View Full Version : my mom is mad at me... i blame paintball

01-21-2005, 09:41 PM
ok my mom has a slowly growing anger. When i got ome from school today i shot my pb gun for about a minute and then went inside. i called my friend to set up our next paintball meeting. then i went oh here for a little while, and took a shower (tmi i know). after that i went down for dinner, did dishes and played greg hastings on xbox while looking at a paintball magazine and going on my laptop here on AO. so this has been going on for about a week (minus a couple of things) and my mom now hates hearing about paintball. it's my life. so now i am in my room not to look at my gun downstairs locked in the closet with my mafgazine. I have "homework" that requires the internet so i still hav my computer. so as you can see i am now bored and am posting this on Ao for no other reason other than to ask everyone if they have ver ben in the same situation.

01-21-2005, 09:48 PM
You have a big problem, you need to go to PA (Paintball Anymous) meeting. What your going through is normall for most players when they start :D

50 cal
01-21-2005, 09:49 PM
Uuh, no. Just you dude.

Messing with you. The wife gets tired of it sometimes. But I take my twin boys p-balling a bunch, so she's usually pretty cool with it.

01-21-2005, 09:52 PM
lol, I'm not alone!

01-21-2005, 10:01 PM
my mom used to hate it but..... well not anymore.

Head knight of Ni
01-21-2005, 10:19 PM
Just don't talk about it to outsiders as much. To them it gets confusing and annoying after three sentences. People will complain if you don't stop, take good care of your equipment but think twice about cleaning it around the family areas.

01-21-2005, 10:20 PM
yea my mom use to hate and my brother does cuz he says i talk about it to much and he hates when my mag is taking his spot on the couch one time he took my barrel and hid it for a week. its been going on, on and off for the last four years. i will win eventually and get them both to play. my dad thinks its funny cuz i was trying to show off and i got it in the head twice one time.

01-21-2005, 10:21 PM
Tell her that it could be worst. You could be into porn, drugs, drinking and vandalism.... Oh hold on, you'll be into that in college...sorry. Don't listent to me. My Mom couldn't stand anything that i was into when I was your age either. Its a mom thing. Just try to remember that she loves you more than life itself...thats kind of why she can seem so damn crazy half the time.

More useless advice. Moms and Dads were just like you once. Did stuff their parents hated. Then they had kids (you) and they went from being fun loving adults to half crazed parents that no can understand. Loving your kids drives you crazy and drives the kids crazy too.

She'll get over it.

01-21-2005, 10:22 PM
I'm kinda the same, except I am "addicted" to forums. Dont go too crazy now, you may experience minor withdrawl.

01-21-2005, 10:25 PM
Some prob with the wife occassionally.

Easiest way to fix it, for me,is to play more Tennis(lot's of lovely ladies at the courts) or Golf with my regular pair, another lovely...single lady. A little bit of that and the Grubby Paintball guys are looking pretty good as far as she's concerned. :)

01-21-2005, 10:29 PM
Just don't talk about it to outsiders as much. To them it gets confusing and annoying after three sentences. People will complain if you don't stop, take good care of your equipment but think twice about cleaning it around the family areas.

i got some kids into school into paintball and they are total acting newbies... think they know everything and don't know a barrel from their paintball. and i talk to them and 3 sentinces in.. "hey is that andrew, hey andrew!!" or something like that.

yeah like cleaning it in the kitchen in the middle of the island in the sink, washing out your 90* q loader elbow and having it get all over masil. my dad caught the mail and my mom never saw, thank god.

go us die hard paintballers. :shooting:

01-21-2005, 10:30 PM
This is exactly why I never mention paintball to my parents. Except my dad, since he asks about it most of the time.

01-21-2005, 10:51 PM
I wouldnt blame paintball. I would blame YOU for being obsesed (sp?).

01-21-2005, 10:59 PM
I wouldnt blame paintball. I would blame YOU for being obsesed (sp?).

yea i get kinna obsessive when i want something, paintball, airsoft, computers, pistols, and justabout annything i get into. but it is paintballs fault for being there, and i never said it was a bad thing.

01-21-2005, 11:04 PM
I am the same way though...it is our faults for being obsessed...but paintball is a very attractive thing to be obsessed about :)

01-21-2005, 11:28 PM
i got the same prolbem. my 2 younger brothers are good swimmer and one always in the locel paper. so it's always about them and dinner or family get-togathers. and they hate my sport and say it's a waste. so i just post **** all over the house and tell them to smell my fart!

01-21-2005, 11:30 PM
Very mature of you... :rolleyes:

01-21-2005, 11:44 PM
When you have to sell all your guns quit playing that's when you can start blaming paintball for the bad things in your life....
not that I would know..... :cry:

01-22-2005, 12:05 AM
You had to quit? Oh...

01-22-2005, 12:33 AM
i got the same prolbem. my 2 younger brothers are good swimmer and one always in the locel paper. so it's always about them and dinner or family get-togathers. and they hate my sport and say it's a waste. so i just post **** all over the house and tell them to smell my fart!

That's priceless.

01-22-2005, 01:16 AM
i got my mom to come play pb w/ me and i played her 1v1. that was fun. snuck up behind her her on a speed ball course and shot her four times hehehe.

she had a great time and wants to buy a gun now

01-22-2005, 06:19 AM
My wife used to complain about me playing paintball... I solved that problem :D Of course... I hear she's getting remarried this year, wonder if I should care :confused:

Creative Mayhem
01-22-2005, 06:36 AM
I can't really remember having any real problems with my Dad, hes cool with it. When he shows his buddies at work some pics of me playing, and they ask about my gear or why I would do that, he just replies "Hey, he may have spent a small fortune on his stuff, and playing, but he's not into drugs, or anything illegal, so for him its his fun." He has come out to watch from time to time as well.

My mom on the otherhand... well.. She never gave me a hard time, but she does have a thing against guns, and thinks that "if you want to go shoot people I should enlist in the ARMY" I just tell her, "Mom, I am Canadian... we have no army" She doesn't like that comment :D

In all serious though, speaking from experience, she is just looking out for you. Try this, sit her down and tell her that it's something you love to do, that its not a fad(it isn't, is it? ;)) and that you would appreciate her support. Go on to tell her exactly how the sport is played, in everyday terms, and even suggest that she come and watch. Eventually she will see that it is something you enjoy, and makes you happy. In the end parents are suckers for anything(legal;)) that makes their kids happy.

01-22-2005, 09:22 AM
I'm kinda the same, except I am "addicted" to forums. Dont go too crazy now, you may experience minor withdrawl.
im sorta addicted to forums :( . ive got midterms next week though, so i think ill be taking a break.

as for her not letting you play paintball, first of all dont talk about paintball to her, and dont clean your gun or shoot it near her. secondly, tell her its your anti-drug :D . that should get your gun returned soon :p . if that doesnt work, get someone to hook you up with a dimebag and leave it in your pocket, on your dresser, etc. :eek: . (jk)

01-22-2005, 10:01 AM
When you have to sell all your guns quit playing that's when you can start blaming paintball for the bad things in your life....
not that I would know..... :cry:

I love it!

01-22-2005, 10:25 AM
In all serious though, speaking from experience, she is just looking out for you. Try this, sit her down and tell her that it's something you love to do, that its not a fad(it isn't, is it? ;)) and that you would appreciate her support. Go on to tell her exactly how the sport is played, in everyday terms, and even suggest that she come and watch. Eventually she will see that it is something you enjoy, and makes you happy. In the end parents are suckers for anything(legal;)) that makes their kids happy.

:rofl: Jeremy...you're too funny!!

He is the only one here that has the right idea. Your mom is mad because she doesn't understand. If you sit down and talk to her, you can help her see your point of view. I think she's a little...uh, jealous, maybe. I think she secretly wishes you'd spend some more time with her. I'd highly suggest taking her to a paintball game also, which would be, spending time together. Your mom loves you and does not want to ruin your life...just talk to her man....and come back and tell us all about it. :D

01-22-2005, 10:41 AM
I had the same problem at first too. But then I got some friends into it and started playing with a friend of my parent's and his son. I bought my dad a gun for Christmas, and he's played before and liked it, so I think that problem's solved, and as for my mom, well...I told her that she never *****ed at me for wanting to golf or ski. Really though, the best solution is to get your parents or siblings into paintball. Strength in numbers and all that. :shooting: :dance:
(Stupid banana, take that!)

01-22-2005, 11:08 AM
well i forgot to tell you about the time when me and a bunch of friends came to our paintball park. my mom was driving all of us and she had her book and decided to stay. she loves to watch it, "it's like all theese little army men running around" yea so she read all day. and my father says the same thing, at least it's not drugs. but i would never do that.

01-22-2005, 11:12 AM
Okay...so you only have one option left.....get her to play :shooting: Bwahhahha!!! :ninja:

p u r e e v i l
01-22-2005, 11:16 AM
When I first got into the sport, my Grandparents were pretty cool about it. They asked a lot of questions and then my Grandfather got into it a little more and would always play with my Paintball guns when I'd let him. They took me all over to play at places (including Hole in the Wall which is 2.5 hours away) just to try out for a team, which I made, but got kicked off of because I beat the team captain. Anyways...yeah. They're awesome about it and are as stoked as I am for the team I'm starting up. I'm excited too!

Yo dude. (Started of the thread and kid above) You're addicted, face it. It's awesome and I'm glad you've resorted to paintball over anything else (ie: drugs) and maybe that'd help your mom understand it. Some parents don't understand, but just tell her how it makes you feel when you play (MOM! I FEEL HIGH WHEN I PLAY!) and junk like that...maybe she'll let you play with your toys again. Later brah! Congrats on that...

...Paintball; The Anti-Drug of AOers everywhere.

01-22-2005, 11:49 AM
:cheers: im in the same situation :shooting:

01-22-2005, 12:12 PM
i never had this problem

paintball is not my life

01-22-2005, 09:08 PM
my mom is mad at me because i want her to take me to the store and don't want to play a board game with her :rolleyes:

01-22-2005, 09:49 PM
well i have been paintballing for almost a year now and my parents havent gotten that much annoyed! i know it sounds amazing but its true! my friend lane talks about it all the time and his parents get mad but whenever i do talk about it they just listen!

01-22-2005, 11:03 PM
Just lay low for a while. Hide your PB mags like they are porn. Time to brown nose. suck up for a while. Step back & look at how much time is involved with paintball a month. Dont be a junky...

See my wife was a paintball widow for about three years, played/refed for free a minimum of three nights a week & still had teams stuff on weekends. Gone two weekends a month traveling to tournies up & down the west coast. It got really ugly :cuss: :mad: :cuss: dont let it go there.

spyder luver
06-15-2005, 10:08 PM
YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!! hahahaha........all my friends make fun of me for always talking about paintball and stuff and one one of the earlier posts a guy said after 3 sent. his friends were lost .....lol,...;....for some time my friends didnt even know were their drop was at i still give them crap for that and all of them make me put there crap on or fix their guns that ive never even touched in my life and i can still fix it and they dont know anything bout it lol...........but ya im pritty obsevive over it to my rents r okay bout it not reall into me playing it though they think im wasting my $$....*they wont drive me to the field 2 hours away *sobs*

Target Practice
06-15-2005, 10:27 PM
YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!! hahahaha........all my friends make fun of me for always talking about paintball and stuff and one one of the earlier posts a guy said after 3 sent. his friends were lost .....lol,...;....for some time my friends didnt even know were their drop was at i still give them crap for that and all of them make me put there crap on or fix their guns that ive never even touched in my life and i can still fix it and they dont know anything bout it lol...........but ya im pritty obsevive over it to my rents r okay bout it not reall into me playing it though they think im wasting my $$....*they wont drive me to the field 2 hours away *sobs*

Thanks for dredging up a thread that is months old and sucked in the first place.

Your friends make fun of you because you have no life, not because you talk about paintball all the time. Okay, that may be part of it, but still.

Jesus, you type like you have Down's.

06-15-2005, 10:31 PM
my sentiments exaclty..

06-15-2005, 11:48 PM
wow i remember this thread for a while ago...

its gotten to the point where i have 1 main gun, and 2 others to sell/trade as i please... as long as i dont put more money into it.

ive come a long way from where i was.

06-16-2005, 10:08 AM
wow i remember this thread for a while ago...

its gotten to the point where i have 1 main gun, and 2 others to sell/trade as i please... as long as i dont put more money into it.

ive come a long way from where i was.

No one cared THEN, no one cares NOW.

06-16-2005, 10:12 AM
Thanks for dredging this up. :(

06-16-2005, 10:14 AM
Thanks for dredging this up. :(

If I had slept last night, I probably would have said something witty regarding History repeating itself.

06-16-2005, 10:16 AM
Those who dont learn from the mistakes of the past, are destined to repeat them.

06-16-2005, 10:20 AM
My mom on the otherhand... well.. She never gave me a hard time, but she does have a thing against guns, and thinks that "if you want to go shoot people I should enlist in the ARMY" I just tell her, "Mom, I am Canadian... we have no army" She doesn't like that comment :D

06-16-2005, 12:26 PM
No one cared THEN, no one cares NOW.

then why are you posting in it? i didnt bring it back up...

so let it die!

06-16-2005, 12:57 PM
i remeber when i started paintball and my mom said it was stupid and i went deeper in the rabbit hole and my mom kept saying it and then gave up, SO be presistent :dance:

spyder luver
06-16-2005, 01:34 PM
Thanks for dredging up a thread that is months old and sucked in the first place.

Your friends make fun of you because you have no life, not because you talk about paintball all the time. Okay, that may be part of it, but still.

Jesus, you type like you have Down's.

no its about paintball ............Jesus God man u dont even know me

and i type like sh*t because i have more to do then sit and make sure ive capitalized the right words put pireods and all the stuff in and its not like ur gunna die from reading stuff that isnt properly typed

06-16-2005, 01:36 PM
no its about paintball ............Jesus God man u dont even know me

and i type like sh*t because i have more to do then sit and make sure ive capitalized the right words put pireods and all the stuff in and its not like ur gunna die from reading stuff that isnt properly typed

You can die from being stupid though...


06-16-2005, 01:42 PM
i think we all have

06-16-2005, 02:09 PM
no its about paintball ............Jesus God man u dont even know me

and i type like sh*t because i have more to do then sit and make sure ive capitalized the right words put pireods and all the stuff in and its not like ur gunna die from reading stuff that isnt properly typed

yea thats totaly ture u hav to relize taht poepel can read w/e i say cuz its not like pepole need pireods on nythng to now waht ur sayin plus who cares i mena u r makin a big frginn deal ovr nothnig and theres now ay taht in teh futuer poeple will not tinhk ur views r vlaid nd wrth lintsenig to jus cuz u dont spell evryething rite and put pireosd in u guys need to hcill u allways jump over poreple and it dosnt really mattert my dad is a mjaor excemutive and he rites his emails all teh time and he makes 100000 a year so what now

06-16-2005, 02:11 PM
yea thats totaly ture u hav to relize taht poepel can read w/e i say cuz its not like pepole need pireods on nythng to now waht ur sayin plus who cares i mena u r makin a big frginn deal ovr nothnig and theres now ay taht in teh futuer poeple will not tinhk ur views r vlaid nd wrth lintsenig to jus cuz u dont spell evryething rite and put pireosd in u guys need to hcill u allways jump over poreple and it dosnt really mattert my dad is a mjaor excemutive and he rites his emails all teh time and he makes 100000 a year so what now

hay doo u ne ed 2 b ncier to peeps guy.
lool i men helooooooooo? stop bein so mean 2 the new

You know what dude? Its HARD typing like that.
I had In-n-Out for Breakfast. How cool is THAT?

06-16-2005, 02:15 PM
You know what dude? Its HARD typing like that.

Seriously. I need to save one as a text file and just link it in.

06-16-2005, 02:15 PM
Seriously. I need to save one as a text file and just link it in.

That isn't a bad idea at all.
Do it once, then use that as a template.

/it had grilled onions
//god...mmm..so good.

06-16-2005, 02:18 PM
hay doo u ne ed 2 b ncier to peeps guy.
lool i men helooooooooo? stop bein so mean 2 the new

You know what dude? Its HARD typing like that.
I had In-n-Out for Breakfast. How cool is THAT?

I totally agree. I have a keyboard right now that doesn't type "a"s right now a I still right perfectly legable. Why can't people just take the time to make their posts readable so people don't hate them?


P.S. It's people like you(spyder luver) that have ruined this forum for me and others before me.

EDIT: Sorry about that SC...I realized you were just joking.

06-16-2005, 02:20 PM
I totally agree. I have a keyboard right now that doesn't type "a"s right now a I still right perfectly legable. Why can't people just take the time to make their posts readable so people don't hate them?


P.S. It's people like you guys ("SCpoloRicker" and "spyder luver") that have ruined this forum for me and others before me.

And it's people like you and 'Spyderluver' who've Ruined it for ScPoloricker and I.

Ricker is a thousand million times cooler than you are.

Target Practice
06-16-2005, 02:25 PM
and i type like sh*t because i have more to do then sit and make sure ive capitalized the right words put pireods and all the stuff in and its not like ur gunna die from reading stuff that isnt properly typed

You mean like the 6 seconds it took for me to write this?

06-16-2005, 05:03 PM
And it's people like you and 'Spyderluver' who've Ruined it for ScPoloricker and I.

Ricker is a thousand million times cooler than you are.

Hey, he went back, and I was at lunch. I wouldn't have known anything if he didn't call it out himself. Plus, I haven't noticed anything wrong with JoshK's behavior on the board.

/although, he obviously does have "a"s on his keyboard
///thousand million :confused:

06-16-2005, 05:05 PM
Hey, he went back, and I was at lunch. I wouldn't have known anything if he didn't call it out himself. Plus, I haven't noticed anything wrong with JoshK's behavior on the board.

/although, he obviously does have "a"s on his keyboard
///thousand million :confused:

JoshK =PaintballNewbie

06-16-2005, 06:11 PM
Meh, I still am not seething in anger.

/maybe I'm just getting old

06-16-2005, 06:14 PM
Meh, I still am not seething in anger.

/maybe I'm just getting old

So'k guy.

Just lemme know when your knee acts up so I know when it's gonna rain.

06-16-2005, 07:57 PM


Target Practice
06-16-2005, 08:06 PM

"It's really turned Chris' life upside-down face."

06-16-2005, 08:09 PM
Take it easy man... I have an addictive personality as well. It took me a while to get off paintball, but freshmen year, I did something really stupid and my dad smashed my customized blakc magic infront of me with a hammer. I saw those beautiful aftermarket upgrades fly up in the air. That dye izon sight I baught off ebay, along with the reg, pneumatics, and one of my dye boomsticks. After a while I realized there are other things.

Not to brag or show off or anything but I can honestly say I am well rounded. I pick up a lot of things quite easily. After I realized that, Paintball was just one of my other sports. Now that I finaly gave up one of my hobbies for paintball, I am deffinetly glad to be back.

What I am saying is, look for different things other than paintball. Making paintball your life isnt too healthy, and I think many can agree with me on that. (Aside to those who make a living off paintball companies).

Good luck man, the first few days is going to be painful!

06-21-2005, 12:21 PM
Okay...so you only have one option left.....get her to play :shooting: Bwahhahha!!! :ninja:

I bet the following would happen.

Mom plays and likes it so much she gets into the sport. Then while her son is away at school she practices all day and let's no one in on the fact that she's working hard to become a better player ....

Then the day comes where mother and son are out there shooting it up and it becomes clear that Mom is outshooting the Son.

Son walks off the field and quits the sport forever ..... well at least for a few years.

At least that's how it happened when my Dad got my Mom into Skeet Shooting. While he was at work she would go to the range and practice.

Then when they went back out, she out shot him. They never went Skeet shooting again.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-21-2005, 12:29 PM
yeah, i dont have that problem, my mom paintball sometimes, lol :rofl:

06-21-2005, 12:41 PM
annyone tried to get their mom to go paintballing? i have, she said that she would like to try it sometime, but i doubt it...

06-21-2005, 12:47 PM
annyone tried to get their mom to go paintballing? i have, she said that she would like to try it sometime, but i doubt it...
my parents/friends/sister/friends sisters all say hell no. but my friend that actually got me into paintball made his mom play once, after she had watched him for a while... and she loved it. last i heard, she was planning on buying her own gun. but then they moved, and i havent seen them since... :(

heh, actually my friends sister was over my house yesterday to pick him up (i just sold my friend my old spyder, he was picking it up) and i asked her if she wanted to play... she just said so you get shot with paint filled balls that leave nasty bruises... (laugh) count me out. :( goddamn preppy girls...

06-21-2005, 01:05 PM
My Mom was cool with the whole thing way back when I was in High School at first. She thought it was okay because we wore masks and talked about safety and stuff like that. But, one day I got a new gun and my friend wanted to try it right away in my back yard. My Back yard is small so it didnt work out that good. The gun was a Kingman Hammer-A pump. Really good gun for 2 days, then it never worked right again. POS!!!. Anyway, we were shooting a card board box in the back yard that was pretty thick and putting holes through the box instead of the paint breaking on it like we thot it would. My mom saw that and freaked out. She started to yell to my Dad, "Thomas, look at THIS!!!. How can this be safe. They shoot these things at each other!!!! This is way too dangerous!!!! I had no idea this is what you were playing all this time! She calmed down after that when we shot a couple other things and showed her its not as bad as it seemed. Cardboard does not break paint very good. I want Dye to make card board pants. The paintballs would go through and break on my legs but no one would be able to really see inside my pants very good. I could cheat alll day!! Muuuwaaahaahhaa. J/K. I hate cheating.

06-21-2005, 01:13 PM
is it just me or is AO turning into PBN with these threads

06-21-2005, 02:00 PM
is it just me or is AO turning into PBN with these threads

Good point. Please guide us; and help us become awesome.

/hint: check your started threads

Target Practice
06-21-2005, 03:35 PM
/hint: check your started threads


06-21-2005, 03:39 PM
Take it easy man... I have an addictive personality as well. It took me a while to get off paintball, but freshmen year, I did something really stupid and my dad smashed my customized blakc magic infront of me with a hammer. I saw those beautiful aftermarket upgrades fly up in the air. That dye izon sight I baught off ebay, along with the reg, pneumatics, and one of my dye boomsticks. After a while I realized there are other things.
My Father used to do things like that to me when I was a teenager. He made me realize things too ... that you can't trust anyone, not even your own parents. We're still not close and we never will be again.

Target Practice
06-21-2005, 03:48 PM
He made me realize things too ... that you can't trust anyone, not even your own parents.

Haha, just because your parents are garbage doesn't mean everyone's parents are. I don't know how old you are, but that statement comes from a true child.

06-21-2005, 03:55 PM
My Father used to do things like that to me when I was a teenager. He made me realize things too ... that you can't trust anyone, not even your own parents. We're still not close and we never will be again.

Don't get on his side too fast, you don't know what "stupid thing" he did?

My friend's girlfriend used to play with us, I've seen some girls playing at a field alot...most of the one's I've "known" play a few times then quit. I don't know if it's the welts or the agressive nature of it. I'm sure there are a ton of girl players out there...that's just been my personal experience.

06-21-2005, 04:13 PM
Haha, just because your parents are garbage doesn't mean everyone's parents are. I don't know how old you are, but that statement comes from a true child.
I'm glad my Father was like that, when I run into people like you I'm not disappointed.

I'm old enough to have seen women cheat on their husbands, guys pretending to talk to the dead to take advantage of old ladies, men using children as sex objects, police who hold no more regard for the Constitution than they would a Bazooka Joe comic, and people flying airplanes into buildings in the name of some silly deity with the manors of a spoiled brat.

I suppose I should rephrase what I said earlier. I do trust people. I trust them to be greedy, inconsiderate, shallow and self centered. Congratulations, you pass the test. You're a real human being.

06-21-2005, 05:18 PM

People are bad!!1

Target Practice
06-21-2005, 06:28 PM

People are bad!!1

Story at 11.