View Full Version : "I want you" in spanish???

01-28-2005, 12:32 AM
alright, well this one girl i know was saying how her friend is gross and said "quiero tu" to her...and this is supposed to mean "i want you" in spanish. she's in spanish 3 and my friend he has taken 4 years of spanish and he was saying that shes wrong and that the real way to say it is "yo te quiero" or something along those lines and he atleast knew she was saying it was wrong.

tl;dr-girl thinks it's "quiero tu" and my friend thinks its "yo te quiero" or something along those lines

ANYWAYS so how is it really supposed to be worded?

GIRL: and btw, i asked my teacher about the spanish thing.. she said whoever told you that is on crack
GIRL: and needs to go back to 1st year spanish

01-28-2005, 12:41 AM
its 'te quiero'

i havn't studied the language in 6 years, but i rmember that

Target Practice
01-28-2005, 12:41 AM
"Yo te quiero" is the proper way to say "I want you." "Yo quiero tu" is just an ugly way of saying it, IMO.

EDIT: Beaten lie an unwanted stepchild by the BE geek... ;)

01-28-2005, 12:44 AM
lol alright thanks, i'm gonna ask some mexican girls tomorrow and see what they say.

01-28-2005, 12:54 AM
That's what she meant, she just asked it in a form that doesn't make much sense.... Te quiero is correct, the yo is optional since quiero means "I want".

01-28-2005, 12:55 AM
te quiero, is correct thats how they would say it in mexico, also on commercials (taco bell) the yo is not needed it is understood becuase of the "o" ending in quiero.

01-28-2005, 01:31 AM
te quiero, yo te quiero or... te quiero mucho (i want you alot, baisically meaning i love you)

are all correct.

Spent a year in Chile, fluent in the language. tell that dump chick to chupa mis huevos (suck my testicles)

if you want any others (you know like curses) pm me, and il give you the low down on the dirty tongue i picked up in chile.

Target Practice
01-28-2005, 01:58 AM
Since we're on the subject, for those Spanish speakers out there...

Who likes to leave out the "yo, tu, Ud." etc. when speaking? I do, personally, just because I believe it sounds more fluid. However, if I am speaking to someone who is not quite comfortable with the language, I leave them in.

01-28-2005, 03:04 AM
it depends on the sentence, for me... in the books i've read they tend to leave out the article.

I actually thought te quiero was used more for "i love you" than "i want you," but I had some weird AP spanish teacher who i wouldn't trust at all.

01-28-2005, 04:17 AM
Are you sure it's not...

Target Practice
01-28-2005, 04:32 AM
Are you sure it's not...

You know, I knew it was just a matter of time until that damn thing showed up... :D

01-28-2005, 04:37 AM
Since we're on the subject, for those Spanish speakers out there...

Who likes to leave out the "yo, tu, Ud." etc. when speaking? I do, personally, just because I believe it sounds more fluid. However, if I am speaking to someone who is not quite comfortable with the language, I leave them in.

it really depends on the conversation. if it is formal i will leave them in, but in usual every day spanish, most of the artices can be dropped, its odd. you know when to use them, and when not to. its just how i picked it up, you just know when to use it.

it depends on the sentence, for me... in the books i've read they tend to leave out the article.

I actually thought te quiero was used more for "i love you" than "i want you," but I had some weird AP spanish teacher who i wouldn't trust at all.

te quiero means i want you, as a tearm of endearment, like i want your hot sexy body or something. it is like i live you. in chile, one girl i got involved with we would say te quiero mucho to eachother after departing our ways after meeting eachother, meaning i want you alot, it is almost interchangeable with i love you, but its not as hot and heavy.

entiendes? :)

Target Practice
01-28-2005, 04:44 AM
entiendes? :)

Siempre entiendo. :)

01-28-2005, 04:54 AM
Siempre entiendo. :)

que bueno, ahora saca la basura por favor! :)

Target Practice
01-28-2005, 05:54 AM
que bueno, ahora saca la basura por favor! :)



01-28-2005, 10:30 AM
So how long before the USA becomes officially bi-lingual? :)

01-28-2005, 10:50 AM
So how long before the USA becomes officially bi-lingual? :)

it will be a sad day when it does
at that point, i'll move to canada to get away from it :ninja:

01-28-2005, 02:01 PM
and remember folks:

school spanish != mexican spanish != spain's spanish any more then british english, ebonics, and school english match up.

01-28-2005, 02:21 PM
So how long before the USA becomes officially bi-lingual? :)

We aren't officially mono-lingual now. We don't have an "official" language even though English is used fairly exclusively.

I took Italian in high school though, I have no interest in learning spanish.

01-28-2005, 03:12 PM
it will be a sad day when it does
at that point, i'll move to canada to get away from it :ninja:

a lot of Canada is bilingual. And they speak an odd hybrid of french :)

01-29-2005, 10:11 AM
Ponga tus pantalones aqui, y vamos por la cama. Trabaja por tu dinero, puta.

Not sure if I said that right, but I think you can woo your prospective Latina girlfriend with this.

01-29-2005, 10:59 AM
I failed Spanish II.

02-01-2005, 12:00 PM
Ponga tus pantalones aqui, y vamos por la cama. Trabaja por tu dinero, puta.

Not sure if I said that right, but I think you can woo your prospective Latina girlfriend with this.

Wow, glad most ppl can't speak Spanish on here.

Dame tu dinero mujer!!!!

02-01-2005, 12:55 PM
to translate what q said... :)

Put your pants here, and lets retire to the bed, work for your money, biach

02-01-2005, 05:16 PM
I'm in my last year of spanish thank the lord. I have a hard time in normal english class, I don't need to be going to another language.

02-01-2005, 05:52 PM
Spanish 5 AP I'm scared.

02-01-2005, 06:23 PM
Amen to that tony, one more year...

02-01-2005, 11:05 PM
Ponga tus pantalones aqui, y vamos por la cama. Trabaja por tu dinero, puta.

Not sure if I said that right, but I think you can woo your prospective Latina girlfriend with this.

I actually understood that, which is proof enough that my three years of highschool Spanish was plenty :)

02-01-2005, 11:07 PM
Clasificación de las mujeres por sus palabras

Cada cabeza es un mundo y como tal cada mujer es muy especial, pero cuando de hacer el amor se trata nosotros hacemos (aunque lo nieguen) que reaccionen de cierta forma, misma que nos da la oportunidad para clasificarlas de acuerdo a las palabras que dicen o intentan decir...

Cabe mencionar que las categorías que hemos encontrado, son producto de experiencias personales, de pláticas con amigos y una que otra confesión personal, son enunciativas mas no limitativas y son las siguientes:
o Las asmáticas:
Son las que durante el acto de amor (¿?) solo se escucha, "ahhhh, ahhhh!, ahhhh", parece como si les fuera a dar un ataque de asma.

o Las matemáticas:
Son fáciles de reconocer, ya que suelen repetir en la cama: "MAS, MAS!, MAS!!"...

o Las piñateras:
Son aquellas quienes durante todo el acto amoroso, (entre ahogos, jadeos y suspiros) sólo exclaman: "Dale! Dale!", "Más duro!, Dale, Dale!" como si usted estuviera en una fiesta infantil dándole palo a una piñata.

o Las religiosas:
Hablan poco al principio y durante el acto, pero al momento de alcanzar el éxtasis exclaman frases tales como,"Oh Dios", "Ay, San Gonzalo, que buen palo", "San Benito, que buen pito".

o Las maestras:
Te dicen cuándo, cómo, por dónde... y con una voz pastosa suelen decir frases como: Esssoo es!!! derechiiito, con cuidadiiito, bieeen, muy bieeen, así eees!... por lo general terminan gritando: así!, así!, asííí!.

o Las exigentes:
Son las que suelen decir: ¡Dame mas!, ¡Dame mas! ¡Damelo toodooo!

o Las asesinas:
Viven repitiendo: Si me lo sacas te mato!!! Si me lo sacas te mato!!!

o Las preguntonas:
Las que primero te gritan ¡Haaay, me matas! y luego te preguntan ¡Cuanto te dieron por matarme! ¿¡Cuanto te dieron por matarme!?

o Las que regresan:
Aquellas que suelen repetir... me vengo!!!, me vengo!!!

o Las sensitivas:
Las que se la pasan preguntando o diciendo... ¿me sientes?, ¿me sientes? o... como te sieeento! como te sieeento!!

o Las hijitas:
Las que te dicen... ¡Así papá! ¡Asípapá! ¡Papiiito!

o Las mudas:
Son las que empiezan haciendo mmmmm!, mmmmm! y despues siguen con mmj!, mmj! mmj! y terminan con agh, agh!, agh!!, agh!!! como queriendo decir algo, pero como no pueden articular palabra.

o Las exorcistas:
Estas por lo general son gritonas y hacen como si trajesen un dulce en la boca, pero su principal caracteristica es que voltean los ojos al reves!

o Las verduleras:
Serían las que se la pasan diciendo: que lindo pepino tienes, como disfruto tu plátano, quieres mi papaya!?

o Las vulgarcitas:
Se distinguen por su lenguaje soez, corriente y vulgar, les gusta decir: ¡chingame! ¡Si, chingame cabrón, me gusta como me cojes!

o Las positivas:
Se la pasan afirmando vaya uno a saber que, durante todo el acto. "Si, si, si, siiiii!!!".

o Las pinches:
Estas mujeres son las que se hacen de la boca chiquita y te piden... Nomás la puntita, Nomás la puntita! y terminan diciendo Ayyy cabrooón!!.

o La chiiinga tu madre:
El nombre a esta clasificación se origina por lo que decimos nosotros, y esto se debe a que cuando, tú buena onda, las dejas que terminen primero (varias veces por supuesto) y cuando tú estas por llegar oyes la pinche frasesita... "No te vaya a venir adentro"
Este escrito, si cae en manos de feministas, seguramente originará una(s) respuesta(s), pero, desde este momento les digo ¡SON TOTALMENTE FALSAS!, nosotros los hombres sabemos por que...

02-01-2005, 11:34 PM
I'm amazed of how much of that I understand, yet I still hate spanish.

02-01-2005, 11:36 PM
I'm amazed of how much of that I understand, yet I still hate spanish.

I know very little - one of the things I'd like to do someday, but probably cannot - is to stay in Mexico, or Chile or something for 2-3 years to learn their language well. If I won the lottery... :p

02-02-2005, 12:00 AM
Study abroad in spain? I know a bunch of people that have done that.

02-02-2005, 12:05 AM
I know very little - one of the things I'd like to do someday, but probably cannot - is to stay in Mexico, or Chile or something for 2-3 years to learn their language well. If I won the lottery... :p

go to chile, its better.. trust me... hot girls, good food, and the best version of spanish of them all

02-02-2005, 12:05 AM
Study abroad in spain? I know a bunch of people that have done that.

I wouldn't want to learn it in Spain... their dialect is different from what you'll normally run into here.