View Full Version : It's official .... 15 bps cap Rules

01-26-2005, 05:09 PM

this is all the way in the east coast, but hopefully the XPSL and NPPL will do it down here too.
we had all been talking about it , and i think we as players knew it was coming. and i am glad they are putting their foot down. i wish they had some way of telling if some one was firing over 15 bps on the field though. seems like a good set of rules though

rock on CFOA :headbang:

01-26-2005, 05:11 PM
Really means nothing. You still have to catch them in the act.

01-26-2005, 05:15 PM
I though the chrono they use in x-ball showed velosity and shots per second

01-26-2005, 05:19 PM
the bps rof counter in nxl that was used at cup was having problems with backround noise effecting it. The velocity chrono's worked great though.

01-26-2005, 05:47 PM
so if they fix that then they could enforce it

01-26-2005, 09:00 PM
i like that rule.:clap: its a good idea to have all guns set up in a way that everybody, even people with slow fingers, can compete with everyone else; without being intimidated by people shooting 20 bps. because today, its all about how much paint you can shoot in someones direction just to eliminate them.

01-26-2005, 09:06 PM

Wc Keep
01-26-2005, 09:28 PM
the way the article and rules are written makes it seem like they didnt chrono velocity in before games.

01-26-2005, 09:33 PM
the way the article and rules are written makes it seem like they didnt chrono velocity in before games.

I think they are just making sure you understand that you still need to chrono. I have a feeling (and I just get this idea from reading that article), that the trigger testing and chrono will be seperate.

01-26-2005, 09:38 PM
i like that rule.:clap: its a good idea to have all guns set up in a way that everybody, even people with slow fingers, can compete with everyone else; without being intimidated by people shooting 20 bps. because today, its all about how much paint you can shoot in someones direction just to eliminate them.

i will have to dissagree here. I personally belive that if i can shoot faster LEGALLY then you, then i should be able to. its kind of like saying once Lebron James scores 20,you have to take him out of the game because its not fair anymore. I say let people shoot as fast as they can legally, and if one person on the team gets cought with a cheater board DQ the whole team. Once your team gets DQed then your team can't play in the next tournemt that happens after that. Make it a harsher penelty for cheaters, and then let ballers ball

01-26-2005, 09:39 PM
Still think it's a total sellout in exchange for pursuing a reliable testing method for catching cheaters. It seems pretty unfair to 'limit' the true ability of some to compensate for an inability to catch cheaters.

But oh well.........

01-26-2005, 09:58 PM
Copout, perhaps...seriously, a good pass/fail bounce/ramp catcher could be sold profitably for $30.

trains are bad
01-26-2005, 10:01 PM
it's actually a 17bps cap.

You don't asses any penalties unless you are caught (in whatever way) shooting 17.1 or higher.

Why they didn't call it a 17bps cap beats me.

01-26-2005, 10:04 PM
Ummm, shooting fast is part of the game, and part of skill that you learn... I have practiced for god knows how many hours walkin my fingers on whatever object i can find, so i can get faster... I always do it in class... I think any speed should be legal... just Zero Bounce zero BS

01-26-2005, 10:18 PM
i personally dont have a problem with the limit. will be interesting to see how it turns out

01-26-2005, 10:19 PM
Everyone realizes that a Shocker in rebound mode follows those rules right (at least the ones posted)- or at least will pass the testing. here are there rules, and my reasoning. Other ramping programs follow these as well, the predator board I beleive does. I don't presume to make this a discussion about ramping in and amongst itself, I know there is a split in regards to it, I am just wondering if some of you who are applauding this realize what those rules allow. Edit: ohhh... my Predator board in the DevilMag will make these rules too... remember a judge is only permitted to test per the rules unless otherwise noted :D I like these rules

a) TEST 1 - Mechanical Bounce - Markers will be tested for mechanical bounce by a bumping or jarring of the marker. Markers will be bumped on the tank or hopper. No contact will be made with the trigger. The marker will be deemed to have mechanical bounce if the marker fires during the bump test.
Ok, this is really just how close the trigger is set - a very straight forward test, and the Shocker should have no problems here when set right

b) TEST 2 - Electronic Bounce - Markers will be tested for electronic bounce by shooting the marker. The marker trigger will be firmly pulled 3 consecutive times. During these 3 pulls, the marker may only fire 3 shots. Any marker that produces more than 3 shots on the 3 pulls will be deemed to have electronic bounce.
Shocker rebound mode is not activated until the fourth shot, no problems here

c) TEST 3 - Rate Of Fire Cap - 15 balls per second will be the legal allowed limit in the CFOA. All markers will be shot over a Pact MKIV Ballistic Timer. Any marker that exceeds the Rate of Fire cap will be deemed illegal and will not be allowed on the field.
The Shocker rebound mode is capped under 15BPS - mine was 13-14 over the chrono.

d) TEST 4 - “Runaway Guns” - All markers will be checked for “runaway” triggers. The marker will be fired rapidly. The testing judge, while rapidly firing the marker will suddenly cease to pull the trigger. Any marker that continues to fire while the trigger is NOT being pulled will be deemed to be a “Runaway Gun” and will not be allowed on the field.
Shocker rebound mode was VERY good at stopping as soon as the trigger pulls were stopped - this makes shot buffering that some markers have illegal though.

e) TEST 5 - Marker Chronographing - All markers will be chronographed prior to going onto the field. The maximum muzzle velocity allowed will be 300 feet per second. Markers will be tested by firing over RADARCHRON paintball chronographs.
Yeh... well pretty self explanatory here

01-27-2005, 09:25 AM
Still think it's a total sellout in exchange for pursuing a reliable testing method for catching cheaters. It seems pretty unfair to 'limit' the true ability of some to compensate for an inability to catch cheaters.

But oh well.........

Yep... :rolleyes: ... And I think I remember seeing another set of rules somewhere.... ASTM or something too....

But oh well...

Chris at Tech
01-27-2005, 10:05 AM
Yes, it stinks that those of us who can fire a legal gun faster than 15 bps will be slightly handicapped by this, but we have no one but the cheaters in the paintball community to thank.

Hopefully technology for cheat catching will continue to advance and we can get rid of the problem all together, but with all the ways electronic guns can be set to cheat, I think this is the fairest rule at this point in time.

01-27-2005, 11:46 AM
Copout, perhaps...seriously, a good pass/fail bounce/ramp catcher could be sold profitably for $30.

So why is the leagues haven't made one yet?


Even if possible I think that it would be a sight more than 30$ :rolleyes:

Seeing as you need some kind of robot trigger pulling machine and a highend chronograph and ballistics timer, you're easily into hundreds of dollars.

And then, that multi-hundred dollar machine can be beat with a few dollars of inexpensive tech (or nontech) or programming.

The bps limit however does have a chance of being enforceable.

Is it a cop-out? Sure. But if you're going to allow everyone to use electros and bring their own markers there's no way to feasibly enforce any other ROF rules.

01-27-2005, 12:45 PM
I have a question, if I have a gun that can shoot over 15 bps, (karnivor, timmy, dm5) how do i control it, or are they now illegal?

01-27-2005, 01:15 PM
ok so now i don't have a need for that new dm5, might as well throw it out.

i wish i was that rich. i unfortunatley am not. so now we will probably see more semi autos in the tourneys, here comes back the mags and cockers, i knew the 19's were coming back. LOL! :rofl:

Chris at Tech
01-27-2005, 01:15 PM
Hmmm...I thought I heard a while back that using a sub 15bps loader would be sufficient, but re-reading the rules, it loks like it's actually checking gun cycles, and not just paintballs fired.

My guess is that gun manufacturers and aftermarket code guys will have CFOA legal version of code shortly. Now, if these manufacturers charge an arm and a leg for it, that's another story :)

01-27-2005, 01:17 PM
More often than not, the firmware can be upgraded to limit the ROF.

01-27-2005, 01:17 PM
so now we will probably see more semi autos in the tourneys,

The scarey part is, now that the rules are enforceable people are worried about seeing more semi-autos. Or did you mean mechanicals?

01-27-2005, 01:18 PM
For those of us who don't know what the CFOA is :tard: (me)... umm California?? no clue little help

01-27-2005, 02:45 PM
Carolina Field Owners Asscoiation.

And software capping 'most' E markers is fairy simple,DM4/5 for instance can be done with a drop in chip.Other than that you can play with an uncapped semi marker just don't pull that fast. :) You only need the cap if your going with Ramping or modified auto software, most of which do include a method for capping ROF in that mode.

01-27-2005, 03:00 PM
the cfoa put these rules into effect to prevent the massive ramp and overshooting that was occurring last season

BUT, i shot a Proto trix with the new musashi3 programming that is CFOA legal (ramps up to 15 bps after 3rd shot and stops when you dont pull trigger for 1s) and it FREAKIN RIPPED. It was so easy to get shooting fast and was very fast.

There are going to be so many people getting tore the f' up next season, it's gonna be great. I've already ordered my Musashi 3 chip for my dm4.

BTW, i think the CFOA has gotten those radar guns they use in the NXL to make sure you're not shooting over 15.

Whoever said it was 17 bps, you're dumb....learn to read please

01-27-2005, 03:08 PM
the cfoa put these rules into effect to prevent the massive ramp and overshooting that was occurring last season

BUT, i shot a Proto trix with the new musashi3 programming that is CFOA legal (ramps up to 15 bps after 3rd shot and stops when you dont pull trigger for 1s) and it FREAKIN RIPPED. It was so easy to get shooting fast and was very fast.

There are going to be so many people getting tore the f' up next season, it's gonna be great. I've already ordered my Musashi 3 chip for my dm4.

BTW, i think the CFOA has gotten those radar guns they use in the NXL to make sure you're not shooting over 15.

Whoever said it was 17 bps, you're dumb....learn to read please

Here is why - we have heard how everyone can shoot 20 balls a second because they are so good, and they outran this egg/HALO one time and and...

and 99% of the people claiming to shoot 15+BPS were not. So we have been given this false sense that 15BPS is slow, when in reality it is faster than most people could shoot, especially sustained for more than 2 seconds. You hear that this is 20BPS when its 14BPS you get a false idea of what 15BPS really is. People can't beleive how fast a rebound Shocker is around here.. and then when you tell them thats 15BPS there like... no way, I can shoot faster than that... No.. you just have no clue what 15BPS really is

Generalizations I know, but anyone going to tell me I'm wrong in the majority of cases?

01-27-2005, 03:10 PM
i wasnt trying to say that "OMG 15 BPS IS BLAZING" i was just trying to state that the new rules allowed for major ramping and consistent shooting that will get ppl mowed

01-27-2005, 03:13 PM
i wasnt trying to say that "OMG 15 BPS IS BLAZING" i was just trying to state that the new rules allowed for major ramping and consistent shooting that will get ppl mowed

I understand that, what few people realize, what they have been told is 20BPS and learned to ID by ear, is the majority of the time much closer to 15BPS. 15BPS IS blazing fast... and we have heard so much hype around people who claim to be shooting faster (some do) that we have an artifical beleift that 15BPS is NOT fast - 15BPS is very fast, especially sustained for more than a second or two which ramping allows.

trains are bad
01-27-2005, 03:18 PM
I am mistaken, it's 15bps, I was send an incomplete quote of the rule that only included the major penalty.

I agree that anyone who thinks this will slow them down if they are legal now has probably not shot one of the rampers out there. I have a predator and AFA hard ramping at 15bps is just insanely mowing.

In general, me and others with with ramping capabilities, will be shooting MUCH FASTER now with these rules.

actually I live in oh and it doesn't affect me but still.

01-27-2005, 03:54 PM
for real dude

i can say for sure that i'm gonna be blowing faces off come the first cfoa event

01-27-2005, 04:00 PM
Please please please let NPPL and PSP adopt this rule... cause it will filter to small tournaments.. and they (the smaller ones) have no way of seeing if my Predator board is limited at 15BPS or 30 :D.. Please please please

01-27-2005, 05:10 PM
Personaly I like the rule.

While I've fired over 15bps before I have to say that when I set my gun on debounce 1 and Hyper mode with a max rof of fire 15bps (as long as I keep pulling the trigger faster than 6 bps) I get REALLY consistant ropes. I could never do 15+ bps for 4 sec without ilegal switch bounc/buffering etc.

I can do faster strings for shorter but I'd rather have long ropes of 15.

01-27-2005, 07:13 PM
PSP has adopted these rules from what i've heard

NPPL, i doubt it...they like their robot

01-28-2005, 02:20 PM
nppl is not dumb enough to enforce a gay rule like this. its so dumb... you dont think they are going to have people out there with cheating cheater boards that will ramp up over 15 a second. whos going to be able to tell on a field if it ramps up over the limit. its just like the old days you know last year when this gay rule wasnt in affect in psp and what not. the nppl are the smart ones by letting people only with true semi and trying hard to stop rampers, these fools are encoraging ramping... sounds pretty homosexual to me

01-28-2005, 03:31 PM
You seem pretty interested typing "gay." Seems pretty homosexual to me. :eek:

01-28-2005, 03:46 PM
nppl is not dumb enough to enforce a gay rule like this. its so dumb... you dont think they are going to have people out there with cheating cheater boards that will ramp up over 15 a second. whos going to be able to tell on a field if it ramps up over the limit. its just like the old days you know last year when this gay rule wasnt in affect in psp and what not. the nppl are the smart ones by letting people only with true semi and trying hard to stop rampers, these fools are encoraging ramping... sounds pretty homosexual to me

Um, dude.......there are these little things called radar guns that the NXL has been using to make sure they aren't shooting over 15 bps with the full auto boards. I know that Larry Moates (guy that runs CFOA) has already gotten some of these to use this season.

How about you get a clue then try posting again.

01-28-2005, 05:37 PM
PSP has adopted these rules from what i've heard

NPPL, i doubt it...they like their robot

Someone's going to sue an organiser when they get bunkered and subjected to a 1 second barrage of fire to the back of their head.

I'm surprised the last high-profile of melon-thunping didn't result in lawsuits.

The NPPL can at least demonstrate they are doing theri best to stop unsafe play and lay blame for injury from over-shooting on the player.

01-31-2005, 08:13 PM
I believe that they should not put a cap on how fast u can shoot they should just make ramping boards illegal and cut the trigger bounce crap

01-31-2005, 08:19 PM
I believe that they should not put a cap on how fast u can shoot they should just make ramping boards illegal and cut the trigger bounce crap

01-31-2005, 08:23 PM
really really sorry for posting twice

01-31-2005, 08:26 PM
So an emag will be allowed? If the board is set to 15?

01-31-2005, 09:01 PM
So why is the leagues haven't made one yet?


Even if possible I think that it would be a sight more than 30$ :rolleyes:

Seeing as you need some kind of robot trigger pulling machine and a highend chronograph and ballistics timer, you're easily into hundreds of dollars.

And then, that multi-hundred dollar machine can be beat with a few dollars of inexpensive tech (or nontech) or programming.

The bps limit however does have a chance of being enforceable.

Is it a cop-out? Sure. But if you're going to allow everyone to use electros and bring their own markers there's no way to feasibly enforce any other ROF rules.

Sounds like a job for a $1.50 PIC, a $1.76 Dual color LED, a $.99 surplus solenoid, and a $1.09 pair of WAS eyes...But that's just me. :rolleyes:

The majority of cheaters locally aren't ramping, they're sweetspotting or bouncing without safeguards to prevent being caught. This would slow them down, at the very least.

01-31-2005, 09:29 PM
i have a hard time believing that ramping is not prevalent anywhere that has any tourney players at all. Pretty much everyone and their brother with an electro is now shooting some type of ramping gun.

edit: i also played xball with a proto that had the musashi3 programming. On the PSP/NXL/CFOA mode the gun was ripping heads off, it was great.....cant wait for the season to start

02-01-2005, 09:55 AM
I believe that they should not put a cap on how fast u can shoot they should just make ramping boards illegal and cut the trigger bounce crap

Their inability to "cut the bounce crap" is exactly why they've implemented the cap. Bounce, ramp, we don't care as long as you don't go over 15 bps.