View Full Version : What do you all think of Shrek?

11-12-2001, 07:25 PM
I thought it was okay but not as good as some other movies. I like the karaoke part at the end. lol

11-12-2001, 08:06 PM
Shrek rocks tha casa!

11-12-2001, 09:32 PM
i really liked the movie, i thought most of the jokes were more geared towards adults than children though. an adult non-pronographic cartoon movie that was really funny is what i say.

11-13-2001, 06:02 AM
Haven't seen it yet, but I'm supposed to watch it today...

11-13-2001, 06:11 AM
It was a great movie for the whole family... although much of its humor was geared for Adults. :) All and all, I would give it a thumbs up. Many movies now days are disappointing... this one was refreshingly not.

The karaoke thing was funny... BUT I wish they had made a bloopers section, now THAT would have been great. :D

11-13-2001, 07:47 AM
Has anyone watched the shrek dvd? I heard it had a feature where you could speak a part in the movie.

11-13-2001, 07:56 AM
LOL Speak a part in the Movie! Heck... I go around speaking like Shrek all the time. And quoting his lines. LOL Me and my Son started it when he did Fat Bastard in the second Austin Powers movie.

My Wife HATES that! LOL So of course me and my Son have to do it every chance we get. :D Now I do BOTH Shrek AND FB. LOL

"I'm ah Beeg Doom Ugleee Ohgairrrrrr... owwwwww skaireeee!" HeeHee (hard to type tongue rolls... LOL) :D :D

11-13-2001, 02:32 PM
I watched it last night on my computer, pretty funny. It did have quite a bit of adult humor also(think he's trying to compensate for something? hehe). Pretty funny movie.


11-13-2001, 02:37 PM
I thought it was ok. It was fun - but I dont think it Gelled like the pixar flicks. The animation was good - but then I saw Final Fantasy right after it and - well - Shrek Schmek - Final Fantasy was - well - fantastic!

11-13-2001, 02:45 PM
I liked it.. maybe it wasn't as entertaining as smoe others but the creative part of hte movie was DEEP! And so was the story. It's something this world is lacking. Beauty is only skin deep so it's the PERSON that counts!
"the one" was entertaining... but story? NO. Acting.. NO. Creativity..NO. IT was 110% special effects

11-13-2001, 02:51 PM
LOL Webby, are you renting my Movie list? We watched Final Fantasy too! :D And then The Emperor's New Groove. LOL

Yes, they did a FANTASTIC job with Final Fantasy. There were places that would actually make you forget you were watching CGI. It was fantastic on our Big Screen... anyone who has not seen it, DO SO. :) You really can't compare it to Shrek though, they were after different effects and feel, they WANTED the cartoonish look with Shrek.

The only complaint I had with Final Fantasy is that it really made NO sense. :( Ghosts from a dead planet suddenly start killing living things on another planet? Bit of a stretch for anyone who actually thinks about things. I guess it matters little for a Video Game plot, or action packed, effect filled movie though. :D It was however, time spent well. :D :D :D

(Oh, and you would think that if they made a CGI Female as the main star of Final Fantasy, they would have given her a bit more.... ummm, fire. ;) I sure would have. :D )

11-13-2001, 04:30 PM
You arent the only one who complained about the plot...

First of all it was written by a Japanesse person. If you get into some of the Japanesse animation films you will see that often times thier plots are obtuse or what seems like a great medium for alot of explosions really does have a much deeper meaning when you get to the end. It throws alot of people off - action action action - woah - some sort of wierd plot thing???

I think also the confusion is that our socieity is based on a Judeo/Christian one - where as Japan has alot of Bhuddism, Toaism, Cuffusionism, and Hinduism. Alot of spiritiality without the central god like figure. There is alot of "energy" and "soul" and "spirit" theories within these relegions. Gia itself is an old theroy that this planet is a living organism. (I have seen some specials, its sorta interesting)

While FF doesnt adhere to any one theology, it does use the whole "spirit force" idea. Simply, that (in case anyone missed it) - all planets have thier own life force - and the "souls and spirits" that take physical forms will return back to that one life force when they die.

On an alien world, the people there managed to blow up thier planet during a war. Chunks of it were floating in space until one large part of it crashed on earth. Evidently, enough of the life force of the planet still survived on this rock, and thus the "ghosts" or spirits survived and ravaged the earth - my stealing the spirits of those on earth.

Now - what they didnt do a good job of explaining was 1) why were there 8 special "spirits" that combined would fight off the alien ones. And 2) exactly HOW the opposite "spirit wave" could destroy the alien one.

Then again, you dont questions Egons "ectoplasm" or their "ghost guns" and traps in Ghostbusters - you just assume they work.

The plot was a bit formulated - but it did follow a similar thread that all the Final Fantasy Video games followed.

So anyway ramble ramble - had some excellent points - needed to suspend some beliefs behind the "science" - but the again, it is Final FANTASY.

11-13-2001, 04:37 PM

11-13-2001, 06:18 PM
Lots of Japanese movie/anime/manga plots thrive off confusion to eventually get their ideas across. For many movies it's a bad thing but for anime movies or series it is very effective. Manga does the same thing.
For instance, Serial Project Lain. If any of you have seen that series, try and explain what it is about. It's some deep stuff and it's also really confusing...