View Full Version : Need Help with Cocker Shooter Misinformation

01-19-2005, 11:23 PM
I posted on a budyd's forumn, which is not PB related in the slightest, to try and get the few who DID play, to come out and post.

This was one of the replies.
"I play, although not as in serious competitions, as of yet. Our team is scattered, some of us in MO, some in IN, and some in WV, so we have to work out a schedule to play at the big tournies.

Currently shotting a custom cocker, dubbed the Ultimate Disrupter built by Ryan at Disruptive Paintball.

By far the best shotting gun, Ive ever laid my hands on. Easily pulls 35-40bps, if your fingers and equip can handle it."

It was a Blue bodied, Ebladed cocker, with a silver midrise, blah blah.

I responded with..

"Are you using Legal Settings to acheive that ROF?
If so, Get a video of it.
I'm apart of another paintball forum,and i've seen alot fo fast fingers in my time.
I've been playing for a long darn time, and I've never seen ANYONE shoot higher than 24bps legally. Whats your dwell, Debounce, and the like at? Are you sure it's That high?
Also, what are you feeding it with? 30bps outshoots most high-end loaders."

I dont want to be a prick to the guy, Or a jerk. I'm not trying to own, or embarrass him, i just want to post some factual stuff. Any help?

01-19-2005, 11:29 PM
He meant it can do 35-40 if you can pull that fast. Not that he has ever done it.

01-19-2005, 11:30 PM
positive you can't even get 35+ even with some kind of full auto mode.

01-19-2005, 11:32 PM
He meant it can do 35-40 if you can pull that fast. Not that he has ever done it.

Most likely, but I'll wait untill he replies.

BTW, Thank you kindly for your help, Tony.
'Sorry about getting into it with you, over timmies a few months ago. :cheers:

01-20-2005, 02:16 AM
That isn't humanly possible to shoot that fast. Z-man posted a vid a while back of his one mag shooting in the low 30s and it sounded like a spyder motorboating. This is probably some kid shooting his cocker at like 15bps and imbelishing his stories a bit.

01-20-2005, 02:28 AM
no cocker with the exception of pbx's can even cycle up to 35-40 cps it will freaking fall apart!!! i would love a vid of this one!! also qs have gotten up to 34 bps tested bye ofcoarse zman himself!! it was rpgs very own rt ule check it out maybe even send this kid a vid of it!!!

01-20-2005, 09:41 AM
there are quite a few fast cockers out there that can cycle over 30 and evn into the 40-50 range, and yes pbx is the fastest i have seen.
unless he has stolen pbx's cocker he is lying. there is only one way to make an eblade shoot that fast, it is not full auto but it is mechanically cheating. an even with the cheat you need teh top of the line parts (slik kit-nexus or free flow internals-high end ram) the make it happen. i really want to see how fast i can shoot my eblade, but that will have to wait until i can actually shoot it when it works.

Wc Keep
01-20-2005, 10:52 AM
cockers are not capable of cycling that fast. pbx being an exception. the slickest ram you can get is the belsales.you also need to have a light weight back block and bolt. even with that and qevs and freeflow internals (best in my opinion) its tough for a cocker to be able to cycle faster than 19-20 bps.

01-20-2005, 04:13 PM
Most likely, but I'll wait untill he replies.

BTW, Thank you kindly for your help, Tony.
'Sorry about getting into it with you, over timmies a few months ago. :cheers:

Its cool, just the internet.