View Full Version : my mag i built

Mr. Mouse
01-24-2005, 10:51 PM
This is the mag ive been building, its almost done just need to add a couple of more little things, thanks to t33kboy the pictures were resized and stuff so thanks

gun specs:
-red xvalve
-red ule body
-new 2005 2 peice 10'' cp barrel
-really good condition hyperframe
-ndz dropkick
-ndz bleed asa

soon to come:
-upgraded board for hyperframe(maybe)
-ule trigger pull kit
-new feedneck

when its completely done ill show before/after photos that is if i can find the before photos :)

01-24-2005, 10:54 PM
Nice setup, if I were you I'd look into getting a new rail as well. Also look into the A+ feednecks. I think they look nice on a ULE body.

01-24-2005, 10:57 PM
love it, very clean!

01-24-2005, 11:01 PM
nice looks good

how like ur tank angeld up?

01-24-2005, 11:03 PM
lookin good!

Mr. Mouse
01-24-2005, 11:04 PM
nice looks good

how like ur tank angeld up?

its actually very comfortable

01-25-2005, 01:57 AM
Why a ULT if you have a hyperframe?

01-25-2005, 02:23 AM
^^^I'm pretty sure hyperframes operate more reliably with a ult installed. They probably don't eat the batteries up as fast either with a ULT.

01-25-2005, 02:38 AM
correct you are....

01-25-2005, 02:49 AM
Would it increase the ROF? if it doesn't the amount of 9v's you could buy would be a lot for $50

01-25-2005, 09:09 AM
It would probably increase ROF, since the noid can cycle faster. Have you considered getting a mini-morlock or a predator-morlock instead of a new hyperframe board? You would need to be a little handy with a soldering iron, but it would give you the ability to install eyes, and it would probably be faster as well.

01-25-2005, 01:41 PM
very nice looking gun, does it shoot as good as it looks?
I had a hyperframe once, it was fun, but sort of "touchy"

01-25-2005, 02:52 PM
looks great. You should vote on Lukes "? for hyperframe users" thread for some new grips. Check it out:


Thats the next think I'm getting for my hyperframe. I have it at Centerflag right now getting a new 20bps board installed. I love the hyperframe and a ULT is really a must for them unless you have the centerflag on/off which is just a little stiffer than the ULT kit. After installing a ULT I have had no problems with my hyperfame.

Mr. Mouse
01-25-2005, 03:35 PM
It would probably increase ROF, since the noid can cycle faster. Have you considered getting a mini-morlock or a predator-morlock instead of a new hyperframe board? You would need to be a little handy with a soldering iron, but it would give you the ability to install eyes, and it would probably be faster as well.

pff.. i rather just send the gun into predator or whoever the company is to install the predator board so they can do it right, and yea i was thinking about it but a couple hundred compared to 45 bucks is a big difference :) and thanks for the grips head up ill look into that, and yea the ult makes better battery effiency and can cycle faster and whatnot :D, and i havent had a chance to fire paint out of it yet nor chrono it i mean i just got it built :p

Mr. Mouse
01-25-2005, 05:59 PM
very nice looking gun, does it shoot as good as it looks?
I had a hyperframe once, it was fun, but sort of "touchy"

i dont know how "touchy" it can be i never really played with it yet or even shot paint out of it

01-25-2005, 08:22 PM
I really like it, just not really fond of the huge foregrip

01-25-2005, 09:04 PM
I know absolutely nothing about hyperframes, except for the fact that they are electro....But it just crossed my mind, if you could take the body of an intellifrmame and shove the hyperframe internals into it. Because frankly, I think the hyperframe doesn't look that nice. But, I like your gun with the matching redXvalve+Ule

Mr. Mouse
01-26-2005, 03:53 PM
i would but i rahter just stick with the hyperframe its comfortable and all , well to me anyway, i think im just gonna spend 45 bucks on the upgraded board n stuff instead of spending couple hundred on a morlock or something, i could always do that later... but that hugh foregrip isnt that bad to tell you the truth, it actually helps alot because the way the tank is angeled and stuff :)

01-26-2005, 04:55 PM
pff.. i rather just send the gun into predator or whoever the company is to install the predator board so they can do it right, and yea i was thinking about it but a couple hundred compared to 45 bucks is a big difference :) and thanks for the grips head up ill look into that, and yea the ult makes better battery effiency and can cycle faster and whatnot :D, and i havent had a chance to fire paint out of it yet nor chrono it i mean i just got it built :p

Actually the new board is $100 plus about $20 for instalation...correct me if they changed it Sk8er! (i just asked adam on their boards)

01-26-2005, 05:44 PM
Nice looking good...

Mr. Mouse
01-26-2005, 08:14 PM
i thought if you sent it in with the old board and stuff it was like 45 bucks? thats last thing i read about it im probabley wrong

01-26-2005, 08:51 PM
That's very slick. where would the ROF be? aproximately?

01-26-2005, 10:16 PM
i thought if you sent it in with the old board and stuff it was like 45 bucks? thats last thing i read about it im probabley wrong

If you are right that is awesome...if not, dont be dissapointed.

That's very slick. where would the ROF be? aproximately?

Right now the board he has is capped at 13bps.