View Full Version : Onboard Camera Mount

01-30-2005, 12:08 PM
I recently purchased a Cannon video camera (ZR80). It's light and compact, perfect for running around. I would like to take it to Big Games / Scenarios, but do not have anyone to run the camera.
So, does anyone have any advice on a possible rig? Shoulder, gun, I don't really have a preference at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

01-30-2005, 12:23 PM
Check out Ram Mount. I bet you could rig something up.


If you want to mount it to the gun, it might be helpful to know what kind of gun. But also think about how many times your gun gets hit and think about it the camera can take that kind of abuse. It might be a better idea to use a micro lipstick cam on the gun and run it to the vid cam and keep the vid cam in a backpack.

01-30-2005, 12:39 PM
Thanks a million Musik. Did a google, and I think I have a winner.