View Full Version : nor cal AO day

That One Llama
01-22-2005, 11:13 PM
woot woot that was a great day

01-22-2005, 11:16 PM

01-23-2005, 12:23 AM
another great time at extreme,good seeing everyone again.Take care ryan have fun in NY.where are the vids and pics?

01-23-2005, 12:41 AM
iunno but i want to see them really badly

01-23-2005, 01:27 AM
the whole day was straight baller... thanks for fun times guys... good luck ryan


01-23-2005, 01:40 AM
wheres the pics :nono:

Big Weapons
01-23-2005, 01:53 AM
Don't worry about it. I bet zman is working happily on his laptop on the vids. Pics looked pretty good [i was actually in more than 2 of them this time! YIZZAH!]

Today was alright. I could ignore the fact that my gun refused to work for a couple of hours, and that we couldn't get fills that lasted more than a couple of games [what's up with THAT? I paid extra for 4500psi fills and I got fills up to 2000?!?!?]

01-23-2005, 03:34 AM
yeah no doubt.. o well, i bought paint at the store so got free all day air. haha. indeed. man do i ever <3 the nor cal ao ppl. i just had a great time out there today. hey zak i will pm you about maybe doing some video's and pictures on dvd's. i will surely buy one.

01-23-2005, 04:17 AM
Sooooo tired. I got back at 11pm imported both tapes of the video footage I got and just zipped all 58MB of the images I got and put them up for you all.

Yes the fotage of my and Carbon came out in all its vile, swine-like, pig faced insolence but fortunately, teehee, teehee, I have the only copies. I figured I would let you all post the images you want as it saves me time and you cna get them all here


Ill get on the video later. zzzZzzzZZzzzzzzzzz...........

Big Weapons
01-23-2005, 04:50 AM
What a day. Pictures are fun :)

I thought that looked cool for some reason. Maybe because I'm in it.

Love that little gas cloud after firing :D Cool profile of my gun though.

This game was great. I hit the 50 off the break and a couple of people followed up. There's me and Stondroopy (?) taking left and right 50.

This was probably my highlight. I get a fresh pod of flourescent yellow paintballs from someone [omg I forgot who... whoever it was, thanks. I still owe you a pod.] So heading to the left 40, Ryan decides to cross my path and draw some fire while he's at it, and I was unable to move up because cabldawg was laning the bunker as usual. A few seconds later, a splash of orange hits my face. I thought I got gogged, but it didn't feel like a gog. Nonetheless I was out and I held my gun up... and all the balls from the hopper fell out. Son of a... the hopper lid flew open and the splatter obscured my view. Not to mention I got bonus balled.

EDIT: LOL I just noticed you can see the last few balls dropping out!!

01-23-2005, 10:35 AM
CaliMagFan should have some additional pics, right?

Overall it was a pretty good day. The comraderie of the NorCal group made up for the cold gray weather and the 1800-2000 fills. At least the mud on the fields wasn't as bad as last time.

It was cool to see Carbon shoot Z-man in the face... :D Way too many witnesses to try and suppress the footage.

Ryan, good luck in NY! We'll see you for NorCal vs. SoCal.

Now, bring on the video.

01-23-2005, 12:07 PM
Yes, I do have some more picture.... The only thing is that they are all staging area pics, pics of markers and pics from Chevys... Worth having, but not quite that exciting when posted on the forums.. The one of the 3 excals is nice tho.

Big Weapons.... Hey man, I'm sorry about that bonus balling.. wasnt trying to lay it on but i think the extra 1 or 2 balls that hit you were actually meant for steelrat... you can see him there checking his foot... I has realized the game before that the 50 was the place to be on that field, so i had just made it to the 50 in time to see you entering that place in the 40.... neither of you were tucked in bby the time i started shooting. I hate taking players out within the first 20 secondsm but, I know you would have done the same for me given the chance. <wink>

Here's to the best day of PB in recent memory... I cant wait to nocal vs Socal... i'm gunna bring my A game to that... and I want to take photos and video for most of one of the days...

Z-Man.... I'll send you these photos if you can give me a place to host them.. for now lemme see if i can get some on here.!!

Eatem Alive
01-23-2005, 12:28 PM
don't forget cabldawg, that was probably our last day with him as well. good luck to both of you.

01-23-2005, 12:33 PM
ok ok here we have the fist of the clips. I made a low res 2.8MB video that shows about58 sec of the bunker (in particular, me attacking Carbon for his treachery)

http://www.800tag5150.com/videos/CarbonBunkerLong.mp4 <-- Righ click to save it

I also made a show 14 sec clip of the bunkering and that is it MOV file at a larger image size so more detail could be seen. Odd that this on is over 8MB and is 1/4th the length...


Now I leave to find the dancing footage.

01-23-2005, 01:08 PM
don't forget cabldawg, that was probably our last day with him as well. good luck to both of you.

Wait, I missed this. Whats the story here? :confused:

01-23-2005, 01:12 PM
Oh man the video rocks! Carbon with the big time ninja skills... :ninja: :rofl:

01-23-2005, 01:30 PM
ok ok here we have the fist of the clips. I made a low res 2.8MB video that shows about58 sec of the bunker (in particular, me attacking Carbon for his treachery)

http://www.800tag5150.com/videos/CarbonBunkerLong.mp4 <-- Righ click to save it

I also made a show 14 sec clip of the bunkering and that is it MOV file at a larger image size so more detail could be seen. Odd that this on is over 8MB and is 1/4th the length...

Now I leave to find the dancing footage.
Don't worry Zak, I avenged your death. (Me sliding into the 50 pipe on the far side and gettin er done ! ;)

-Not getting sweaty unlike last time's 105º heat
-Of course, Chevy's
-Pretty much everything !!

-"Fresh" GAP paint breaking all over the place
-Slippin and Sliding :P

Here's my favorite pics of me :)

Guess who I am in this pic

And good luck to Ryan and Cable, you guys will be missed.

01-23-2005, 02:01 PM
Hey guys had a blast.

for the good
seeing all the AO guys
stand up play by all
getting to the 50

the not so good
paint blowing up in my barrel
getting to the 50 and not having good paint (your so lucking eat'm alive)
last time I may get to play with such a great group

ok for those that missed it.
I was let go from work last fri. since I work in the cable industry and the bay area has been completly re-built(for the most part) I will be leaving. The reason I didn't say anything earlier was that this day was planned for ryan. On a good note when I got home I found out I will be getting my unemployment. I have a lead on a job in Az and another in vegas area so it won't be to bad.
there is a game in the reno area this sept that I will be going to so please try to show up for it. yes it is a scenario game. The Mummies Treasure (http://mxsportz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=41&sid=b7fd8f9dd3d742b0d54695857712b836)

01-23-2005, 02:05 PM
damn i missed this!?!? when and where was it!?

Mighty Mike
01-23-2005, 02:17 PM
Another great day with the NorCal Crew!! Cabldawg...i wish i knew about this earlier. You and Ryan will definitely be missed. I'll post my thougths later...i'm just finally waking up. Great pics fellas and the movie of Carbon and Zak is priceless!! :clap:

Eatem Alive
01-23-2005, 02:31 PM
damn i missed this!?!? when and where was it!?
extreme paintball in modesto. you gotta check the meet & greet section on a regular basis

01-23-2005, 02:46 PM
what plays .mp4 files???

edit: nevermind.. i downloaded a plug-in... lmao @ zack getting owned.. then flipping out hahaha

01-23-2005, 03:45 PM
I had a good time as a cameraman :headbang:
Fun day, great seeing the AO group once again. Good luck to Steelrat and Cabldawg!

01-23-2005, 04:21 PM
what happend to littlepaintballboy ?

01-23-2005, 04:32 PM
Looking thru the pics, I think this one could use a caption contest. ;)

01-23-2005, 05:27 PM
lmao... haha

and he got banned for a really stupid reason!!!! for life!!!!

Big Weapons
01-23-2005, 06:31 PM
Looking thru the pics, I think this one could use a caption contest. ;)

LOL Yes! I was going through the pictures and thought the same thing. Must be checking out cabledawg's cocker *COUGH*

01-23-2005, 08:36 PM

01-23-2005, 09:19 PM
kool looks like it was alot of fun. whens that norcal vs socal thing supposed to happen?

Eatem Alive
01-23-2005, 09:43 PM
z-man "look what i got at my bris"

cabldawg "looks like a penis, only smaller"

01-23-2005, 10:05 PM
z-man "look what i got at my bris"

cabldawg "looks like a penis, only smaller"
Connor's friend off to the side has the "W T F" expression :rofl:

Mighty Mike
01-23-2005, 10:58 PM
Hey fellas....i'm just now cleaning my gear and can't find my Halo. Anyone pick up a smoke Halo by chance?? The Halo jewel is missing on one side.

01-23-2005, 11:07 PM
Ouch, that's bad luck, hope you find it!

01-23-2005, 11:13 PM
Ah curse you bung holes for having another AO day on Saturday. :D Sorry couldn't be there. I had work and couldn't get the day off. Ryan, Cabledawg; goodluck in the future, and hopefully I'll see you in Nor Vs. So AO day. When is it again? It better not be the first weekend in April.
Anyways, keep the pics coming.

P.S Ken, join the track team. I know you want to. :p
P.P.S What happened to LPB? Well besides him growing at steady rate at every AO day.

01-23-2005, 11:18 PM
WUT WUT!? AO DAY NORCAL, Bon Voyage! Ryan and CableDawg! Hope you guys do awesome in your future endeavors on the East coast and in Arizona. Its good knowing you guys.

whatup yall, finally got around to squaring myself up and getting to the big ups and downs. But first:

As always, AO norcal crew delivers the good times. Y'all are the best group of people to throw paint with.

Once again, thnx to the Millin family, for holding us up for the night. Hope Mrs. Millin and the ladies had a fun nite! Koizilla and UBLPB. I love yall!

Big ups- in no particular order

Norcal crew vibe: Always the chillest, most awesome crew. Alway meeting
new faces. Good tunout of people.

Calimagfan/Kyle: The illest mech gun i have ever played with. That mag felt so right. Also thanx for the detent. Im a hook you up next time we meet. I was all, "yo man lemme hit you up with some cash for the detent" he was all, "dont worry bout it man, anything to help out a fellow AOer." Yeah, that dude is awesome. Straight balla indeed!

Extreme Paintball: Does AO'ers right. We played on the sick, fast X ball field. Watching XSV Scrimmage. The mud, it was actually fun this time. Other than it being kinda slippy, it was a rather welcome change to diving in giant puddles of water.

EatemAlive: For running into his line of paint all the friggin time. As a baller i always make it a point to try to learn new things in every game i play. Corey, gave me a lesson in patience and not second guessing myself, playing tighter and operate like clockwork under pressure.

Vidographers and Cameramen: Ken i cant wait for your video.

Big downs
humid and cool weatehr fogging up my v force and swelling the paint. No chops, but them barrel breaks get anoying.

im sore


01-24-2005, 01:00 AM
Well, first of all I just want to thank all of you for coming out. It has been a great almost 2 years playing with you guys, and I know that I will have a tough, if not impossible, time finding such a fun bunch to play with. I especially want to thank everyone for the dinner and the wonderful gifts. The bag is awesome, and the pod looked very nice once I managed to wash off all those strange black marks that were on it.

I'm glad that everyone had a good time. I thought the weather might ruin it all, but it turns out that we had an incredibly good time despite the mud, or possibly because of the mud. I would have to say that my play was generally teh suck, though there were a few positive moments.

Some pictures of my goodies!

01-24-2005, 01:03 AM
I thought this image was amazingly appropriate. A goodbye from Steelrat and Cable to the Norcal crew. We will miss you guys.

01-24-2005, 01:06 AM
the pod looked very nice once I managed to wash off all those strange black marks that were on it.

haha...ur a funny guy.
also that last pic of you and cable was very approiate. i would also like to point out that there are 3 people that are gone in that picture. remember, lpb is banned. haha. so i guess we say good bye to all 3 of the guys. haha

01-24-2005, 01:17 AM
haha...ur a funny guy.
also that last pic of you and cable was very approiate. i would also like to point out that there are 3 people that are gone in that picture. remember, lpb is banned. haha. so i guess we say good bye to all 3 of the guys. haha
HAHAHAHA I just noticed that, how ironic.

Steelrat actually waving, cabldawg who gives us a surprise and quiet "I'm leaving as well" expression, and LPB sulking in the background, boy-banned.

01-24-2005, 01:29 AM
I had lots of fun, mostly fixing my gun(s), but i got in on about 7 or 8 games. great group of guys, im gona miss you steelrat, its been great playin with ya. I also decided sell both my mags, or all the parts off them seperately.. i just been getting too frustrated with the chopping problems. i'll probly get a friend of mines angel speed or force fly for cheap, and make some money off it.....can i still be an AOer w/o and Automag ;)

01-24-2005, 01:31 AM
can i still be an AOer w/o and Automag ;)

Pffft, did you ever see me shooting a mag?

BTW, did I ever touch your guns, because that might explain the chopping problem. I have that effect on mags.

01-24-2005, 01:53 AM
did I ever touch your guns, because that might explain the chopping problem. I have that effect on mags.

LOL, actually i let you hold it once... THATS WHY IT WAS CHOPPING!!!! AHHHH! i gotta get rid of em quick :)

01-24-2005, 01:57 AM
And in memory of steelrat, I guess you are obligated to go AKA :eek:

01-24-2005, 02:10 AM
I know this is so wrong but I had to......


01-24-2005, 02:31 AM
and a follow up picture to the one above ^

A little discussion after the show and tell :p

Mighty Mike
01-24-2005, 04:33 AM
Pffft, did you ever see me shooting a mag?
Well....only on very rare occasions. ;) :D

01-24-2005, 02:18 PM
Well....only on very rare occasions. ;) :D


A great day of play with a great group of players! Can't wait for the falling vids of yours truly and Mike "the Marine - Not on AO" De Loso.

Special ups to Cable and Steelie; almost every event I played this year was with you two, includiing my first scenario, Night of the Catman. 5 man dynamic entry and barrel polishing... good times.

kEn also gets ups for taping the entire day. Z may hog credit for hosting; but he had time during the day to be called out and shot in the same game :ninja:

/There are like ten group shots; why use the one where my eyes are closed?

// how the hell is Mighty Mike so darned fast?

01-24-2005, 02:27 PM
lol looks like yo guys had fun, maybe next time i can meet you guys

01-24-2005, 04:07 PM
SSnipe. Anytime bro, anytime!

01-24-2005, 08:39 PM
lol looks like yo guys had fun, maybe next time i can meet you guys

Like Carbon said, anytime. Just keep checking the meet and greet forum. Norcal gets together every few weeks/months and plays. We don't always have as big a turnout, but we always have fun. :cheers:

01-25-2005, 02:30 AM
ok i'll have to admit it.

i've wathched that bunker video like 10000x times now. The best part is "aauauagahah what the craps!"

i <3 you zman!

01-25-2005, 12:11 PM
ok i'll have to admit it.

i've wathched that bunker video like 10000x times now. The best part is "aauauagahah what the craps!"

Goah, who was your backman Zak?

/slinks off to corner

01-25-2005, 02:32 PM
oh ya my buddy ron had a great time even though he felt bad for shooting someone in the back of the head :( Geez where are the videos

01-25-2005, 03:25 PM
Well I realized that I had not put up my thoughts on the AO Day. Quite frankly it sucked. I have never been so bored or annoyed with you AOer in my life. I’m getting a PC, buying a Timmy and moving to PBN.

And now that I clearly did not fool anyone, here are my thoughts

-Carbon driving me there and back. Thanks again bro.
- SPAAAAAAAAACE GHOOOOOOOST! Thank you again Millin family. I hope my gift/curse I have given you will inspire new image macros.
- I got to play with AO fugitive LPB! I felt so mafia.
- Great turnout! I have come to expect that but it’s always nice to be rewarded after a long drive.
- CableDawg made it!
- All the footage and great pictures taken; I mean I usually hope for 5-7 good shots but MOST of the images are good ? great!
- Cool weather. Ok it might have been a bit cooler than I liked but I will take that any day over 85+. ANY DAY.
- CableDawg letting me take over his truck bed like I always seem to (even though he tries to keep what I put in ? )
- The Classic RT lives again! (sorta)
- Mighty Mike’s PB Bag idea. Brilliant I say!
- Being able to collect (almost) all the images from everyone at the field and put them up here.
- Ahhh Chevys fajitas and tortillas.
- ColdStone (foolish children for not coming)

- Ryan’s mom (but I have got used to that)
- 2Kpsi air all day. AO NorCal vs SoCal all over again for me.
- REALLY bad paint I should have thrown out long ago but was foolish enough to use and share with friends.
- Trying to count up $300 in food money.
- CRAAAZY fog on the drive back (glad we did not get rammed)
- NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY, I STILL TAKE STUFF BACK WITH ME. Brian- I have your clear elbo, CableDawg I have a barrel condom of yours Ryan I have your shark fin thingy 72ci Tank cover. #$#$%^#$%^&#%^&$#$%&

Now about this bunkering footage you all saw. I feel that you owe me a little thanks Carbon. See I had been watching how hard you had been pushing it all day. You were almost always hitting the 50 and also getting capped by EatemAlive almost as often (you are an evil man Eatem and I WILL be back for you).

So anyway when I saw Carbon not 15 feet from me when I hit the 50 and that he was going to try a run on me, I thought to myself (which is my favorite way of thinking) “I should let him get an elimination before he gets blown away again” It was very hard to sit there and wait for him but I think I was able to make a convincing show of it. Anyhow I just thought I would say your welcome Carbon.

That’s how it happened… really.

01-25-2005, 10:10 PM
hahahahhaahh! zman!


the check is in the mail :ninja:

Eatem Alive
01-25-2005, 11:31 PM
You were almost always hitting the 50 and also getting capped by EatemAlive almost as often (you are an evil man Eatem and I WILL be back for you).
speaking of shooting carbon, that's what i'm doing here...
boy, that was fun. dm5 goodness.

01-25-2005, 11:41 PM
hey you all know that one llama, lpb's friend. well, he got a ip ban. he cant even look at ao anyomre. lol. more mafia for u zak.

01-25-2005, 11:42 PM
[QUOTE=Eatem Alive]speaking of shooting carbon, that's what i'm doing here...

Glad someone could represent the old guys. With Style. That smackdown on The Wall was priceless.

01-25-2005, 11:44 PM
speaking of shooting carbon, that's what i'm doing here...

Dude, you were shooting EVERYONE... I know you got me many times. I still can't believe the hopper lid shot. :hail:

Eatem Alive
01-25-2005, 11:45 PM
Glad someone could represent the old guys. With Style. That smackdown on The Wall was priceless.
i hope that made it to video, i would like to a different angle of it.

rick, i still have a partial welt/ scab on my forehead thank you very much. that shot made my eyes water.

Big Weapons
01-26-2005, 12:19 AM
Dude, you were shooting EVERYONE... I know you got me many times. I still can't believe the hopper lid shot. :hail:

I'm pretty sure dan got it on video, so we can see the hopper-flipping goodness :D

01-26-2005, 12:43 AM
I'm pretty sure dan got it on video, so we can see the hopper-flipping goodness :D

Cool, I'd really like to see it from a different angle. I'm sure it can't possibly be as embarassing as getting bunkered in the face... :p

01-26-2005, 12:53 AM
^^ thats cold blooded. hahaha

01-26-2005, 01:02 AM
Cool, I'd really like to see it from a different angle. I'm sure it can't possibly be as embarassing as getting bunkered in the face... :p

If this is the one I am thinking of, it was a great move that only needed a little more air. With Cory dead in his sights, Rick's Emag sounded like Bill The Cat - PHBBbttt....

01-26-2005, 01:36 AM
oh man Cory, i have a nice perfecly circular welt on my left 3rd knuckle. Its a daily reminder.

01-26-2005, 03:18 AM
If this is the one I am thinking of, it was a great move that only needed a little more air. With Cory dead in his sights, Rick's Emag sounded like Bill The Cat - PHBBbttt....

Yep thats the one. The hopper shot caught me completely by surprise. It was sorta like insult to injury. :cry:

01-26-2005, 07:42 PM
I was cleaning up the gear today. Did anyone wind up with a red system x barrel condom? I seem to be missing mine.

Casey, did we ever come to a conclusion if it was the Lotus or your Halo causing blending issues? I did some cycle testing after I clened it up and the eye still seems to be working and it is still ripping pretty good. I don't have any paint to test with however. Is it possible it was neither, and it was a paint issue?

01-26-2005, 10:39 PM
I believe it was a paint issue. The "fresh" GAP paint was breaking in almost every gun I ran it through (sorry Mike). During one game, Mike handed off his Alias and it shot perfectly until I loaded in a pod of mine and it started breaking like crazy. What's also crazy is that I tried using a .696 barrel, yes, .696 bore, and it was still breaking, not chopping.

I switched to some month old GAP and it was shooting MUCH better.

01-26-2005, 11:39 PM
what happened to z-man and the videos???I WANT TO SEE!

Mighty Mike
01-27-2005, 02:38 AM
I believe it was a paint issue. The "fresh" GAP paint was breaking in almost every gun I ran it through (sorry Mike). During one game, Mike handed off his Alias and it shot perfectly until I loaded in a pod of mine and it started breaking like crazy.
You also forgot to mention that you slipped and slammed my new Alias into the mud.. :mad: :cuss:

Btw...my Halo has been found, it ended up in O_o bag!! :mad: :cuss:

01-27-2005, 02:47 AM

ok ok here we have the fist of the clips. I made a low res 2.8MB video that shows about58 sec of the bunker (in particular, me attacking Carbon for his treachery)

http://www.800tag5150.com/videos/CarbonBunkerLong.mp4 <-- Righ click to save it

I also made a show 14 sec clip of the bunkering and that is it MOV file at a larger image size so more detail could be seen. Odd that this on is over 8MB and is 1/4th the length...


Now I leave to find the dancing footage.

01-27-2005, 02:55 AM
I think, he is talking about the rest of the video.

01-27-2005, 02:57 AM
I'd love to see the footage of Ricker tripping and falling.

Mighty Mike
01-27-2005, 03:24 AM
The funniest move by far was Ricker's friend Mike screaming while running up the right tape and then slipping and falling twice...:rofl: Hopefully Zak can post that clip.

01-27-2005, 05:15 AM
hahah, oh man he was "gracefull"

01-27-2005, 03:20 PM
I'd love to see the footage of Ricker tripping and falling.

The funniest move by far was Ricker's friend Mike screaming while running up the right tape and then slipping and falling twice...:rofl: Hopefully Zak can post that clip.

psh... y'all are just jealous of our illustrious skills :p

Man. I was the most whipped puppy evar on Sunday. Sat was Mike's b-day, as well as his bro's gf, and we partied at my house, then out downtown, then back to my house, etc, etc. I'm still recovering.

01-27-2005, 05:17 PM
Looks like you guys had a blast. I'm sitting here on the east coast, the day after a snowstorm, wishing I was back in Cali... I love it out here, but I sure miss the NorCal weather.

Ryan, this is the first I have heard of you moving. Where are you moving to? Anywhere near boston?

Peace from Boston,


Big Weapons
01-27-2005, 07:05 PM
He's moving to NY, so not that far of a drive for you two to meet up and play.

Where are the REAL vids?!

01-28-2005, 01:26 PM
Good stuff, Ryan hit me up when you get out here, I manage to venture to NY every once in a while. Here is a picture of what you are getting into. View out of my dorm room:

01-28-2005, 01:43 PM
Ahhh, snow. I used to live in Alaska, so I can deal with it, though I will miss being able to wash my car in the driveway in January :(

I will hit you up when I get out there. I also plan on going to Mass quite a bit, as that is where my wife's family is.

01-28-2005, 02:02 PM

Luckily, Syracuse will be able to accomodate your paintball needs. I highly recommend HeadRush. They have indoor regulation nppl and xball fields, as well as outdoor xball, hyperball and woodsball.

I'll be playing again come September (In Denmark practicing with the Ugly Ducklings now :headbang: ), and until then, Torben (TORBO on AO) is a chill guy to play with.

01-28-2005, 04:32 PM
OK you video editors, whats the story? Are you making progress? We're all waiting. :D

01-28-2005, 04:46 PM
OK you video editors, whats the story? Are you making progress? We're all waiting. :D

Oh hush. I dont see you collecting video, Mr. Intel. I have it all on my machine but well... I miht be leaving today at 4pm for LA till Sunday. Unless our AO buds in SJ come through, you might have to wait till Monday for your videos. Other than the bunkering I think the river dance on the mud by SCPoloRicker was the next best shot :) That and Cable trying to be annoying like me and mock anything I said.

01-28-2005, 05:21 PM
I have it all on my machine but well...

I was just checking, we know how easily you are distracted... ;)

Look a kitten...

01-28-2005, 05:26 PM

01-28-2005, 05:34 PM
wait, listen....

...hear that?

...It's the wind.

01-28-2005, 05:49 PM
**Cricket chirping**

01-28-2005, 05:51 PM
Zak, send me the videos and i'll do something to calm them down :p

Big Weapons
01-28-2005, 06:32 PM

OMG A BUTTERFLY! *in zak's high pitched voice*

01-28-2005, 07:48 PM
How bout a ......


Mighty Mike
01-30-2005, 11:43 PM
Hey Fellas, if any of you are thinking about a new gun, the person I purchased my Alias from is selling a brand new, grey w/ blk parts, Alias for $850 shipped. He will also pay for the 3rd party fees at Palmers Pusuit SHop.

Alias $850 (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=819340)

01-31-2005, 02:49 AM
Mr Low Profile :ninja: :D

01-31-2005, 02:49 AM
OK children I am back form my trip to LA. I wwas going to try and see RogueFactor down there but then I found out he chose to live somewhere faaarfarrr away from I5 and I decided I did not like him THAT much.

Anyhow what this means is that the video footage shall be cut down now (i.e. the next few days; I DO have a small life outside of my computer you know...)

01-31-2005, 02:56 AM
my new 04 angel speed :)
not the greatest pic, i'll take a good one later, but thats everything i got... and it shoots great. :dance:

02-01-2005, 12:03 AM
Got my new job! Super stoked. Gonna be commuting on the bullet train up to SF. Thread in FC.


pretty angel, padiwack. I'm afraid I don't remember who you were, but I have a new(ish) angel as well.

Zak, quit slacking and get compressing (or whatever it is you do :p ). O_o and kEn seem willing to help. I know Carbon wants this immortalized.

No kittens, no shiny things, nothing that belongs to Cable, no Excal, no Alias.

And of course, no

/BTW, if I am due to be the "ha ha" of the vid (the snake fall), then I want my "Hi, Mom" available if its possible.
//Mike the non-AO Marine's was worse
/// I hope

02-01-2005, 12:05 AM
That was padiwack in the picture padiwack posted ;) , probably the only guy at the AO days I've seen with a Qloader.

02-01-2005, 12:12 AM
That was padiwack in the picture padiwack posted ;) , probably the only guy at the AO days I've seen with a Qloader.

aha, the pilsners attack:cheers: . Now I remember seeing him on the field.

02-01-2005, 10:56 AM
i only played about 6 or 7 games cuz i was wasting time trying to fix my stupid Erex's volicity, then my Mag's chopping problems...

Eatem Alive
02-01-2005, 11:06 AM
That was padiwack in the picture padiwack posted ;) , probably the only guy at the AO days I've seen with a Qloader.
also the only person i know who plays from his backside

02-01-2005, 09:14 PM
i like the backside position, i hope thats not a bad thing :tard:

02-01-2005, 09:26 PM
another pic i was in! this is the first time i've had pictures taken of me paintballing, and i've been playing for 8 years. thanks for the great pics you guys took, i love em!
i was really hiding myself good on this one :D

Big Weapons
02-02-2005, 08:49 PM
Too bad you had like 2 balls in the q loader left :tard:

02-02-2005, 10:32 PM
Hmm .. I have yet to recieve any digital footage to edit :shooting:

02-03-2005, 12:03 AM
Hmm .. I have yet to recieve any digital footage to edit :shooting:

PM me your addy again. And more important... do you have a camera that will take mini DV? I am not exporting 10Gigs of raw video and sending it to you on CD/DVD if that is what you are waiting for ;).

HERE YOU NORCAL WOLVES! I offer up this second teaser footage for you to mock eachother while I continue on my work. At lest I got my site up again :)

http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/teaser.mp4 <---smaller 1.8MB file (right click to save)

http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/teaser.mov <---big 13MB mov file I always make.

now back to my dream land.

02-03-2005, 12:07 AM
O BOY OBERTO, here I dl...


DL'd: so... was that me laughing? Man.... I feel bad for laughing at you guys. :rolleyes:

02-03-2005, 12:13 AM
Too bad you had like 2 balls in the q loader left :tard:

:nono: pshh... more like 17...

02-03-2005, 12:15 PM
I'm at work, so I probably shouldn't check the vids, but am I e-mbarassed yet?

Eatem Alive
02-03-2005, 12:33 PM
not yet.

02-03-2005, 01:04 PM
so... i'm accomplice to the last crime there by aegis... he used my marked when he ran outta here... sorry Zman.... NOT..

good vids

02-03-2005, 01:14 PM
I'm at work, so I probably shouldn't check the vids, but am I e-mbarassed yet?

You aren't, but your buddy Mike will be. :D

02-03-2005, 09:51 PM
I just hope we're not saving the best things for last...

Official last day at old job is tomorrow :cool:

Big Weapons
02-03-2005, 10:33 PM
I just love how Casey planted Mighty Mike's alias into the mud.

02-03-2005, 10:58 PM
You love it, but does Mike?! :eek:

Mighty Mike
02-04-2005, 03:09 AM
I just love how Casey planted Mighty Mike's alias into the mud.
Believe me....that moment will be etched in my memory til the day i die. :mad:

02-04-2005, 12:27 PM
Believe me....that moment will be etched in my memory til the day i die. :mad:

mmmm.... q-tips....

Mighty Mike
02-04-2005, 06:20 PM
I'm going to Extreme on Saturday. I know Eatem will be there....anyone else? I called Extreme's paintball store and they have Xball bronze for $42 a case and it also includes a certificate for free air at the field.

Big Weapons
02-04-2005, 06:34 PM
I'm going to Extreme on Saturday. I know Eatem will be there....anyone else? I called Extreme's paintball store and they have Xball bronze for $42 a case and it also includes a certificate for free air at the field.

Wait, why didn't we get this free air dealy last time? I paid for all day air [an extra $2 for 4500, wound up getting <2k all day] and didn't get crap =\

Mighty Mike
02-06-2005, 09:14 AM
I think I set an all time record yesterday for shooting the least amount of paint for a half day......1 pod. :( Ball chopping problems kept me out for awhile due to low batteries on both my Halo's and having no reserve batteries. Thankfully Eatem save the 2nd part of my the day with 6 fresh AA batteries.

Despite the bad luck w/ my gun, it was still a fun time at Extreme. EatemAlive and Toolfan showed up and to my surprise Aegis and the infamous LPB was there also. Lots of good games were played but there was some mad cheating going on. I think Eatem hit one guy 3 times and the guy still stayed in!! Aegis and I talked about playing one more time in March before the big NorCal SoCal event...just in case anyone is interested.

Big Weapons - the next time you go to Extreme, buy your paint at Exteme's paintball store which is 15 minutes from the field. Their paint prices are really cheap, compared to the field paint, and you also get a coupon for free air.

Big Weapons
02-06-2005, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the info, Mike.

Let's go first weekend of March. I never get to go out on my birthday [the 5th] ;)

02-13-2005, 05:31 PM
I know Zak's distracted with the AO CA day, but is there any hope of some additional video from this?

02-14-2005, 02:55 AM
Video Please!!!