View Full Version : Need Help Buying Gun!!

01-25-2005, 10:14 PM
Ok guys i need your help on this. I am looking into buying a new gun, and looking to sell my older one. The one i am looking to sell is a 04 Prostock Autococker from WGP. It has a new Shockteck Bolt, AK Apache Loader, and a J&J Edge Ceramic Barrel Kit.
(How much you think i could sell this for?)

And i am looking into buying any one of these guns:
Angel Speed 05
MacDev Cyborg
04 Viking
Lasoya or Alias Intimidator
*or if you have any other suggestions*

What do you think would be the most logical to buy, if i am looking for a decent price along with impeccable customer service and reliability.

Thank You.

01-25-2005, 10:16 PM
Dont count out the devil mag!!! Or an E-TAC!!!!

01-25-2005, 10:17 PM
Thanks. I'll check those out.

01-25-2005, 11:05 PM
Umm Realiability - Customer Service... OK here we go

Angel Speed 05 - WDP Has pretty good customer service, and angels are pretty reliable
X-Mag -AGD Leads the world in customer service, Most reliable marker ever
MacDev Cyborg - i dont know anything about it
04 Viking - AKA doesnt excist, so good luck with service - Extremly reliable
Shocker - SP sucks at customer service, there nice guns, but i've seen them go down
Lasoya or Alias Intimidator - i dont know anything about it

::edit:: Welcome to AO

01-25-2005, 11:27 PM
04 Viking - AKA doesnt excist, so good luck with service - Extremly reliable (AkA)

::edit:: Welcome to AO
they do excist :tard:, they just dont make them anymore. You can still find them, and AKA will service it.

Im going to just tell you to try out abunch of differnt guns and see what you like. Most guns are easy to fix if you know what you are doing. :bounce: The cyborgs are nice, but hard to find. All the guns you picked will be good.www.akalmp.com (http://www.akalmp.com)

:edit: spelling :rolleyes:

01-25-2005, 11:33 PM
they do excist :tard:, they just make them anymore. You can still find them, and AKA will servivce it.

Im going to just tell you to try out abunch of differnt guns and see what you like. Most guns are easy to fix if you know what you are doing. :bounce: The cyborgs are nice, but hard to find. All the guns you picked will be good.www.akalmp.com (http://www.akalmp.com)

They have some hot excals!

01-26-2005, 08:24 AM
Thanks A lot Guys. Does anyone have an approximation of how much i could sell my autococker package for?

01-26-2005, 08:38 AM
I've owned Shockers, and will likely own another - they are awesome markers. That being said quality control at SP sucks - I have learned to take down everything I get from SP and clean shavings out or rework body threads (honest examples of past two Shockers I bought new from SP). There customer service sucks - when I called them and talked to them about threads folding forward they tried to blame it on air in marker (would have folded threads back) - after I explained I got the bolt out they told me basically good job you did what we would have. Service and control suck... the markers are awesome markers though