View Full Version : HTML Problem (frames)

01-20-2005, 02:12 PM
I'm sure someone can help with this.

I just changed the main logo on my website, and now it looks odd because of the frames. The main frame is cutting off the header frame. But I'm not sure how to resize it.

If anyone who knows html could go to http://www.thordic.com and take a look at the problem and tell me how to fix it, I'd appreciate it.

EDIT: I'm using Notepad at work, if I wait till I get home I can just use Dreamweaver to fix it easily but I'd rather just learn how to do it and do it here.

Will Wood
01-20-2005, 03:10 PM
May I suggest some CSS instead of those nasty frames?
You could probably do it in less than a half hour of learning it / editing existing templates.
Or another AOer or I might be able to whip something up if you want.. but CSS would be alot better IMO. Frames are icky.

01-20-2005, 03:13 PM
I had a problem with something like this about a month ago. I dont exactly remember what i did but i probably just used dreamweaver or made the image in the top frame smaller

01-20-2005, 03:15 PM
You could probably do it in less than a half hour of learning it

I am absolutely retarded when it comes to any sort of computer language / programming whatever you want to call it. I don't know why, I'm generally good with computers, but this crap screws me up every time. I can only do the more extreme basic HTML stuff by hand, and even then I usually have to look it up. I tried setting up phpnuke once, that was a disaster.

I'm not sure how I got my forums functional :)

I'll stick with frames because using DW I at least understand whats going on. You may think they are "icky" but they are simple. I just want to fix them.

Will Wood
01-20-2005, 03:33 PM
Yea, I'm retarded when it comes to programming stuff to, but I *never* succesfully made a page with frames and CSS was much easier to me. Frames were so confusing to me. :tard:
But each person is different I guess.

Don't know much about frames.. so sorry I can't help ya.
But you *might* want to take a quick look at the CSS stuff.

Look at the source on my page (www.netrauma.com) (Ignore the stupidity of the site.. I just put up a bunch of random stupid crap.. look at the source lol)
See how easy it is do definte the position of something?
*shrugs*. Wouldn't recomend this to you unless I thought it would make you page better, simpier, and easier. But if it's not your thing nevermind.

01-20-2005, 03:48 PM
Ive been forced to work with CSS before (for my Myspace profile). I've seen the code. I find it much more of a PITA to work with than just doing up frames.

I don't do any coding by hand right now, I do it all in Dreamweaver. Which makes things ridiculously simple. The only reason I asked for help if I wanted to fix this today while I was at work. But no big deal, I can fix it at home quite easily.

01-20-2005, 03:53 PM
I am absolutely retarded.

Fixed. :ninja: :D

Am looking forward to becoming the same, with you, this weekend!

01-20-2005, 03:59 PM
Fixed. :ninja: :D

Am looking forward to becoming the same, with you, this weekend!

If its anything like most of my prior trips to AC, retarded barely begins to cover it :)

01-20-2005, 04:01 PM
Well, based on my quick reading of the frames HTML commands I think you need to increase the first number in the following frameset command:

frameset rows="142,*" cols="*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO" border="0"

Note: I left out the < and > brackets to avoid the command being Interpreted.


01-20-2005, 04:13 PM
Well, based on my quick reading of the frames HTML commands I think you need to increase the first number in the following frameset command:

frameset rows="142,*" cols="*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO" border="0"

Note: I left out the < and > brackets to avoid the command being Interpreted.

Wow, that just makes it perfectly evident I can't read. Haha. Thanks for the help, that was it. I actually thought I'd have to adjust the row height but I just didn't see it. :tard:

01-20-2005, 04:17 PM
Wow, that just makes it perfectly evident I can't read..

That stuff just jumps out to a programmer. That's one of the reasons it easier for us programmer types to learn that stuff. ;)
