-2005, 11:43 AM
I'd tell the world "Screw you guys! I'm going home."

and then I'd go home.

Did I mention home would be a little island where nobody would ever find me again? With t1 internet access, satellite TV, and a hooters? ;-)

01-19-2005, 12:09 PM
I'd buy RPI then give myself a degree and fire our crappy president.

I'd also buy a minigun and mount it on my car.

01-19-2005, 02:18 PM
I'd buy National Paintball Supply first.
Start a chain of indoor paintball fields all around the country.
Buy homes in many countries.
Fund a few teams.
Buy a private jet.
Buy a yacht.
Spend the rest of my days doing tournaments and assorted things.
Travel the world.
Buy a gym so my buddy lance could run it for me.
Buy new cars for many friends, probably some homes too.
Build my parents a dream home.

01-19-2005, 02:19 PM
I would buy you a house
furniture for your house (a nice chester field or ottman)
I would buy your LOVE
Build a tree fort in our yard
a K car, a nice realiable automobile
wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner
But we would eat Kraft dinner, just more of it
with fancy Ketchups and d. mustards
And those tiny pre-wrapped sausages
:clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:
silly songs get me every time.

oh yea, watch out. I am raiding every one of your houses.. Could always use more then my alloted 100 billion for my causes.. Steal from the rich and give to the needy heehee (that's bad, so bad)

01-19-2005, 02:30 PM
I'd also fund my own army of hardcore mercanaries. For no purpose other than to have the ability to take France on a whim.

01-19-2005, 02:37 PM
you dont need an army to take france. ;)

I would build a huge 2 million doller music studio.

Collect tons guitars, basses, and drums. and live in the studio playing all day till i die

Eatem Alive
01-19-2005, 02:46 PM
i wouldn't fire my frickin' laser at earth (dr. evil reference)

01-19-2005, 02:53 PM
i wouldn't fire my frickin' laser at earth (dr. evil reference)

Don't you mean your frickin' "Laser"?

Eatem Alive
01-19-2005, 04:34 PM
yes, i did the quotations with my fingers but it doesn't show up on here ;)

01-19-2005, 05:15 PM
I'd Buy IRAQ, I have the feeling the real estate values shall be skyrocketing over there soon.

01-19-2005, 05:20 PM
I'd build a mini-town, away from people - in an area with nice weather. I'd invite my friends to live there, and would have everything that everyone would need. I would travel a lot, and do stuff outside of there - but that would be my home.

Oh yeah, sniper towers.

I'd probably figure out some way to make a contribution to society - might as well.

Target Practice
01-19-2005, 05:23 PM

01-19-2005, 05:25 PM
Find a cure for Lukemia so no one else would have to suffer..
do you know anyone who has/had lukemia... or do you just really like armadillos?

donate a few million to charity.
id set aside about 50m for paintball.
buy out cuba (itl be cheap, no one would want it anyway), restore it, create my own gov't, set up a ton of paintball fields.
start my own mafia.
buy out fort knox(sp?).
start my paintball clothing company, "pinksilver"(tm) (you know, after quicksilver...) all the clothes in the line are metalic pink. sponsor a few pro pb teams.
build a medival castle, with hidden passageways, trap doors, torture chambers, etc.
take a vacation to spain, visit people, learn how to snowboard.
go on vacations in just about every single country.
buy out nps, wdp, agd, wgp, crush sp.
start making my own markers.
give pbx + nicad grant money... ooh and fund jayloo!!
and buy tons of cars, motorcycles, etc...
hold a few HUGE parties for my friends...
buy a bunch of land, forest, old military land, etc.

have an international AO day, i pay for paint, air, field fee, airfare, room and board, heck, maybe even distribute free samples of my new markers ;) .

ooh, and for the ppl i dont like, get my mafia to kidnap them and dump them in a cuban slum...

ok yeah thatd probably be over 100b, but the question was essentially "what would you do if given access to virtually unlimited money"

01-19-2005, 05:44 PM
I would just play video games, nothing but video games for a year.
I'd have some sexy nurses come in six times a day to bath,change, and feed me

Jello swimming pool is a given.

Air time on nbc and bbc of me just watching tv and playing video games

Buy a few buildings in town just to set them on fire

O yeah and a zoo with ninja monkeys

Send an airplane over Japan that looks like it would drop a nuke but instead have it drop pamphlets that say "April Fools"

Pay an ambassoder to r un butt naked thru the Kremlin chanting "Diplomatic Imunity, Diplomatic Immunity'

The possibilities are endless with my idiocy.

Oh yeah, and a tank. An M1 Abhrams to keep my neighbors quiet.

01-19-2005, 09:47 PM
i would give about 95 billion to people who actually need it, then take care of everyone in my family so they dont have to work for the rest of there life. and then do all that fun stuff. wait no i take that back, ill take care of my family, but i would buy a small island and make marijuna leagal then grow a huge field of it.... oh god i want 100 billion dollars now. :(

01-19-2005, 09:52 PM
Cars, Hookers and Guns. Then buy an entire city or small country and go GTA on it's...butt.

Edit: Actually, I'd buy the state of Florida, and kick out all the old people. Then go with my above answer.

01-19-2005, 10:03 PM
Lets see....

a $20 million house in each of the following locations:

Hawaii, Aspen, Jersey Shore, Florida, Whistler BC, Vermont, Puerto Rico, Caymen Islands, Japan, and Ireland

A garage that can hold over 200 cars (filled)

Own a NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA team in South Jersey
Own a NFL team in Anchorage, Alaska
Donate 100 million to WVU and another 100 million to Ohio State
Have a wife in every country I have a house
Buy the hope diamond
open a cheesesteak restaurant here on high street, Morgantown
Open the worlds largest indoor paintball field
Organize my own paintball tourney
start my own company
Acquire AGD and DYE
Open up a night club called "CLub Allah" in Baghdad
Have a whole closet filled with Mitchell and Ness throwbacks
Start my own record label
buy a few islands and open 5 star resorts
own a 1000 foot yacht (aka a personal cruise ship)
Start a 24 hour paintball television network
Own AIRBUS A380, complete with a bar, movie theater, and fully staffed kitchen
Give my 5 closest friends $30 million each.....in change (just to piss them off)

01-19-2005, 11:42 PM
give pbx + nicad grant money... ooh and fund jayloo!!

WOW, thanks!

I would have server farms like Google and host everything paintball for free, forever.

01-19-2005, 11:59 PM
I would buy the biggest drill EVER KNOWN TO MANKIND. And a big hammer. And a really big TV. I'm talking HUGE. Like in football stadiums, but with HDTV quality and being like 2 feet in front of me, and play halo all day long.

01-20-2005, 12:13 AM
Id rebuild the tsunami area. (as in give 50 billion or so)
And then do alot of irrational buying.

01-20-2005, 12:16 AM
Chrysler 300C

All pimped out with the latest electronics, sound systems, etc (except the ducati)

Houses in the mountains, by the beach and in the city on BOTH coasts of the US. A mansion on a Greek Isle. Houses in each of the major European cities (London, Paris, Berlin, etc.).

All houses are to have a full staff of butlers, chefs, maids, personal trainers, etc. on call 24/7.

My own personal paintball field with multiple 10man, 7man, and 5man fields. Each is set up on flat, level, marked off land with the NPPL turf. Along with 4 Xball fields, a full service staging area capable of supporting hundreds of players. Paint will be top of the line Draxxus sold at NEAR cost prices. WELL TRAINED refs will be hired to run each field. Light poles affixed for night play and an indoor arena supporting 3 fields for winter games. NOTE: field will be open to the public with no entrance fee, only paint and air will have to be paid for.

A couple billion will be invested in safe investments to insure a steady stream of intrest (sp?).

$10 Billion to be donated to the Tsunami Relief Funds, most likely the one that provides the most amount of donations directly for aid (UNICEF is the best right now i think).

I will build the largest, most sophisticated, and classy nightclubs ever in every major city. With my own personal jet i will travel around the world visiting these nightclubs getting crunk each night and flirting with the most beautiful women in the world. Playboy lifestyle to the max.

Once i tire of this lifestyle i will fade into the background as the owner of many successful nightclubs and paintball entrepreneur. Hopefully marry a lovely, smart, beautiful, non gold-digging woman and have many children with her.

Any remaining money will be put into a trust fund for my children, allowing that they do not live lives of extasy and extravagance without doing any type of work. No "trust fund babies" for me.

01-20-2005, 12:21 AM
Lots of paintball gear! Lots of cars!, actually to keep people from killing me I would keep it quiet and not let anybody know how much money I just got, besides that one girl ;) gotta have her! I am not sure if I would donate to the Asia fund, they dont seem to really care for us anyway. Probly fix my little car, go to school, go to work, live life the way I know it, and buy anything that I ever wanted, The world Chico, and everything in it....

01-20-2005, 03:32 PM
Go the the SHOT show and buy one of everything..2 of the really cool things.

and a pony.

01-20-2005, 07:29 PM
Go the the SHOT show and buy one of everything..2 of the really cool things.

and a pony.

Dude, I want a pony too. gotta have a pony.

01-20-2005, 11:32 PM
what I would do with 100 Billion dollars (in no particular order)

Buy a zoo complete with ninja moneys
Buy all the paintball gear I ever wanted/needed
get a girlfriend :ninja:
make my own movie
make an army of battlebots

everything else is irrelevent

01-21-2005, 12:15 AM
do you know anyone who has/had lukemia... or do you just really like armadios

You could say I know someone with lukemia (quite well as a matter of fact). diagnosed Dec 2002... currently in last stage (4th), but still fighting to make it through each day, stubborn as all heck.

01-21-2005, 11:15 AM
two chicks at the same time.

the rest would go to charity.


I would build a medieval castle in outer space (like Ming the Merciless).

And I would never wear the same pair of socks twice.

01-21-2005, 06:24 PM
Buy a zoo complete with ninja moneys

Oooooohhhh yeah!!!!!
This is a good one, I want ninja monkeys to.