View Full Version : in light of what is going on...

01-22-2005, 05:38 PM
Dear AO, or to those who know me at least.

I have been a member of this board since April 2003. while I realize, this is a short period of time compared to other members and mods, I like to think that in this short period of time, I have made a decent contribution to the boards, and made a good handfull of friends. Both on, and off the boards. I have met nearly ever mod here, and lots of the 'older' members of the boards. I have organized the past 2 AO NE events, I have met and played with a select few at IAO and Pandemonium.

Alot of you, I consider my friends. There are also a select few of you that I could do without in life. So, it is said with somewhat of a heavy heart, that I am leaving the AO community.

With the recent bannings that have been going down, and general dissention amongst the ranks, I feel it is not my place to be here anymore. Many members of this board, make this place no longer enjoyable to visit. That, in the grand scheme of things, is sad.

I know Miscue has started a thread about what to do to fix AO. AO seems to be in a state of depsair. irreparable damage has been caused. many of the more prevelant members have left, and havent posted here lately. AO may never get those members back. AO has essentially, in my eyes, turned into Small Talk. It seems that many of the regulars have defected to thordics forums. I have been posting there myself as of late. Its just more laid back, and less restrictive.

While I understand that the AO boards are privately owned, and need to be kept to PG content, it is no longer the fun it used to be coming here. I don't think my points are unfounded here, and many of you will agree with me.

I am not here to solicit anyones pity. I am not here to elicit your sympathy, and beg me to stay around. I am simply here to put it out there that I am leaving the AO boards in my current capacity. I have decided to cancel my subscription to Drama Weekly, and move on. My posts here, if any, will be few and far between. I just wanted to put this out there to those people here that talk to me on a regular basis on the boards (or used to) that I was leaving.

anyone who needs to can contact me on aim, I am always on. last I checked, I have no outstanding transactions with anyone here on AO. If I do, please email me. jdev (at) fallingaway (dot) com

To those who were friends. thank you.
To those who weren't, thank you also. You have taught me, and others unforgettable lessons, and provided certain moments of hilarity.

I am really sorry it had to come to this. Those of us who can, do. We will do what we need to do to move on.

until we meet again.. or something.


01-22-2005, 05:41 PM
I'll see ya in the thorums

peace out

01-22-2005, 05:47 PM
http://www.sprayingmango.com/tear.gif http://www.sprayingmango.com/tear.gif

01-22-2005, 06:06 PM
cant say i didnt see stuff like this commin..... :(

see ya around

01-22-2005, 06:06 PM
sad to see ya go joey, but you gotta do what you gotta do. good luck to ya buddy :cheers:

01-22-2005, 06:41 PM
No susan noooooooooo :(

See you soon!

01-22-2005, 07:40 PM
i'll keep up with ya on Thorums

01-22-2005, 10:01 PM

Hi :)

01-23-2005, 03:33 AM
I agree 100%.

AO is falling apart........quickly. I sometimes can't stand coming here anymore, some of these threads are filled with pure bull :cuss: and half the people that make AO what it is have been banned or have left.

01-23-2005, 03:46 AM
it is because the ao mods are coming down so hard on everyone for worthless crap. also they are going power crazy. thorums all the way. but i would just hate to see so go.