View Full Version : ASVAB score...

01-26-2005, 12:58 AM
Ok, I hate my counselor but I have a few questions... (hoping Army of someone can help...) My score for military carers that I got was a 6, is that good bad or normal? what about Military entrance score? is 80 good bad or normal? I look to be doing ok, but I'm curious how I did, and I hate interpreting stuff like this, especially as to what it all means in the end, thanks.


01-26-2005, 01:29 AM
Military careers thingy goes from 1-7, with 7 being the highest. I also scored a six, and I think I was only excluded from a few jobs, including surgeon. As for the MES, I don't know where 80 stands, but I'd expect that it is in the above average category.

01-26-2005, 01:53 AM
It depends, last time I checked each of the 5 services scored the ASVAB differently. Put it this way from the Air Force point of view, it takes roughly a score of 40 to enter, Navy=30, Marines=20, Army=10. No idea what the Coasties score would corolate into. Now this is what it would be to get into the AF, at least a 40. So someone who took it only made a 35 could be an intel guy in the Marines but couldn't even be a cook in the AF.

01-26-2005, 07:39 AM
not entirely true Willystyle21. First, not just because you have a high enough score to get into the service doesn't mean you're the smartest guy out there and you can do intel and Force Recon if you wanted to. If intel doesn't need that many new people coming into the field, they may raise their requirements to 80 if they think they can still get as many new guys as they need. Next there are things called ASVAB waivers. Basically you don't have the score to get in, but hey you're a good guy so we'll let you join anyways. Also, if your recruiter says you need to graduate high school that's not true either, there are waivers for that too. You pretty much hafta have the intelligence of a rock to not get in or have some wierd medical problem, or have a permanent injury that limits normal physical capabilities. Heck, there's even waivers for drug use. Waivers for pretty much anything really.

01-26-2005, 08:18 AM
I scored an 80 on the asvab the other day. it is really good. the lowest score you can have before joining in the army would be 31, not sure about the other services though. I SCORED THE HIGHEST OUT OF EVERYONE TAKING IT, and I am only 17! now that you have taken the asvab, and scored well on it, be prepared to recieve many calls from recruiters!

01-26-2005, 08:35 AM
ASVABS are scored on a percentile basis (or used to be) 80% means you did better than 80% of the people taking them.

01-26-2005, 08:57 AM
I scored an 80 on the asvab the other day. it is really good. the lowest score you can have before joining in the army would be 31, not sure about the other services though. I SCORED THE HIGHEST OUT OF EVERYONE TAKING IT, and I am only 17! now that you have taken the asvab, and scored well on it, be prepared to recieve many calls from recruiters!

It's 31 for the Marines also.

01-26-2005, 10:05 AM
80 should be good.

When I was looking at the open field when I enlisted in the MDANG, the highest requirement was for 66....and thats the AF......its also the field I went into, electronics techie.

but I got a 97 on the test :argh: :dance:

01-26-2005, 10:25 AM
but I got a 97 on the test :argh: :dance:

w00t, preach it brother! I also scored a 97 during.. I think it was fall of my senior year. 97/6.

01-26-2005, 01:10 PM
yes, but.... *sniff......my twin bro got a 98...... :(
and whats weird......I am smarter then him, no questions asked... :tard:

01-26-2005, 03:31 PM
not entirely true Willystyle21. First, not just because you have a high enough score to get into the service doesn't mean you're the smartest guy out there and you can do intel and Force Recon if you wanted to. If intel doesn't need that many new people coming into the field, they may raise their requirements to 80 if they think they can still get as many new guys as they need. Next there are things called ASVAB waivers. Basically you don't have the score to get in, but hey you're a good guy so we'll let you join anyways. Also, if your recruiter says you need to graduate high school that's not true either, there are waivers for that too. You pretty much hafta have the intelligence of a rock to not get in or have some wierd medical problem, or have a permanent injury that limits normal physical capabilities. Heck, there's even waivers for drug use. Waivers for pretty much anything really.

Hahaha, so true! I swear you could be dead and still enlist, just sign this waiver.

Loki, you can always call a recruiter and ask him/her what they mean, just don't give them your name or number ;)

01-26-2005, 03:51 PM
Yeah, dont give them your number, they dont stop calling! infact I just recieved one a few minutes ago, you learn what to say to get them off the phone. Good luck, what branch are you planning on going into? Me I am going Air Force.

01-26-2005, 04:03 PM
You guys actually tried? I made my name out on the sheet. They still call to bother me though...... :rolleyes:

01-26-2005, 04:24 PM
I just sorta showed up, answered everything with whatever my first thoguht was and went home.

Scored in the 98% percentile though. Still my parents get calls 6 1/2yrs later asking if I want to join the military...lol. They're like 'ummm he's 24, doesn't live here and no'.

GA Devil
01-26-2005, 04:29 PM
alot of it is determined by the GT score also....or was when i was in.

01-26-2005, 09:03 PM
Not sure, wanted to be a PJ, but cant swim (ankle bothers me after break), most likely navy (for corpsman) marine, or army


01-26-2005, 09:10 PM
yes, but.... *sniff......my twin bro got a 98...... :(
and whats weird......I am smarter then him, no questions asked... :tard:

Cool! Another twin on the board.

Gitaroo Man
01-27-2005, 01:43 AM
What exactly is on this test?? Just wondering

01-27-2005, 02:49 AM
ASVAB= Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Its the test you take to get into the military. I got my info from a friend of mine who is a recruiter so I figured it had to be somewhat accurate. Reese, what I meant was the info/computer/CIA/FBI intel. Not the force recon/ scouting type. And yes there are waivers for everything, a buddy of mine was going up against drug charges, the judge said go into the military or go to jail. But honestly, there aren't too many waivers for the AF. You need to graduate high school for one or at least a GED. Seen a few people who couldn't get in because they failed HS. Helped file the paperwork when I worked with my recruiter for some of them.

01-27-2005, 03:24 AM
yes, but.... *sniff......my twin bro got a 98...... :(
and whats weird......I am smarter then him, no questions asked... :tard:

That is what I got 3 years ago, but I had a 7 not a 6 :confused: . But then I went into ROTC and got fed up with wanting to go into the Armed forces for a time. I even took a personality test and got a score that put me on the same grade as Patton.
:ninja: :argh: :ninja:

Check this out a Navy recruiter onced called me andsaid you could be a nuclear submarine technician. I freaked out and said some "banned words" and told him not to ever call my house again.

01-27-2005, 04:36 AM
I even took a personality test and got a score that put me on the same grade as Patton.


go to quizilla or something like that, you can get personality quizzes...

i matched up with patton here (http://quizilla.com/users/londonbelow/quizzes/Which%20Dysfunctional%20Care%20Bear%20Are%20You%3F ) as well

01-27-2005, 10:47 PM
Cool! Another twin on the board.

How many twins are on this board?
*raises hand*