View Full Version : would this be a good upgrade??

01-22-2005, 07:33 PM

i have a very Classic mag - soon to get level 10, probably will keep the classic valve for now, but I recently came across this trigger frame for sale. I still have the stock single finger - is this a a straight forward replacement?

Thanks for any advice.

Creative Mayhem
01-22-2005, 07:44 PM
That is a direct replacement, it will bolt right on inplace of the stock frame. Bear in mind, that frame doesn't have the same tolerances that a newer frame(intelli, roguefactor or logic) may have. The trigger pull will more than likely, be sloppy and long. But to quote WCKeep "I like my pull slopy and long"(he's talking about the trigger pull duhh)

01-22-2005, 07:54 PM
i think it really depends on the price. if its cheap enough i think its worth it.

01-22-2005, 07:55 PM
I don't know for sure, mb someone else will chime in, but judging from the hole in the rear of the grip, that might be for a classic RT. If it is infact for a classic RT it won't fit a 68 classic.
I would wait for others to chime in just to be on the safe side, but that hole really looks larger than it should be to me.


01-22-2005, 08:42 PM
my2crazyeyes may be correct. I had a Benchmark frame on my Classic, and it did not have a hole in the back that size. But, if you find a cheap Benchy for sale, they are pretty good frames. Nice, easy, but long pull.

01-22-2005, 08:47 PM
i've got a benchy on my secondary marker, and its pretty good. Not quite the same as a 2x trigger Intelli, but what really is? :D I say, if you don't need to do the intellifeed mod, get it. Because these frames don't support that sort of thing.

Oh and also, if you plan on getting a different set of grips, they will have to be panel grips, normal wrap-arounds won't fit right. (i've tried to put a Sticky on mine)

01-22-2005, 09:42 PM
well if it is cheap then you could pick it up or you could just go buy a double trigger to replace the singel, but if I wast to buy a frame I wold go from something nice like a intelli or a vert frame of some sort. but thats just my opinion.

01-22-2005, 10:21 PM
If its a benchmark RT frame yoiu will have to sleeve your back screw. I thru one on my classic & started pulling the trigger then all of a sudden I had nothing. It looked like the whole valve had moved backwards so I pushed on the back of the valve & it started to shoot again. I used some .032 brass sheeting & made a sleeve. I was told that bench mark had a hard brass shim with it when bought new depending on what marker you had. I love benchmark frames but hey I'm a :tard: