View Full Version : AO Culture: Fred's Perspective

01-24-2005, 11:56 PM
Back when I joined AO, it was already a pretty well established internet community, but the focus was pretty obvious: AGD Automags. I was introduced to it by Wyn1370, who, in my 6 years in the sport, is the only person I have played with regularly that I did NOT meet on the interweb.

The kiddies on PBNation called AO a place full of Zealots, who didn't know squat, blah blah blah.

Zealots? You're darn tootin, we're zealots of the Mag, for many good reasons. That fanaticism, or steadfast loyalty to a solid marker, was the super-glue that really hooked a lot of people, including myself.

Zealots that were so hooked on their favorite marker, that they traveled across the country, and in some cases across international borders and oceans, to attend AO Meets. What does that tell you about this community?

The fist Shatnerball was the first AO event I ever attended, and got to meet a LOT of AOers, and had an absolute blast, despite the FUBAR that was the actual scenario game. I met Gambit, Muzikman, Datapimp, Clare, Spaceman, Kaiser Bob, Pi, Nerobro, Mango, Thordic, Manike, Riotz, Load, Tack, Tom Kaye himself, Master Wang, RobAGD, and many others, The days and nights before the game were fun, and being on the field with so many Mag-shooters was a totally unique experience.

Then, gradually, AO began to attract outsiders, I think mostly because of the lack of hype here, AO did not tolerate bull. Some members got new markers, and got rid of their Mags, other kept them, some for nostalgia, others because they just wanted something new and needed a backup that they knew would be 100% reliable. The influx of new markers, and discussions on technology seemed to really increase the flow of traffic, especially since there was no real boundary on what should be discussed in the main forum.

The controversies regarding the WAS boards I think brought the biggest wave of new users from other forums, some just lurked, some stuck around.

The influxes continued, some regulars retired from the game, others lost interest and went elsewhere, but the loyalty did not grow as it once had. Several disappointments among the fiercely loyal bunch jaded people; the Superbolt, slow Xmag production, 4500 Flatline Reg Seats, and colored Xvalves to name a few. Veterans left, without imparting the meaning of AO onto others.

Now where is the old guard? The Zealots once feared by ignorant twibs on PBNation?

The AO Culture we were so used to slowly unraveled before our eyes, some noticed the slow process, but most didn't until the last few months.

Do I know how to bring it back, if indeed it can it be brought back? Nope. Am I being a bit too dramatic and nostalgic? Probably.

I don't think it will happen overnight, but deep down, the AO Culture is still here, we just need to work to revive it.


01-25-2005, 12:04 AM
You hit on a few things. I am going to keep this real short as i am using an on-screen keyboard. I think that we need an Automags only talk forum.

Back when I joined AO, it was already a pretty well established internet community, but the focus was pretty obvious: AGD Automags. I was introduced to it by Wyn1370, who, in my 6 years in the sport, is the only person I have played with regularly that I did NOT meet on the interweb.

The kiddies on PBNation called AO a place full of Zealots, who didn't know squat, blah blah blah.

Zealots? You're darn tootin, we're zealots of the Mag, for many good reasons. That fanaticism, or steadfast loyalty to a solid marker, was the super-glue that really hooked a lot of people, including myself.

Zealots that were so hooked on their favorite marker, that they traveled across the country, and in some cases across international borders and oceans, to attend AO Meets. What does that tell you about this community?

The fist Shatnerball was the first AO event I ever attended, and got to meet a LOT of AOers, and had an absolute blast, despite the FUBAR that was the actual scenario game. I met Gambit, Muzikman, Datapimp, Clare, Spaceman, Kaiser Bob, Pi, Nerobro, Mango, Thordic, Manike, Riotz, Load, Tack, Tom Kaye himself, Master Wang, RobAGD, and many others, The days and nights before the game were fun, and being on the field with so many Mag-shooters was a totally unique experience.

Then, gradually, AO began to attract outsiders, I think mostly because of the lack of hype here, AO did not tolerate bull. Some members got new markers, and got rid of their Mags, other kept them, some for nostalgia, others because they just wanted something new and needed a backup that they knew would be 100% reliable. The influx of new markers, and discussions on technology seemed to really increase the flow of traffic, especially since there was no real boundary on what should be discussed in the main forum.

The controversies regarding the WAS boards I think brought the biggest wave of new users from other forums, some just lurked, some stuck around.

The influxes continued, some regulars retired from the game, others lost interest and went elsewhere, but the loyalty did not grow as it once had. Several disappointments among the fiercely loyal bunch jaded people; the Superbolt, slow Xmag production, 4500 Flatline Reg Seats, and colored Xvalves to name a few. Veterans left, without imparting the meaning of AO onto others.

Now where is the old guard? The Zealots once feared by ignorant twibs on PBNation?

The AO Culture we were so used to slowly unraveled before our eyes, some noticed the slow process, but most didn't until the last few months.

Do I know how to bring it back, if indeed it can it be brought back? Nope. Am I being a bit too dramatic and nostalgic? Probably.

I don't think it will happen overnight, but deep down, the AO Culture is still here, we just need to work to revive it.


Target Practice
01-25-2005, 12:14 AM
You hit on a few things. I am going to keep this real short as i am using an on-screen keyboard. I think that we need an Automags only talk forum.


01-25-2005, 12:22 AM
I also STRONGLY agree. Im not one of those originals, but im here to stay. Automag is my gun of choice over any angel, autococker.. etc.

..A...O...Lets Go!

01-25-2005, 12:55 AM
..A...O...Lets Go!

OMG I love it!

01-25-2005, 01:05 AM
Its a good attention grabber.. lol, I first said it about 2 weeks ago.

Target Practice
01-25-2005, 01:10 AM
Two words: Blitzkrieg Bop.

01-25-2005, 01:12 AM
That was Hey.. Ho.. not A... O... :rolleyes:

Target Practice
01-25-2005, 01:24 AM
That was Hey.. Ho.. not A... O... :rolleyes:

Yeah. I know.


01-25-2005, 07:26 AM
That was Hey.. Ho.. not A... O... :rolleyes:

The keyword here, is was.

01-25-2005, 01:19 PM
Nice post, Fred. I think you hit the nail on the head. I came along a year or so after you, but I noticed the zealotry when I first logged-in. It's not there any more. Maybe that was the shared thing that kept this place special.

dave p
01-25-2005, 09:49 PM
we achieved cult status. then everyone came over to see what was up. i have belonged to every incarnation of this board since the original automag owners group. its been a hell of a ride, thats for sure.

01-26-2005, 12:15 AM
Back when I joined AO, it was already a pretty well established internet community, but the focus was pretty obvious: AGD Automags. I was introduced to it by Wyn1370, who, in my 6 years in the sport, is the only person I have played with regularly that I did NOT meet on the interweb.

The kiddies on PBNation called AO a place full of Zealots, who didn't know squat, blah blah blah.

Zealots? You're darn tootin, we're zealots of the Mag, for many good reasons. That fanaticism, or steadfast loyalty to a solid marker, was the super-glue that really hooked a lot of people, including myself.

Zealots that were so hooked on their favorite marker, that they traveled across the country, and in some cases across international borders and oceans, to attend AO Meets. What does that tell you about this community?

The fist Shatnerball was the first AO event I ever attended, and got to meet a LOT of AOers, and had an absolute blast, despite the FUBAR that was the actual scenario game. I met Gambit, Muzikman, Datapimp, Clare, Spaceman, Kaiser Bob, Pi, Nerobro, Mango, Thordic, Manike, Riotz, Load, Tack, Tom Kaye himself, Master Wang, RobAGD, and many others, The days and nights before the game were fun, and being on the field with so many Mag-shooters was a totally unique experience.

Then, gradually, AO began to attract outsiders, I think mostly because of the lack of hype here, AO did not tolerate bull. Some members got new markers, and got rid of their Mags, other kept them, some for nostalgia, others because they just wanted something new and needed a backup that they knew would be 100% reliable. The influx of new markers, and discussions on technology seemed to really increase the flow of traffic, especially since there was no real boundary on what should be discussed in the main forum.

The controversies regarding the WAS boards I think brought the biggest wave of new users from other forums, some just lurked, some stuck around.

The influxes continued, some regulars retired from the game, others lost interest and went elsewhere, but the loyalty did not grow as it once had. Several disappointments among the fiercely loyal bunch jaded people; the Superbolt, slow Xmag production, 4500 Flatline Reg Seats, and colored Xvalves to name a few. Veterans left, without imparting the meaning of AO onto others.

Now where is the old guard? The Zealots once feared by ignorant twibs on PBNation?

The AO Culture we were so used to slowly unraveled before our eyes, some noticed the slow process, but most didn't until the last few months.

Do I know how to bring it back, if indeed it can it be brought back? Nope. Am I being a bit too dramatic and nostalgic? Probably.

I don't think it will happen overnight, but deep down, the AO Culture is still here, we just need to work to revive it.


preach it brother

01-26-2005, 09:26 AM
we achieved cult status. then everyone came over to see what was up. i have belonged to every incarnation of this board since the original automag owners group. its been a hell of a ride, thats for sure.

You can say that again, for the both of us...

01-26-2005, 10:37 PM
I couldn't agree more with you man. I've been here for quite a while, i check the boards nearly every day even though I don't post that much but do wish that that elitism we once had here would come back, it definately made this a more tight nit community.

01-27-2005, 12:11 AM
I agree. I haven't had to warm up my rant about how I've run my 68 classic on co2 with no expansion chamber or extra regs in... months!

01-27-2005, 12:24 AM
well said fred

Creative Mayhem
01-27-2005, 05:49 PM
My thoughts exactly. A..O.. Let's go!? I always thought it was EH?...O.. let's go. :D

I too think AO is a cult of zealots and I am damn proud to call myself one of the few that actuall attends regular AO meets. If you guys have never been to an AO meets, it truely is you loss.