View Full Version : HELP!!! please!!!

01-27-2005, 03:21 AM
Like an idiot I thought I could change carriers well now my gun leaks outta the back of the valve and I cant stop it. I tried ajusting velocity and that dident work.

my old set up:

carrier: 1 line

spring: red

shims: none

bolt stick: yes

new set up:

carrier: 1 line/1 dot/nothing/1line1dot

spring: longest

shims: none

bolt stick: sometimes

plase help my gun stop leaking outta the back of the valve

now when i put my old working setup back in it leaks dow nthe barrel like a mofo. help.

01-27-2005, 12:24 PM
Go with no shims.

Use 1 line, 1 dot carrier and middle spring.

Leaking out the back is not a result of the level 10 adjustments. Try cleaning the back of the valve and/or replacing the o-rings in the back. The regulator piston may be worn inside causing the overpressure release to vent too soon. How old is your valve?

01-27-2005, 01:36 PM
its a year old. ive got the canadain nationals in 24 hours. a little more I see your from canada would you have a spare reg piston kicking around that I could uy off you?

01-27-2005, 01:36 PM
or the velocity could be tyurned up to high

01-27-2005, 01:51 PM
Lower to the middle spring, or even the small spring if you have to. Most Mags cant use largest spring because it requires too much air pressure to run! So, with the large spring it either wont fire, or you have to turn it up so far that it vents out the back. So, go with 1 line 1 dot carrier and middle spring. I would try at least one shim to start.

Also, you might not want to use the same carrier o-ring that was in the 1st carrier. I would put a new one in and add a drop of oil.


01-27-2005, 03:16 PM
Your reg piston assembly shouldn't have a problem after only 1 year. Chances are, the leak out the back is caused by a bad o-ring in the back of the valve, either the one around the reg piston assembly or the regulator seat o-ring.

01-27-2005, 04:42 PM
ok new problem I fixed all the leaks but now the marker will not cycle the noid will click and even move a bit and if i put a little presure on the noid plunger with my finger and walk the trigger it shoots. any suggestions.

BTW iam useing the carrier with 2 lines no shims.

01-27-2005, 06:05 PM
I just charged my batt and stuck it on my gun and my gun fired flawlessly for about 100 shots then it would do the same as before the noid would click but it wouldent cycle and after those hundered shots I stuck the batt back on the charger and its dead again. I fear my batt may toast. would I beable to hoop up 2 9v's in sequence to fire my gun? and if so which terminals could I hook up to where?

01-27-2005, 06:32 PM
Check to see if all your battery wires and connections are secure. That could cause a problem. Hopefully your battery isn't bad after only a year. It could happen, but it would be rare. If you have access to a voltage meter, measure the voltage of the battery as it comes off the charger. It should be at least 16.8v. Any less and it could have a bad cell.

01-27-2005, 06:44 PM
ok well i just stuck it on the volt meter and it came to 18.75 so now iam looking towards it being my noid. whats the life span on a noid? and would I be able to do a 2 9v mod?

01-28-2005, 08:57 AM
Looks like your battery is good.

It could still be bad wire in the circuit between the battery and the board. The screw that holds the circuit board in the grip frame has a history of having a bad connection. Clean it out and get a good electrical ground connection at that point. You can check the solenoid by touching the wires directly to the battery terminals.