View Full Version : Mini-Mac sucks

01-27-2005, 07:17 PM

Bye-bye proprietary crap.

01-27-2005, 07:37 PM
Yea, I wanna get one of their new nano-itx motherboards for my carputer project. To relate its size to something hold up a CD, thats how big the nano-itx motherboard is. A company actually makes a case that can fit an entire carputer into a single DIN slot which is the size of a standard cd player.

01-27-2005, 07:38 PM
yea that idea "carputer" sounds awesome. I bet in no time we will see them all over the place.

01-27-2005, 07:48 PM

Bye-bye proprietary crap.

What are you complaining about? If you don't like the Macmini, don't buy one.

And that board? Not competion. It doesn't have DVI or Firewire. It does have TV out which somebody will find very cool. But it has an edenN processor... I thought you PC zealots always railed on the Macs being slow? And Dual onboard dedicated random number generators? That thing isn't even meant for consumers.

Admit it, you just hate the powerPC chip.

Will Wood
01-27-2005, 08:04 PM
For a second I thought you were refering to a local tourney series here in Maine and I was like WTF.

But yea...

01-27-2005, 08:13 PM
Don't mind Rooster. It gets mighty cold under his bridge this time of year, so he's bound to get a little cranky.

What are you complaining about? If you don't like the Macmini, don't buy one.

And that board? Not competion. It doesn't have DVI or Firewire. It does have TV out which somebody will find very cool. But it has an edenN processor... I thought you PC zealots always railed on the Macs being slow? And Dual onboard dedicated random number generators? That thing isn't even meant for consumers.

Admit it, you just hate the powerPC chip.

01-28-2005, 06:13 PM

Pretty amazing mobo, it'd be fun to use one in a custom mini-computer project.

01-28-2005, 06:28 PM
Nice little mainboard. I can see quite a few interesting uses for that. Not quite the same as the Mac mini tho.

Other than comment further, I think I'll just avoid feeding the troll.

01-28-2005, 06:32 PM
Unless it runs OSX, it doesnt matter, IMHO. Any idea if that nano-itx board supports 'nix? Honestly, I wont buy PC components unless I can use them with some other OS aside from Windows.

Have phun with that malware now!

01-29-2005, 01:07 PM
Its like any other pc component, it will run linux, red hat, os/2, windows, or anything else you would like to run on it.

And yes, I feel really sad I won't have to throw my computer in the trash in three years because its utter garbage and there is no way to upgrade it. I'm crying on the inside.

01-29-2005, 01:20 PM

Bye-bye proprietary crap.

No Victory Dance quite yet (http://linitx.com/news.php?news_id=79#newsid79)

I'd wait on saying buh-bye until, maybe, that hardware is available.

Or is it the stand Zealot practice to annouce that something that I have in my hands now, will be obsoleted by a product that might be released by the end of 2005.

01-29-2005, 01:21 PM
Erm, my 333 iMac (over 5 years old) is still running OSX (10.3.7) PERFECTLY! Cant say the same for my old PC desktop...

01-29-2005, 03:03 PM
Yeah I bet it worlks great to type on a word processor or read emails. My seven year old computer is recording a TV show off the cable, while I play any online PC game I want, and burn a DVD. (Yes I have components that are seven years old in my PC, still working fine.)

I'm thinking about adding a emulator so I can get rid of the Ps2. Lets see a seven year old mac-in-trash do that.

01-29-2005, 05:30 PM
Yeah I bet it worlks great to type on a word processor or read emails. My seven year old computer is recording a TV show off the cable, while I play any online PC game I want, and burn a DVD. (Yes I have components that are seven years old in my PC, still working fine.)

I'm thinking about adding a emulator so I can get rid of the Ps2. Lets see a seven year old mac-in-trash do that.

My 1999 era 400 G4 iMac does everything that I've required of it, which has included video editing and sound production.

And I haven't had to put a DIME into upgrading it in over five years.

It's false economy to beleive that upgrading that computer over the last seven years saved you money.

01-30-2005, 11:41 AM
I've spent 1700.00 over seven years. How much did you pay for your computer off the shelf?

Btw, my computer runs video editing programs just fine. 2.4 ghz with 1 gig of ram, 256 mgs of video memory, and 260 gigs of HD space. Its not top of the line, but its better than 90% of the systems out there. And because I'm not a retard, I've never had a problem running windows OS.

Sorry you got ripped off.

01-30-2005, 11:50 AM
I've spent 1700.00 over seven years. How much did you pay for your computer off the shelf?

Btw, my computer runs video editing programs just fine. 2.4 ghz with 1 gig of ram, 256 mgs of video memory, and 260 gigs of HD space. Its not top of the line, but its better than 90% of the systems out there. And because I'm not a retard, I've never had a problem running windows OS.

Sorry you got ripped off.


People have the choice to buy what they want. Stop trying to belittle people for choosing something OTHER than what you like.

01-30-2005, 11:59 AM
Can't we all just get along? :cry:

01-30-2005, 12:19 PM
Rooster, you amaze me.

You take it personally, as if my using a Mac has wronged you. Grow up. People have the right to choice. If they don't agree with your narrow-mindedness, then so be it.

For my needs, and the needs of many others, the Mac OS X is superior, without a doubt. 

Ok, so you're not a retard with running windows. So? Does that mean that all of it's problems are acceptable? No!

Also, for the record, I used Windows for years before switching to Mac OS X.

01-30-2005, 01:05 PM
I've spent 1700.00 over seven years.
Obviously, your time is worth nothing.

Sorry you got ripped off.

It's sorry, that you think that you got the better deal. But without people like you, I'd be unemployed. Keep it up.

01-30-2005, 01:10 PM
You realize who you're talking to, right? This is like telling van Gogh not to paint, Michelangelo not to sculpt, or Edison not to invent.

It's what, nay, all he does; it's in his blood. You might as well tell a leopard to change his spots.


People have the choice to buy what they want. Stop trying to belittle people for choosing something OTHER than what you like.

01-30-2005, 06:02 PM
"It's sorry, that you think that you got the better deal. But without people like you, I'd be unemployed. Keep it up."

Yeah, without people to wash my car, I would be in sorry shape. Keep up the good work. And when I'm not at work I don't figure my time is very valuable, especially if I'm having fun. I don't go to a movie and figure I spent $100 of my time. I figure I spent $7.00 and two hours of my life.

Frankly, it is your choice to be a moron. It doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. Macs suck, liberals suck, dance, pop, and rap "music" sucks, Toyotas sold as Lexus suck (as well as Hondas sold as Acuras), soccer moms suck, the gun control movement sucks, the crime dramas on TV suck, all Big 12 college football teams suck, and all professional sports teams from New England and New York suck.

I'm sure somebody likes these things, but I'm willing to tell anyone, at any time, in any place that they are a moron if they like any of the above, and I'll tell them why.

01-30-2005, 07:01 PM
So basically, you hate Macs because Jobs is a liberial? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but that's what your post seems to imply. I'm a conservative republican, however I do not feel that I should use what is an inferior product just because the CEO is a democrat.

While I agree with you that rap is stupid, I don't walk around calling anyone who listens to it a moron.

You sir are an insecure fool if you take it personally what kind of computer I use. Pathetic!

Load SM5
01-30-2005, 07:31 PM
I can't see it happening, but I'll give this a chance to return to a civilized discussion. Leave the feces throwing and political crap out of it.

01-30-2005, 09:17 PM
... all professional sports teams from New England and New York suck.

I'm sure somebody likes these things, but I'm willing to tell anyone, at any time, in any place that they are a moron if they like any of the above, and I'll tell them why.

OK, I figured it out.

The man hates winners.

01-30-2005, 10:22 PM
Just to bring this back on subject.

nano-itx in a MacMini (http://www.kevinrose.com/index.php/weblog/comments/191/)

Kinda cool. Kinda pointless.

But Rooster should get some tight pants over somebody putting a slower PC is a Macmini case, cause hey, it's one less macmini, right?

01-30-2005, 10:23 PM
Except there's no optical drive in there ;)

01-31-2005, 02:43 AM
Generally speaking, the response to the Mac Mini has been pretty positive. Almost all the people I've talked to liked the product. This includes people who are PC users.

The only negative comments pretty much only come from:

1. People who hate Apple for some reason (sometimes a legitimate claim, even if it has no bearing on the hardware merits)
2. People who really just don't get it

And in this case, we have someone who is a sophisticated blend of the two. Either way, they usually don't come up with very compelling arguments, as we've all just witnessed. It's just a lot of nonsensical fanatacism.

I'm no Mac fan myself; I've personally disliked the whole "pre-emptive multitasking is just a fad" attitude that the Mac bigots held on to (for what seemed to be an eternity). Plus the whole "trying a little too hard to be special" thing got really annoying.

But OS X appears to be a competent operating system (complete with a kernel under the hood which does exactly what the Mac idiots said they didn't need), and the Mini looks like the best choice for removing the big, dumb x86 box that's driving my HDTV.

Oh, and I have a Mini-ITX system. I can tell you from first hand experience, Via processors are SLOW. And let's not even get into the "S3 Unichrome vs. Radeon 9200" thing. And then there's the whole problem with buggy Via chipset behavior (Via Rhine, anyone?). Anyone who pits nano-itx against a Mac Mini with a straight face... has been spending too much time at Fry's in the ATX case and LED illuminated fan department.

01-31-2005, 02:55 AM
I thought it said MiniMAG

Good post by Goatboy. Most tyimes I see people looking for a thing to try and show why Apple isn't doing anything good is because they have a bone to pick. I like em, you don't. Vote with your money and let me "suffer" with my choice.

01-31-2005, 03:18 AM
so rooster... you're saying dance sucks? why?

is it because it's a whole bunch of sissies or savages? or is it just because it's an artistic mode of cultural expression?

02-02-2005, 09:41 PM
"The man hates winners."

Last I heard the liberals got run out of office in the federal government, Apple went from an over 70% market share to less the 10% (and is owned in a large part by Bill Gates now), The Big 12 got embarrassed in the National title game, The Red Soxs did win for the first time in 86 years, yes I do hate the Patriots because they have consistantly knocked the Steelers out of the Super Bowl, I'm not really sure what Lexus or Acura has won as of late, the assult weapons ban got discontinued so thats not really a victory for gun control advocates, and crime dramas and rap/dance/pop music dominate both TV and radio respectively so they are probably winners.

I just hate crap. In all its many forms.

02-02-2005, 11:06 PM
"The man hates winners."

Last I heard the liberals got run out of office in the federal government, Apple went from an over 70% market share to less the 10% (and is owned in a large part by Bill Gates now), The Big 12 got embarrassed in the National title game, The Red Soxs did win for the first time in 86 years, yes I do hate the Patriots because they have consistantly knocked the Steelers out of the Super Bowl, I'm not really sure what Lexus or Acura has won as of late, the assult weapons ban got discontinued so thats not really a victory for gun control advocates, and crime dramas and rap/dance/pop music dominate both TV and radio respectively so they are probably winners.

I just hate crap. In all its many forms.

Do you read what you write? Are you even aware that you come across to the reading public as a rambling moron?

02-02-2005, 11:09 PM
Do you read what you write? Are you even aware that you come across to the reading public as a rambling moron?

Words can not describe your excellence.

02-03-2005, 06:43 PM

Microsoft purchased $150 million worth of NON VOTING stock back in 1997, before Jobs. Since then, Microsoft has sold ALL of the stock.

No doubt many of their accountants over there felt it was stupid, as Apple stock has more than tripled since then.

Get your facts straight, or shut up.

I think that you have some issues if your are attacking people over what kind of computer people use...

It's a computer, a tool. Nothing more. Only a "Super Nerd(Ok, a big stereotype)" would care, as if it does them pain if I use a Mac. It doesn't matter if I drive a Ford, and you a Chevy. We can both drive the same roads, and fill up at the same gas station.

So.... From there....

Did the nerd table get invaded one too many times while you were there in High School?

Hazed one too many times?


Also, did you know that the evil liberals serve an important part of our government? Ever hear of Parliamentary Procedure? It's set up to protect the rights of the minority, while observing the will of the majority. It's an integral part of our Congress. Without the other party, whomever it may be, to balance us out, where would we be? Don't say a better place, unless you want to come across as an uneducated moron(more than you are now)...

One must respect someone's political viewpoint, if they are an educated person who understands both sides of the issues. If they just vote democratic, or republican because it is cool, then that's the only time when you can even attempt to belittle their viewpoint.

Sorry to get political in this thread. Rooster, PM me if you wish to continue the politics...

Also, I appologize to AO for the flame in this thread. It's just a pet peeve of mine that people talk without knowing anything.


02-03-2005, 07:07 PM
Get your facts straight, or shut up.

I can't wait to see what "facts" Rooster makes up to combat this.

02-03-2005, 08:38 PM
Without liberals? The world would be a better place. Liberals do not believe in personal responsibility. Without them, many of our problems would simply disappear. No longer would people blame asinine things for their own problems, and instead put the blame where it rightly belongs, on their own failings. Until a person accepts their failing, they can not improve.

02-03-2005, 08:41 PM
"It's a computer, a tool. Nothing more. Only a "Super Nerd(Ok, a big stereotype)" would care, as if it does them pain if I use a Mac. It doesn't matter if I drive a Ford, and you a Chevy. We can both drive the same roads, and fill up at the same gas station. "

Awww, thats sweet. You believe in peace, love, and acceptance. I don't believe in such tripe. Does it hurt anyone if you drink to excess, use drugs, or smoke in out-door places? No. Does it make you any less of a moron? No. Sorry, I'm not a touchy, huggy, tree hugging liberal who believes in living and letting live. If you are a moron, you are a moron. Get used to it.

02-03-2005, 09:28 PM
I'm conservative enough to make you look like Hillary Clinton, and I am raising my voice to indicate how dumb your posts in this thread are.

02-03-2005, 09:50 PM
I'm conservative enough to make you look like Hillary Clinton, and I am raising my voice to indicate how dumb your posts in this thread.

I think Rooster has firmly established by example that being conservative doesn't automaticly mean that you're smart.

In fact, Rooster, if you really wanna irk the libs. PRETEND YOU'RE ONE OF THEM.

hmmm. Maybe Rooster is a hippy tree hugger, and it's an act to piss us off?

02-03-2005, 11:07 PM
Frankly, it is your choice to be a moron. It doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. Macs suck, liberals suck, dance, pop, and rap "music" sucks, Toyotas sold as Lexus suck (as well as Hondas sold as Acuras), soccer moms suck, the gun control movement sucks, the crime dramas on TV suck, all Big 12 college football teams suck, and all professional sports teams from New England and New York suck.

But you ROCK!!! :headbang: :hail:

I agree 100% with everything you just said! We should like, um... take over the world or something! :ninja:

Target Practice
02-03-2005, 11:30 PM
But you ROCK!!! :headbang: :hail:

I agree 100% with everything you just said! We should like, um... take over the world or something! :ninja:

Yeah, you could set up headquarters in the Fortress of Suckitude.

02-04-2005, 06:38 AM
Rooster, you make me ashamed to be a Republican.

You turn everything into politics. You are also wrong, plain and simple.

All I said was that basically our computers can still interact, and share files. However, I do not see where that makes me "Awww, thats sweet. You believe in peace, love, and acceptance."

All I see is that your having a fit about the computer I use, and dragging me down with you. Maybe it would help if you learned a little acceptance.

Everytime you open your mouth, you make a fool of yourself. You still have said nothing about the stock....

One day you are going to get yourself banned....

02-04-2005, 07:15 AM
I can't believe this thread is still active.

Load SM5
02-04-2005, 07:35 AM
Well I tried to let it go as long as I could but you guys could'nt drag it out of the political.