View Full Version : Correct me if I'm wrong...

Duck Hunt
01-26-2005, 10:12 PM
But I think he is wrong: http://www.68caliber.com/news/insider/story04216.php

I was just reading this article and to me this guy doesn't seem to know what he is talking about. I mean, my Warp is intelli-fed, doesn't make it feed faster BUT, it uses its own batteries. I guess everyone in the "Non AGD" world aren't used to simple electronics.

What do you all think?


01-26-2005, 10:18 PM
My impression is that he is just noting the "intelli-feed" connection not asserting that it is why the A4 is firing uber fast, or even why the HALO is now uber fast. Although the Intelli-feed won't make it faster, it in theory should improve consistency if it does actuate once on every trigger pull. I have an intelli-fed warp as well so I know where you are coming from.


since HALO's would turn the 4.8 Volt batteries in the A4 Angel to jello after the first burst. Which makes me wonder what those guys in the MT Force are up to.

If this is what you were referring to then I agree he has a limited understanding of the concept. I really don't think that the charge sent is very powerful and I highly doubt that it would take that much more power to signal a Halo to start than it would a warp.

01-26-2005, 10:22 PM
I'd like to know on what planet would that be considered 'completely legal'. ;)

Duck Hunt
01-26-2005, 10:27 PM
Well under CFOA's new rules...IT ISN'T!

And to me it didn't sound like that was "one ball per trigger pull" .


01-27-2005, 01:35 AM
You can intellifeed by passing a signal to the loader, mech 'mag style, or you can intellifeed by having your board switch current to the loader, predator style.

'far as I know, intellifeed is a name describing a concept - it's not any specific technique. They're both intelli, just done different ways.

The best application of intellifeed would be if you predator'd an emag and then used the secondary drive of the predator to switch 18v from the battery pack to your warp's motor. That would be intellifeeding current, and the warp would run off the battery pack.
If you tried to do that with a weedy 9v or some AA's you'd sag the battery into uselessness pretty darn quick - the predator board/solenoid would put a decent drain on the batteries along with the warp.

About the only way I can think the halo/angel is firing that fast would be if they're using some higher voltage, high drain batteries and using the angel's intellifeed output to switch a relay and drive the halo.
Two 9.6V rechargeables driving the halo's motor directly probably won't instantly burn it out, but the sucker will spin pretty quick. You'd have to grease the belt to get enough slip to not blend balls, but it would work - for a while.

Has anyone done a sound analysis of that video anyways? It might be that the angel isn't cycling that much faster than, say, 23-24 cps. You could probably get that kind of feedrate out of a juiced halo.

01-27-2005, 01:41 AM
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. It strikes me that he probably means that whatever the master techs have done to the angel to achieve that cycle rate is tournament legal - not the way he's firing it.

I don't think a 13-year old on ten cups of coffee can pull that fast, honestly...

01-27-2005, 01:53 AM
This guy is wrong my friend intelli-fed his halo and Angel. I will try to get the link up soon on how he did it.

01-27-2005, 02:24 AM
Hey a Guy from Guam (http://angelowners.com/showthread.php?t=34460)

It looks pretty clean.

01-27-2005, 03:37 AM
I don't trust anything put on 68 cal's website.

01-29-2005, 05:06 AM
wow the angel way of doing that is amazing you can set everything from spin time to how many shots till the motor spins!!!its basically snerts halox without the halo board its amazing almost makes me wanna bye an angel now just so i can do this!!