View Full Version : Computer/Wireless Help!

01-23-2005, 11:46 AM
I've got a Linksys wireless router and card for my desktop, how do i make it so that only this computer can use my wireless signal?


01-23-2005, 11:50 AM
i dont know wireless routers too good but u need to go to Linksys wireless website and look for your http address for your router, then u can configure it from there. hope that helps

edit: what i think u have to do is add a password to your service so that u only get the access to your server with your password

01-23-2005, 11:57 AM
Encrypt it using the integrated WEP.

Go to, password is admin unless you changed it.

01-23-2005, 11:59 AM
go to your internet browswer, and go to the router setup (most likly

Then you want to find something under wireless, that allows you to put in a "WEP" key.
Once you set that, any computer who wants to connect to your wireless will need that key.

hope this helps.

01-23-2005, 01:19 PM
here's some more stuff:

turn off SSID. this prevents your network from broadcasting it's name. you'll have to know the name of your network to connect to it. if you don't know the SSID the network will be much harder to get to.

filter mac addresses. each card has its own mac address. kind of like a serial number. enter this into your router as the only allowable mac address. this can be spoofed but it takes a lot of effort to find out your mac address.

you could configure dhcp to only allow one client. or disable dhcp entirely and assign the ip to your computer manually. this is easy to bypass but if the cracker doesn't get an ip from you automatically he might think that your router isn't working properly.

remember, wireless now accounts for slightly over half of home networks. think how many are unsecured. just make your network more difficult to access and potential crackers will move on.

dave p
01-23-2005, 04:28 PM
wep slows your connection and can be cracked in seconds. use the mac filter, disable ssid broadcast, change ssid to something not easily guessable, disable remote administration, block WAN request and dont use the default channel and for gods sake, change the router password. with the default password someone will just change all those settings back.if you are still squirrely use zone alarm to monitor traffic. zone alarm wont tell you if someone is surfing your wireless connection though.

also, forward port 113 to a nonexistant dhcp client, this will better hide the router.

station mac filter is best bet, its harder to spoof a mac than to crack wep.

01-23-2005, 05:16 PM
Dont use WEP or WPA encryption and think you're protected 100%... Places like Quizno's Subs does that... And they have Credit Card info going across their networks... Its sad when you can crack the WEP key in under 30 seconds... Anyway... WPA is better than WEP.. But then again, Cracking a WPA key just requires a different program.. MAC Filtering is a good idea... But if somone wants in... They're going to get in... You could do what I do... Turn off your router when you're not useing it... Or, Just dont share any of your files over your Wireless network... Then all you need to worry about is people useing your internet connection... As harmless as that sounds it really isn't... Alot of bad things could come from it... Like the Feds knocking on YOUR door because of something some car parker did from your connection... Granted you would be free and clear after the feds took your computer... Searched everything... and returned it 3 years later... But who wants that to happen?

01-23-2005, 06:02 PM
WPA + Mac Filtering + Turn of SSID broadcast + Change Admin Password of Router == Easily Good Enough Security for Home Use.