View Full Version : On and Off pin is stuck

01-31-2005, 11:15 AM
I sent my gun to AGD around March of last year. By the time I got my gun back my unit got sent to Iraq, so I never got to use it and make sure everything worked properly. Now I am back and I am still having issues with my gun. The first time I put air to it, it messed up. This is the problem.

The on/off pin is stuck and I cannot depress it in order to get the regulator out. This is the first time I have had this happen. With my gun, the on/off pin always stays out after shooting it and I just take the body off of the frame and depress the pin and slide it right out. This time, it is stuck. The air is disconnected from the gun as well.

Any help is greatly apprecieated.

01-31-2005, 11:18 AM
how do you get it out normally anway?

01-31-2005, 11:49 AM
first welcome to AO.

You can try hard to get it out. Maybe you buy an O-Ring kit for you Valve. And change them all. But for now. You need to try to get the pin out. Then Oil, Oil, Oil. That helped me a lot with my Classic RT. The ON/Off was sticking in sometimes. So i tooked it apart and put 3-4Drops oil directly into the On/Off. Then everything was ok.

Hope that helped a little bit

01-31-2005, 05:41 PM
oooooooo also u should try just pulling the trigger... my mags do it to me... i just pull the trigger and it all shoots out :)

01-31-2005, 05:46 PM
Yeah, pull the trigger.

01-31-2005, 05:48 PM
and BTW Nice Job going to Iraq.... i respect all ppl that went there

02-03-2005, 12:18 AM
I had that happen to my classic after it sat in the closet for a couple of years. If you have the same prob I did, your orings drying out and sticking to the pin you can try this, it worked for me. I assume you know how to completely take the valve apart.

remove the valve from the gun the way you said you did by removing the rail.
remove the bolt.

use a silicon based lube NOT WD40 it's oil based, I used CRC 336 (I think the number is right)

I sprayed it on the outside of the pin, really soaked it then sprayed a lot down the power tube, put it in a zip lock baggy for a couple of days and let it sit.

when I took it out the pin was still slighly stuck by broke free with little preasure.

if it works take every thing apart and clean it really good then put it back together and try it out.

I all so use the CRC to lube the gun after I get done playing, just a drop or 2 in the ASA and dry fire it about 20 times.

worked for me and I hope this is a little help to ya.