View Full Version : Halo 1 or Halo 2 multiplayer

01-25-2005, 06:46 PM
I don't think there is a thread posted anywhere on what people like better--so I will ask--do people like Halo 1 multiplayer or Halo 2 multiplayer better? What are your opinions? I, as well as my friends prefer Halo 1 mp. Halo 2 mp just doesn't seem as clean as Halo 1. There is too much on the screen at once, especially when the tv is divided into 4 smaller screens--too many updates on kills, dual weapons take up too much space, also graphics aren't as good, weapons aren't as powerful, it's just not as crisp, clear, and smooth as H1.
My friends and I are just wondering if there are others out there that feel the same way about the Halos, or are we just outcasts in the world of Halo?
Just my opinion

01-25-2005, 06:58 PM
h1 all the way, every thing seems to be weaker in h2. but i really prefer h1 over h2.

01-25-2005, 07:01 PM
Halo 2. There's actually weapons worth using other than the pistol.

01-25-2005, 07:19 PM
The pistol is a dominant weapon in H1 and it sucks for an average player to get sniped all the time by it, but we play default weapons per each board and and most boards usually start out with plasma pistols, so you have to go and get the good weapons. It makes the game more strategicly fun. What fun would Battlecreek or Prisoner be with pistols? No one would be fighting for the sniper rifles or rocket launcher because it would be too easy to pick them off with the pistol. We're pretty good with all of the weapons and with the right moves can take out enemies with the pistol. I will admit, Hang em High is a fun board with the pistol, but with a machine gun and a grenade, anyone can be taken out.

01-25-2005, 07:36 PM
Halo 1 made the weapons stacked as everyone else has said. If you put 2 people 1 with a pistol and 1 with a Assault rifle the pistol would win. In Halo 2 there are more variables with the combos. If you plan on playing Halo 2 multiplayer either get XBox live or Get a bigger TV, i Have a 30" flat screen in my room :p and it plays 4 quite nicely. I used to dominate halo 1 and now i dominate halo 2, especially in Rumble Pit. (34 Wins out of 64 matches)

01-25-2005, 07:36 PM
H1 Pistol > everything. It CANNOT be beaten if the opponent knows what they're doing. Just my opinion.

01-25-2005, 07:38 PM
Three shots to the face and dead.

Head knight of Ni
01-25-2005, 07:41 PM
H1. The pistol was fine. Learn your strafing patterns.

In halo 2 several things were done wrong. Physics- To quote a respected member of the halo community "the vehicles in Halo 2 react like the vehicles in UT2K4 which is just terrible."
grenades cant move warthogs like they used to. The weapon respawn is retarded. One person grabs the rocket and hides no one gets to use it cause a second one won't appear. The more I play it the worse it seems. Bring back the pistol. I don't know about you but pistol sniping was never a problem for me.

01-25-2005, 07:54 PM
H1. The pistol was fine. Learn your strafing patterns.

In halo 2 several things were done wrong. Physics- To quote a respected member of the halo community "the vehicles in Halo 2 react like the vehicles in UT2K4 which is just terrible."
grenades cant move warthogs like they used to. The weapon respawn is retarded. One person grabs the rocket and hides no one gets to use it cause a second one won't appear. The more I play it the worse it seems. Bring back the pistol. I don't know about you but pistol sniping was never a problem for me.

I have no problem with the pistol in H1 provided I'm not playing a bunch of morons. My issue [hell, it wasn't an issue, I love playing with the pistol] arises from the attempt at equalling/leveling the weapons and then having a super weapon like the pistol. Three shot kill from 2 feet or 200.

01-25-2005, 07:58 PM
I miss the pistol completly owning everything. And in halo 2 multiplayer characters look horrible from a disctince, so bad they alwasy belnd in wiht the enviroment

Head knight of Ni
01-25-2005, 07:58 PM
Atleast it wasn't as bad as the sword. Another big problem I have with Halo 2 is the auto aim. In Halo 1 it wasn't bad but halo 2 my aim get yanked away by some dying yahoo jumpin' infront of me.

There's still hope for conker's.

01-25-2005, 08:22 PM
Halo 2.
-I like dual weapons (SMG + Pistol=unbeatable).
-I also LOVE the beam rifle (is it just me or does the human sniper in h2 shoot slower, not the fps but the shots per second?)
-The melee isn't nearly as powerful, which sucks for me (since I had Boxer controls on h1 and meleed constantly) but way more realistic when you think about it.
-The needler is still pretty much obsolete at higher skill levels, but useable against less-skilled players.
-I agree, the whole kill/medal/death updates get annoying when playing on a small tv, and I really think they need to have customization options for it in h3 (so you can turn it off/on, or have medals on/off, or kills on/off, etc.)
-Some weapons aren't as powerful becasue they SHOULDN'T be as powerful, ie the pistol. I know some people were close to tears about the pistol, but it was really stacked when you think about it (zoom? on a pistol like that?) Plus, one shot with the pistol to the head in h2 without shields kills a person (I can kill most people with smg pistol in less than 2 seconds easily).
-And I have to agree, the auto-aim sucks. I hate sniping at a person and getting the aim jerked to the side by one of their teammates running in front of them.

And finally, the much debated energy sword. My friends (not very skilled) ban it, or else they quit (has happened many times before). The thing is, it's not that great! First of all, unless you surprise a person or it is in confined spaces, you can just run away and keep out of their distance while killing them without getting hurt. Second, learn how to dodge it! I'm close to mastering the art of sword dodging, and can fairly easily kill a person while they are lunging at me with no avail. All you have to do is sidestep. The problem is, the really experienced players can keep the reticule on you even if you try to dodge. Also, a well-timed shotgun blast as they lunge kills them instantly.

Also, h2 maps>h1 maps, hands down.

And can anybody say, Halo 2 live ranking?

Edit: Also forgot to mention the tank. Way too armored. Almost impossible to beat without a couple incredibly well-placed frags or rocket. Although it is more realistic for the year it was made (what year is halo? like a few hundred years in the future?), it still shouldn't be that strong for this game. You can drive up on the blue base wall in coagulation fairly high (behind banshee sniping spot) and are fairly invincible, except for rocket (if you have the rocket and the tank up there, good luck other team, because you are screwed).

Edit Edit: there is a Halo 2 trick-jumping website by Mr. Juke (search google for it). He has a video for every level, sans foundation, with really useful jumps. I'm serious, after watching his videos and practicing a little my skill level probably went up 2 levels. Some of the jumps I use contantly now. Lots of cool sniping spots also. All videos are around 7 mb.

01-25-2005, 08:27 PM
there is def a difference between halo 1 and halo 2, halo 1 felt so well "halo-ey" and halo 2 just feels like a teched up version of halo that thats trying to hard.

01-25-2005, 08:28 PM
I agree, a bigger tv helps, but only a little. My friend has a 36" and it still seems like there is too much clutter on each individual screen. As far as the pistol goes, it is a great short, mid to sometimes long range sniping weapon, but if your good at the dodge/strafe and maybe it takes 4-5 shots instead of 3 to the head, your chances are good (maybe about 40/60) that you can kill the guy (or gal) with the pistol in short to somewhat medium range, regardless of what weapon you have, unless its a shotgun and you're not very close. Saying that, the pistol in my opinion, still has a bit of an edge on most weapons, but can still be dealt with a lot of the time. Maybe I put too much thought into H1, but the game is just too fun. There are 8 of us that usually play once a week, we link up at my friends house and let the good times fly and we've been doing this for a long time now. Sometimes we play other groups of people that say their good, but usually they go home thinking otherwise. The fun factor just never dies in this game.

01-25-2005, 08:35 PM
there is def a difference between halo 1 and halo 2, halo 1 felt so well "halo-ey" and halo 2 just feels like a teched up version of halo that thats trying to hard.

01-25-2005, 08:39 PM
I have an idea, since there are a few cool things in Halo 2, maybe they should take some of them, put them into the Halo 1 format, game or whatever, and make Halo 1 1/2, sound like a good idea or no?

01-25-2005, 09:10 PM
Halo 1.5 was tossed around back in the day.. namely, Halo with XBL functionality. But they tossed it so they could get Halo2 out quicker.

01-25-2005, 09:36 PM
I really don't like Halo2 overall. Well its a good game to play with friends, but I really don't like XBL, or the Single player campaign...

Dual weild isn't a cool new option... its a requirement if you want to make any impact at all (minus the rocket launcher/sword)....

01-25-2005, 09:38 PM
huh, interesting, I didn't know that. Maybe Halo 3 they will mix it up and hopefully appeal to everyone, and we can all be happy.

01-26-2005, 12:51 PM
huh, interesting, I didn't know that. Maybe Halo 3 they will mix it up and hopefully appeal to everyone, and we can all be happy.

Or maybe people will buy it no matter what it is and they will make a game they are happy with. You dont have to please everyone.

01-27-2005, 07:04 PM
Im a huge halo fan myself and used to play halo 1 on xbconnect every day... I used to play halo 2 on xbl and my rank was around 13 I believe but I have since cancelled my live account.

Playing halo 2 had to be one of the most dissapointing things ever... The campaign is too short, the ending is horrible (come on... bosses in halo?! tarturus reminds me of some dude from the old mega man or something... really takes away from the game), and the multiplayer actually feels like its more poorly balanced than halo 1! The maps/game in general feel too dark and the screen always feels really cluttered.

The weapons in this game are horrible... The game has turned into a big spray and prey fest, and most of the weapons don't take very much skill to use. If you can hold the reticule on the target and know which weapons to wield together, you will do great. The other problem is that the special weapons in the game have become even more powerful than they were in the previous game (rocket launcher, sniper rifle, and the sword all fit into this category). You cant really miss with the rocket now, the sniper rifle has been dumbed down tremendously (no more bullet lag at medium/long range and headshots are incredibly easy to get compared to halo 1 thanks to some improved auto aim characteristics), and the sword in the hands of a good player is unstoppable. You cannot dodge a sword simply by sidestepping against a decent player. All you have to do is run with a gun out instead of the sword and then pull the sword out quickly when they get close.

The true problem with halo 2 is the lack of decent mid range weapons. The battle rifle/carbine is ridiculously underpowered. Most of the time you are left helpless at your spawning point against players who spawned closer to the better weapons than you did. There is nothing you can do until these players die or run out of ammo most of the time. Your SMG is nearly useless and the weapons dont spawn quickly enough for you to even pick them up sometimes. Grenades have also been weakened so you have yet another resource taken away from you from the start.

Its funny how everyone argues that the weapons in halo 1 were unbalanced. With the generic weapon set, everyone started out with a weapon that can counter any other weapon. Some weapons were better for specific situations but the pistol could counter any of them depending on your amount of skill. The game rewarded the skilled players far more then halo 2 does.

Thats my opinion on halo 2... ill stick with gregg hastings, halo 1, and custom game variants for halo 2 instead of playing on live... I know my opinion is one sided but playing on live to me is more frustrating than it is fun. (no radar, battle rifle/smg starting weapons, and extra damage on is the best custom game variant imo)

01-27-2005, 08:26 PM
I think what they tried to do in this game was to make it feel more "realistic" and to me, it does. Ive only played multiplayer a few times but Ive played through all of single player multiple times and watched the collectors disk's information. From what I've seen when they looked back on halo1 they realised how un-"true to life" the guns were with the assault rifle basically being a sub machine gun and the pistol almost being a rifle as a couple of examples. So it may not be an exactly amazing setup for a video game but I can see how they were trying to mesh a real world feel into it and place you in a time 300 years from now. Yeah maybe the rockets guide themselves and lock on to vehicles...but wouldn't you expect something like this at least that far from now since we presently have a tracking system in many weapons? It may not be be as much of a video game as Halo 1 but when I get into the game and just think of how cool it is to have all these weapons that have more of a link to our world now then many futuristic games I've played its pretty cool. If anything I'm just showing my opinion on it and hoping it'll shed some light on what the designers might have been trying to do. Enjoy the gaming! :D

01-28-2005, 02:44 PM
If the game designers were trying to make the game more realistic then I think they may have made a mistake. Step back for a second and look at halo 2s storyline, characters, and gameplay.... the game is not realistic at all. The gameplay that is sacrificed for a little bit of realism simply doesn't balance out (no pun intended). The game was aimed towards the average/below average gamer crowd and this is why the weapons in the game are like they are. If I wanted to play a game based on realism I would play ghost recon or something along those lines.

01-28-2005, 03:15 PM
Halo 1, just because I liked to melee with active camo (with no radar of course) it brought me back to my old CS days *tear*

01-28-2005, 04:15 PM
H1 is my favorite... Can't pinpoint why, but It's my favorite. Maybe i'm just stuck in the past? :D