View Full Version : emag breaking paint

11-11-2001, 11:07 PM
i love my emag, but i've been having troubles with it, i thought this would be the place to come to get some info. i shoot it in electro so im not short stroking or anything, i have enough air goin into the gun, my barrel is clean, i have a freak so its now a bore problem, i'd imagine its not a nubbin problem but they aren't helping, i used my new plastic ones to see if that would help, it didn't. i really have no clue whats wrong, i've taken it apart and cleaned it and normal stuff like that, but honestly, the last 3 to 4 times i have gone i break a lot of paint, like 25 to 50 percent, i am glad my opponents haven't caught on to that yet otherwise i'd be a deadman all the time, please help someone!!!!!

11-11-2001, 11:40 PM
Answer these questions first:

Does paint go up the feed tube?

Do they only break down the barrel?

Shooting single shots say one a second do you chop and have paint up the feed tube?

power or vert feed?

what kind of paint and where did you buy it?

Does this happen with all your barrels?

Does it happen during a string of shots?

What is your shots per second set to?


11-11-2001, 11:43 PM
What kind of paint are you shooting and is paint breaking down the bore or near the bolt? Have you tried different paints and different barrels? The Freaks have had a problem with smaller inserts and breaking paint because the smaller insert creates a lip that the paint can be caught on. Try a few different brands of paint with different barrels using your nubbins. Keep eliminating variables. You've eliminated a few from what you've said, but these are things I think you should try. Report back when you try these things out.

11-11-2001, 11:45 PM
The freak inserts actually have a right way and a wrong way. (Which I never new and just happened to notice one day. Some instructions would have been nice.) If you look closely at the edge of the insert you will notice one end is rounded and the other is not. The rounded end should face backwards towards the gun. This may not be your problem but it was mine one day and I broke paint like mad.

I have an E-Mag/Freak ...

11-12-2001, 08:19 AM
Yes, in fact the insert should go in this way: Looking at the side of the insert the words "The Freak" are printed on it. The "The" part goes in first which ends up closest to the Marker. And to check rotate the insert within the back and see if the bore size lines up with the oval hole. If it will not its in backwards. I agree with Phil (nice name btw :)) they should have had some instructions.

We have had two reports of improperly bored Freak backs. One Aluminum and one SS. Look down the barrel with an insert in place. You should not see any insert. It should look like a single bore.

11-12-2001, 04:32 PM
thanks for the help so far guys, i have one more thing to add, i do have a warp so its not like im our shooting my revvy, the paint was breaking just about everywhere in the barrel, sometimes at the end and sometimes at the bolt, with the slower shooting the breaking declined but it still broke a lot, i have a warp feed body and a warp, it was marbelizer and it was only like a month old and i stored it good, i do have my gun set at like 16 a sec, i will turn it down and see if that helps, i will also check the freak inserts to make sure i had it in right. i tryed out the plastic nubbins and it still broke a lot. thanks again for the help.

11-12-2001, 04:36 PM
I was with Pntbawlrmz yesterday and was having the same problem.

-the paint was feeding correctly , we both have warps

-we were breaking paint both in the barrel and by the bolt

-the gun didn't chop when we were shooting slow

-power feed

-we got it at our field , Rps premium

-it happened with my freak and also when I switched to the stock barrel to see if the freak was the problem

-it happened for me when like every third ball, I would squeggie then it would be fine for a few more shots then the paint would break

-I have mine set at 16 bps

thanks for your comments :D

11-12-2001, 09:17 PM
ive posted this b4, mags and cold weather dont mix... paintballs become brittle mag bolts and gas flow becomes harder and more powerful-therefore making you chop more- its the WINTER people expect worse paint problems than u would in the summer

Load SM5
11-12-2001, 10:19 PM
It actually may be your paint. I tried shooting premium paint last time out and broke like mad. So did everyone else who shot it that day and we all had a variety of barrels. The paint appeared to be fresh and not at all warped but I still broke every other ball. I used my freak and stock barrel and nothing helped. We all switched to all-stars and had no problems after that.