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View Full Version : News reports high turnout for Iraq election

01-30-2005, 01:05 PM
I'm waiting for actual numbers to roll in, but if the turnout was as good as the news is making it out to be, its fantastic news for Iraq. It mean the populations has essentially said "screw you" to the insurgents, and it dramatically weakens their position. It also lends validity to whatever government comes out of the election.

And as on Iraqi government official pointed out, even with the low turnout projected before the election, they were still anticipating a higher voter turnout than the US had in its election ;)

01-30-2005, 01:17 PM
That's awesome. Go Iraq, now's your chance for freedom!

01-30-2005, 02:47 PM
I was thinking that purple finger dip might be a bad idea....are we going to see dirty fingers on the streets of bagdad?

01-31-2005, 02:39 PM
offical numbers currently list 60% of all registered voters and showing up. that's about that same number as those who voted in the elections here in the us last year and in britain for the pm spot too.

This election may have been rough but it will get better.

Remember. The US was in Japan for 12 years. Change takes a while.

01-31-2005, 02:44 PM
And think about the dedication these voters have. One of their polls was attacked and the voters scattered. Funny thing, they came back. Do you think that would happen most other places. If the numbers are true, it does appear that what I have been hearing from people that have been over there. The majority of the population wanted change.

01-31-2005, 04:06 PM
The Geneva-based International Organization for Migration said that 265,148 Iraqi expatriate voters went to the special polls over three days in 14 countries.
93% of Registered Iraqi Ex-Pats Vote (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=535&ncid=535&e=3&u=/ap/20050131/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_overseas_voting)
This is my uncle's worst nightmare. The man is so liberal (not that there's anything wrong with that) he is a socialist (okay, there's something wrong with that!) and the last thing he wants is for this to turn out okay. He would rather see the country fall to ruin so he could claim he was right about Bush. :tard:

How sick is that?

[French President] Chirac called President Bush to say he was satisfied and to reiterate a French offer to train Iraqi security forces and civil servants.
1 - Chirac was satisifed. And that means exactly what to the rest of the world?
2 - France offers to train Iraqi security forces? For what purpose? They already know how to cower in fear and run away! We need to teach them NOT to do that!

01-31-2005, 04:31 PM
And think about the dedication these voters have. One of their polls was attacked and the voters scattered. Funny thing, they came back. Do you think that would happen most other places. If the numbers are true, it does appear that what I have been hearing from people that have been over there. The majority of the population wanted change.

That ain't no lie! I saw a picture of voters at one polling location, and they were all looking down at the blood of several people who had been killed there earlier in the day. Thats a group that is embracing democracy.

As for the comment someone made about liberals, I voted for Kerry. Just because I didn't vote for Bush, that doesn't mean that I want the US to fail in Iraq.

01-31-2005, 08:29 PM
Just because I didn't vote for Bush, that doesn't mean that I want the US to fail in Iraq.



01-31-2005, 08:31 PM
As for the comment someone made about liberals, I voted for Kerry. Just because I didn't vote for Bush, that doesn't mean that I want the US to fail in Iraq.


I was watching tv and they were interviewing some of the Iraqi's in the US who had voted, they were overjoyed. Most of the older folks said that they would like to return to Iraq sometime in the future. Many of them, especially the very old men and women who remember what it was like to vote before Saddam mentioned how they never thought the day would come. Pretty damn cool.

01-31-2005, 08:59 PM
Sweet, I wonder what it is like for them to be able to vote. It seems like for us, it is no big deal, but for them, it is so much bigger.