View Full Version : could this decide everything? just a thought..

01-29-2005, 10:46 AM
well, i was at this thread:
and if u notice, (im zio7) that forestgumpey is argueing about everything. weve all pointed this out to him and he somehow started an argument in a "freestyle pros and cons" thread about the best teams. then we all came back and said thats impossible to judge because they all play different tournaments. why isnt there something like the nfl, nhl, mlb, nba, etc.
where all the teams play, and where those rankings are what they use?
i know different teams like dif. types of play, but i think there should be xball division, 7 man division. of course, only d.1 teams could play, but still. anyone think that this could work? its just an idea...

01-29-2005, 11:40 AM
You realize there are 2-3 major tournament series...

EXL, NXL, PSP (NXL is part of this), NPPL, and Millenium Series.

PSP has Division X-ball and 5man. That's it.
NPPL has 7man. That's it.
NXL is invite only, plus you have to own/buy a franchise/have lots of money

I'm not sure about the EXL or Millenium, I don't follow them.

If you want to play 5man, you play PSP, if you want to play X-ball, you play PSP, if you want to play 7man, you play NPPL.

All Pro Teams you hear about play PSP + NPPL, I'm 90% sure there aren't any strictly NPPL Teams, there might be some strictly PSP teams... I'm too lazy to check every team.

01-31-2005, 02:43 AM
yeah i went to go start an account on pbn to sell stuff read a few pages and was all like um no!! but the guys list isnt too far off!! and a combined series would be nice but not likley though i know everyone would like to see it maybe one tournament with the champions of each league!!