View Full Version : elections for mod's, good or bad idea?

01-23-2005, 01:46 AM
Through all of the recent goings on and many suggesting adding/changing mods i've developed an idea for public elecitions.

The proposal:
You have to be nominated by say 10 people, and be a member for 3+ years by 1/1/05, and perhaps have a post count of 2,500+? You should also be atleast 18 or 21 years old. All current mod's should automatically be nominated into the primary portion of the election phase.

Then hold public primaries (for two weeks) for the people that were nominated, that'll get us a list of potentials for super mods (just under admin privilages) say 20 people? These people could then choose a running partner for general mods positions (say limited to general discussion and classified forums and have a few less powers than the super mods).

The campainging can last for another two weeks. Candidates can even have sig pictures just like poloticians have bumper stickers. They should also be encouraged to create a public profile with a picture of themself, any ideas for change here on AO, list of controbutions to AO/paintball in the past, and why they and their running partner would be a good mod choice (this thread would be their running platform). There should not be any negative campaining towards other candidates what so ever, afterall this isn't a presidential election. These candidates would be in the running for 10 or so mod positions (including there running partners that would give us 20 new mods). The person with the most votes overall should get admin privilages, and their running mate a super mod.

The elections can be held via a public poll where all members (regestered before the start of elections, this would rid any possibility of candidates creating new accounts and ballet stuffing) of AO get to vote for their new mods. Each member of AO should be allowed maybe 5 votes?
Terms i think would also be appropriate, perhaps 1 or 2 years terms (but with no term limit, if you do a good job and are elected back in, then stay).

I think it would actually be fun to do this. It would get all members of AO united (for once) in something together for the good of AO. This is something that has never been done (as far as i am aware of) on other forums, or atleast major paintball forums. Afterall the mod's serve the public interests of AO, why not allow the public AO vote their mods into office?


So what do you all think?

Ps, don't start flaming!

01-23-2005, 02:18 AM
i think its a great idea, as long as AO doesn't get divided with politics.

01-23-2005, 02:18 AM
We are not even going down this road.
