View Full Version : Body kit?

01-23-2005, 02:57 PM
Any one know the name of this body kit? It looks like the barrel kit that comes with it is an AIM one but im not sure. Im a noob when it comes to cockers if i had front pnuematics and a bolt the only other thing i need for this to be operation is a trigger frame and a regulator right?

01-23-2005, 03:13 PM
Basically you are correct, but I would avoid building a cocker...AIM stuff is supposed to be slightly out-of-spec to WGP stuff. Decent factory cockers are just too cheap to screw around with building one. I went through this whole thing myself. Brand new 2003 VF cockers are all over EBAY for around $200. Dont let anyone tell you that the high-level cockers are any better than the standard ones, either, they arent. Most people replace the factory parts with aftermarket.
You can pick up a brand new trilogy also, if you dont plan on upgrading they work very well and are about the same price as a Tippman.

01-23-2005, 03:19 PM
I allready have the front pnuematics and bolt from an old progect i was gonna do and well i saw this and it seem kind of cheap. I think it would be fun to build but not sure what ill do.

01-23-2005, 03:55 PM
That's an Advance Concepts body, not AIM. They 're pretty good for the money. The tolerances are good and the anodizing quality is not the best, but definately passable. If you are going to build a Cocker, this is a good start. It has an Angel threaded feed neck, as well.

01-24-2005, 12:53 PM
AIM sells their bodies to companies which market them.