View Full Version : oli?

01-19-2005, 07:41 PM
How do I oil an auto mag. Im sure its a bit diff from my ProCarbine. So where do I put the oil. And is there any special kind of oil I need for it. Or can I use what I use on my ProCarbine.

01-19-2005, 07:58 PM
Put a few drops of autolube or really any kind of synthetic oil in the air fitting that goes into the valve. Make sure you fire a bunch of shots to work it through with your barrel off so no oil gets into the down your barrel.

01-19-2005, 09:25 PM
so what you are saying is to disconnect the line, and drip the oil in, then put the line back on? what if its steelbraided line without a quick disconnect, wouldn't the threads wear out after a while?

oh, and can you use teflon tape on the line going directly to the valve? what happens if it breaks loose and goes into the valve?

sorry for hijacking the thread, i just didn't want to start a whole new one just to ask these

01-19-2005, 09:39 PM
no.. you have to unscrew the field stripping pin.. (on the back of the grip frame, that big circle thing, thats the only screw you need to take off)... then pull out your valve... at the bottom of the valve are 2 holes with the word OIL pointing to them... just put a couple drops in (i like gold cup oil).. then stick your valve back in... put in the screw.. gas up and fire a dozen shots to make sure everythings working okay

01-19-2005, 10:03 PM
So now for the complete and correct answer.
As regular maintenance, you should break down the valve every now and then and clean it and oil the on/off and the Power tube inside and out. Also as mentioned put oil in the hole on the bottom of the valve marked 'oil'. Occasionally you may need to clean the regulator piston and re-GREASE it, not oil. You can reference this for all the parts mentioned [http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&categoryID=18]

As for a day of playing just put a drop or two, in the gas system somewhere, ASA, line, QD. but somewhere, at the beginning of a day of play and then gas it up shoot the oil around, clean or install your barrel and go play.

Oil can also solve some leak issues if only temporarily, so try that if you develop a leak during a day and don’t have the proper replacement o-ring.

01-21-2005, 08:23 AM
Yeah, what he said. -Every day I play, I put the oil in the line and in to the holes under the back of the valve. I was told that every time you break the seal between valve and the reg, you should replace the reg seat o-ring because it will never reseat exactly the same the next time. I just leave the valve in 1 piece and don't get any trouble from it.

01-21-2005, 10:20 AM
If you can get into the valve via the braided hose (like a quick disconnect), that would be good. If you use the bottomline ASA setup, you might be able to drop a few in the ASA before you screw in your tank. IDK if oil is going to shoot back at you while your thread the tank :confused:

I would invest the $5-6 for a quick disconnect. put the male nipple on the valve and the female on the line going to your tank.. makes taking off the valve super easy and painless... plus easier to lube.

click to enlarge for detail

http://www.minneci.net/paintball/sale/images/images_tn/TN_EMAG04.jpg (http://www.minneci.net/paintball/sale/images/images_full/EMAG04.jpg)

http://www.minneci.net/paintball/sale/images/images_tn/TN_MARKER15.jpg (http://www.minneci.net/paintball/sale/images/images_full/MARKER15.jpg)