View Full Version : what is your preference on markers?

01-23-2005, 10:06 PM
i just wanted to know what your preference on paintball markers ex:

cockers = suck
mags = rock
impulses = ok
timmys = fast
bko = the best

thoes arn't mine, just examples, and you don't have to just say best you can elaborate

The Action Figure
01-23-2005, 10:08 PM
cockers=good if you know what your doin
electros=good if you have an income

01-23-2005, 10:09 PM
well I have fallen in love with mags. And I don't really have a preferance as long as it's consistant.

I'd say:
Tippmann - Tanks
Mags - Tanks, but lighter, and with better technology
Cockers - great, but you need to run a tight ship with them
Viking - where did all my money go? into the gun or the amount of pain I shoot?

01-23-2005, 10:31 PM
With notable exceptions most high end electronic markers are, in the end, the same. They are capable of shooting more paint than you can pull the trigger, have vastly adjustable triggers, and some sort of functional anti-chop system. Some are more efficient, some require less mainteance. At this point it seems to be coming to who is willing to put in the "best" cheater software, looks, and style over function. Gotta love the DevilMag - cheater software, mag maintenance, awesome looks and unlikely to be more than one at your field (guess what I just ordered). Practically - in legal firing modes I don't expect it to be any faster than my Shocker, I expect it to have more kick and less efficiency - the cheat modes will fire more paint than the Shocker cheat modes. But, I like the style, and I like break beam eyes better than Vision (not that Vision ever failed me, the logic of sensing a ball dropping rather than its presence bothered me).

When you get into mechanical markers perhaps theres a difference. I can't seem to pick up a mechanical cocker without shortstroking the trigger - its just me. Tippmans seem to be able to shoot anytime (I've hear rumor of underwater videos)... Its still about form over function, in the end you pull the trigger, a ball is fired... pick what you like within reason.

01-23-2005, 10:55 PM
that is pretty close to true but every gun has its corks, its own way, take it from me i just played a tourney with 6 different guns!! bye far the dm4 with WAS was the best but i loved the shocker, the nerve and i hated the race cockers!! its all preference! still fencing between dm4 and devil mag though!

01-23-2005, 11:10 PM
I'm a mag nut. I don't care to even look at anything else.

01-23-2005, 11:22 PM
mags = great and feel solid
cockers = fun to use/watch
timmy's= great but feel cheap
Bushys= great value for money
Piranha eforce = great value for money
Angels = teh secks

01-23-2005, 11:32 PM
Angel = smooth and fast $1000
Autococker = bliss if they are tuned right and have a slider frame $500
Martix = wow that is fast and accurate $800
Automags = These thing rock $500
Impulse = OK, that is all $500
03 Shockers = Good if someone fixes the trigger $800
02 Shocker = that was accurate, too bad I don't have any air left
Bushmaster = better than an Impulse, but not as good as an Angel
Freestyle = I want one, havent even held one $700
Spyder = ouch $70
Piranha (sp?) = best blowback I know $150
AKA markers = best $priceless$

01-23-2005, 11:58 PM
cockers= sliders only rock
mags= classics to Xmags there all great
shoebox shockers= co2 monsters, consistant and cheap
vik/excal= eff, but heavy
timmies= fast, but may need alittle work
new shockers= gas hogs, and reflections never work as good ace's
cyborg= awsome aussie spice
matrix= to many orings, just a fast shoe box
bko b2k= the best deal in paintball
angels= the mag of the electro world, except thier actually fast :eek:
tippmann= mill sim
spyders= sear tipping timmy's
impulse= i have never seen any gun breakdown so often or something with an ace blend so much paint

side note= anything with an OTB frame is pure.........

01-24-2005, 12:02 AM
Mags = The best, from an engineering point of view
Tippmann = Everybody should have one, cheap, realiable, value, upgradeable
Cockers = Do you have a degree in Mechanical Engineering?
High End Electros = If it's not an E-mag they are all the same
Spyder Victor = Great for getting your friends into paintball
Phantom = I love my phantom to death.
Phoenix = Best mech ever, coming soon.

01-24-2005, 12:08 AM
mags - duh, they're great. the product line needs to come back and start selling again though. nice aftermarket support at least :) and I still want an xmag.
spyders - cheap trash, but has potential for a semi-tuned marker. it's too bad that most spyder stuff is hype and not engineering. I've fixed more of these than anything else
tippmanns - when it absolutely, positively, needs to work, even after being dropped in a lake. these markers also get a lot of the hype-upgrade market, it bothers me. the milsim stuff is great though.
autocockers - a tuner's gun, most people mess 'em up but they're slick when well done.
angels - high performance, high maintence, high price. nice if you want to deal with it. I've seen more angels broken than I have functioning, though I don't know if it's user error or what.
old shockers - a brick, in a shoebox, dipped in lead... but they're still an old favorite. the only SP marker I'd touch. not the best design, not the best construction, but still cool nevertheless.
matrixes - nice idea, but the dm4/dm5/proto evolution is a money-grab (and it works). at least the marker itself is pretty rock solid, I don't see them break. too many cheater chips for the DM4s though.
impulse - dirt-cheap electro, but it's smartparts. I don't think I'd touch 'em. they're ugly as sin, and that includes every one of the team varients as well.
new shocker - nice design in theory, but it's still smartparts. at least I can confuse newbies and tournament ballers that my 'mag is a '06 shocker
nerve - bwahahahha. I don't see very many of these, and I hope they don't catch on. I don't like the design, really... and I don't like the price, and I don't like the company that makes 'em.
BKO/B2K - semi-nice cheap electro. I'd buy one over an impulse. looks ugly though. seen 'em break often enough to get a new one w/a warranty.
freestyle - very nice design, not so nice looks, but ICD doesn't make beautiful markers. it's an up-and-coming tournament star for a reason. pretty well priced for what it is.
intimidators - these things are the bane of my existance. I don't understand how anyone sells them for what they go for, I don't understand why everyone likes them, and I really don't understand how a glorified spyder ever made it as far as these did. Seen them do horribly in cold weather for some reason.
viking/excal - never shot them, but I want one. my preciousssss......
phantom - sweet pump, they're coming back in a big way. Other than stripping the body screws out, they also never break. a bit pricy for a decent setup though.

yeah, I think that about covers it. did I miss any?

01-24-2005, 12:30 AM
AutoCocker - Probably my favorite gun to shoot; for some reason I can aim easier with one than any other gun. If you take the time to learn about the gun, it'll treat you like gold, but that can take some dedication.

Mag - I love 'em. Small, quick, reliable, and rock solid. Maybe not my preference for a super marker, but they're one of the most comfortable guns I've ever laid my hands on.

Impulse - Not a Smart Parts fan. The one I shot felt rickety and unimpressive.

Intimidator - Decent but very overpriced. I dislike the internal hoses and the lose tolerances, makes it feel cheaper than it is.

Angel - One of my favorites. Solid, sleek, and well built. You can tell WDP pays attention to detail. When I first came into paintball, the LCD was THE gun to have. Even though they've been passed up in technology, I still want one. I dislike the way WDP went with the Angel after the LCD, but the following models were still great guns for the most part.

Piranha/Spyder/etc. - My first gun was a Spyder. I love the simplistic aspect, as any goon can fix one. I'd still gladly play a game with one if it was handed to me, but it's obviously not one of my top choices.

Tippmann - Solid gun, but I never liked it's feel. Playing with one was kind of a drag for me.

Shocker (old) - Haha, I thought it was a piece of crap. The trigger felt very gummy and the gun was a behemoth. I really loved the smooth "no kick" feel of it though.

Matrix (not DM4) - My favorite gun to shoot. The trigger pull was light and short, and the gun did not move when you shot it. Just unloading paint on a wall with one was a joy. I just really wish the hopper wasn't set so far forward on the gun.

Excal/Viking - The Viking was the last gun I had before I quit paintball. It was FAST. It also felt incredibly solid for an electro-pneumatic marker. In retrospect though, it did feel a lot more "brick like" than I would have liked.

Bushmaster - I loved these things, despite their price range. Very comfortable and light gun. Plus I dug the looks of the one with the "swoosh" milling they used to have.

The Freestyle, DM4, Cyborg, 2K3 Shocker, Ego, and Nerve all came out after I quit. Based purely on what I've read and seen about them, I would probably love the Cyborg. It seems like it had most everything I liked about the Viking, but in a sleeker/lighter body.

barrel break
01-24-2005, 01:07 AM
only putting ones i have actually shot...

Tippmanns- Reliable, decent performance.

Cockers (mech)- Nice when done right.

Cockers(electro)- It feels like it shouldnt be.

Spyders(mech)- yuck.

Spyders(electro)- can be upgraded to be nice, but no likee stock.

Angel- yum.

Dm4- sexay trigger, nice feel.


Implulse- mag trigger feels nice, but tall.

01-24-2005, 01:21 AM
AKA guns, i.e. the Vikings and Excaliburs-fast, efficient, reliable. I've owned a lot of nice guns, and I just can't stay away from AKA stuff. And as far as it being heavy, it depends on what kind you have...


01-24-2005, 01:42 AM
AKA guns, i.e. the Vikings and Excaliburs-fast, efficient, reliable. I've owned a lot of nice guns, and I just can't stay away from AKA stuff. And as far as it being heavy, it depends on what kind you have...


i hate you.


01-24-2005, 01:56 AM
DM4= oo-la-la!


01-24-2005, 02:12 AM
DM4= oo-la-la!


i hate you too

i still like the DM4 milling better than the DM5. nice marker

01-24-2005, 08:46 AM
I like my bko its cool. Cheap too.

Tippmanns are tanks, and lately can be high end.

Imps are just heavy \, real heavy. The stock board is real slow. But they work i guess.

The angel i shot was real nice. but it was like modded all over.

Havnt really used much more than that.

The Action Figure
01-24-2005, 09:26 AM
yeah so far id agree with everyone