View Full Version : hmm.. i think this is a fraud

01-31-2005, 04:08 PM
ive seen this exact situation before on AO... but this is for my car,,, some one let me know if this is bogus.. thanks.

(here is the email some one sent me)

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the mail and i really appreciate your response and your willingness to sell the car to me. I'm ok with your stated condition alone with the price $600. I will arrange for the shipper that will be coming for the pick up and they will be coming with some other consignment of mine. I will instruct my client to procure a certified cashier check of $3,000 and send it to you to make this transaction fast and to avoid time wasting (the cost includes shipping cost because i have other goods with the shippers). As soon as you received the check you will send the excess funds to the shipping company through western union money transfer because it is preferable to them (kindly let me know if i can trust you on this). The shippers are to do the pick up along side other goods of mine in the states.
Immediately they will be coming for the pick up so that they can complete and arrange the paper works,customs and other duties . They will come for the pick up at the moment everything is in place as i will really appreciate your efforts towards making this possible. Endeavour to email me your mailing information so that the cheque can be written out in your favour. Do send me the following information for my client to be able to prepare you the cheque without any further delay

he didnt want pics.. he didnt ask for coler.. he just asked if it had ne dents... and hes willing to give a toatle stranger 3k... i sense some bs here.

01-31-2005, 04:12 PM
totally fake. check bounces, you get screwed, seen it a few times around the forums

my rule is: If youve even have to question it, why bother?

01-31-2005, 04:14 PM
I don't trust it.

My advice? Tell him to send you your funds and the movers their funds.

And arrange for them to pick up the car somewhere other than your house.

I'm not usually given to stuff like this but the hairs on the back of my neck are going "woo-woo-woo" and they are not the good hairs.

01-31-2005, 04:15 PM
well.. i also have a ton of other offers here in town... ill prya just do that.

i really think its funny that some one would send me 3k....

01-31-2005, 04:18 PM
they send you a bogus cashier's check.. the bank cashes it, giving you the 3000.. you send him the excess but then the bank realizes the cashiers check is a fake -- charging the $3000 to your account.. You just gave the person $2k plus which you are now stuck paying for.

01-31-2005, 04:22 PM
thats exactly what i thought it was..

01-31-2005, 04:23 PM
they send you a bogus cashier's check.. the bank cashes it, giving you the 3000.. you send him the excess but then the bank realizes the cashiers check is a fake -- charging the $3000 to your account.. You just gave the person $2k plus which you are now stuck paying for.

Exactly right. This is becomming a very common scheme, and I have even seen it used on the BST forums on PBN. Whats even worse, you could possibly end up with criminal charges. Don't reply to them at all, just forward the information to your local PD.

01-31-2005, 04:34 PM
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your mail and the phone number given to me.I have a little problem with my phone line that why i could not get to you on phone now.I really have interest in purchasing the dodge car from you kindly let me know if is available for sale with you last price so that i can make our the arranagement for the payment in time.Get back to me in time.

what a retard..

a 14 year old kid saw right through it all...

i must be smarter than i thought :p

01-31-2005, 04:45 PM
post his phone number, so we can have some fun :D

01-31-2005, 04:46 PM
he wont give it to me.. nor would he tell me where hes from..but his email is .UK.. so.. maybe united kingdom..

01-31-2005, 05:07 PM
Tell him you were out driving and just happened to drive it into a lake. Say the whole thing had to be ripped apart. Something like that. You know just yank his chain a bit. Or subscribe him to a bunch of mailing lists. That could be fun too.

01-31-2005, 05:17 PM
Very very typical he is from a foreign country, most of the scammers that try those common scams are from far away places so it makes it harder for you to get to them.

01-31-2005, 05:18 PM
i oughta Just post his email adess. and we all send him a different stupid sight.

and i allready told him that i canot exept his payment.. i told him cash onley..

01-31-2005, 07:37 PM
release ....... the email address :)

(just kidding don't do that)

01-31-2005, 07:40 PM
Send him your credit card numbers to be sure.

02-01-2005, 12:27 AM
release ....... the email address :)

(just kidding don't do that)

no please do release it.

02-01-2005, 01:45 PM
I doubt it's even his main account, think about it.

I think you could make this out to be another P-P-Powerbook scheme if you handled it right. I need a good laugh if you feel up to the challenge, although I have no idea how you could do it.

02-01-2005, 01:50 PM
Tell him your bank charges you $10 for verification of funds that you are depositng, and he should send you $10 post haste to get this covered :D

02-01-2005, 05:02 PM
can anyone say "cardboard cutout"? :D :D :D

but post his email, i would like to practice retrieving ip's

02-01-2005, 06:29 PM
i just read about this in a magazine or something.

and yes, of course, it's a fraud.

like they said, you cash the check, send $2400 back to him - check bounces - you're screwed - other guy is livin' large

02-01-2005, 07:38 PM
he just said that ihold the check untill its 100% cleared... but i would much rathersell localy!

02-01-2005, 08:06 PM
The problem with holding it until it is completely clear is that banks are required to make funds from cashier's checks available in a certain time frame (IIRC it's 72 hours.)

So they give you the money, and a week later, when it actually gets processed by the issuing bank it's determined to be a fraud.

Since your bank already gave you the money, they have to take it back.

You can actually get arrested for depositing a fraudulent check, and either way you've just lost 3000 bucks.

Chances are in this scam, they'll never come to pick up the car, so I guess you'll still have that at least.

This is a very well documented scam, and there is no way it is legitimate.

He's telling you that you may wait until the funds are clear because he knows that they will clear though your bank without anyone even knowing that the check is fraudulant until it get back to the issuer. By that time you've already Western Unioned him the money (It can be picked up at ANY western union location worldwide.) and he's broken off communication with you completely.

02-02-2005, 09:16 AM
ahh... makes perfect sense! and he knows ow old i am.SO he tinks im retarded..(which iam)... but i atleast figured tis out in time to get it on AO and get some help wit it

02-02-2005, 10:35 AM
ahh... makes perfect sense! and he knows ow old i am.SO he tinks im retarded..(which iam)... but i atleast figured tis out in time to get it on AO and get some help wit it

Hooked on Phonics dude....it works wonders.

02-02-2005, 02:04 PM
ahh... makes perfect sense! and he knows ow old i am.SO he tinks im retarded..(which iam)... but i atleast figured tis out in time to get it on AO and get some help wit it

how'd you get a car anyways?

im still working on one and im 16 ;)

02-02-2005, 02:13 PM
I always make them send me the check over night. Giving them some story about how some one else wants it and I'll sell to them if I can't get the check asap.

So at least they are out the 30-40 bucks it costs to over night from the UK.

02-02-2005, 02:37 PM
how'd you get a car anyways?

im still working on one and im 16 ;)

mom works at a car dealer ship i get 5,000$ cars for 1,000

and to the other guy...

tha hookd on fonics gam reely helpd me red! :rofl:

thanks for teh advice tho

sorry.. my key board got pop spilt on it... and it sticks..and some key dont work unless you hold them down... and teh space bar sticks

02-02-2005, 10:09 PM
tell him that you want cash in hand before the car leaves.

02-03-2005, 10:25 AM
DON'T sell him the car but tell him to send the check, when you get it just put it in a frame and hang it on your wall.
I was selling my computer on ebay and the same thing happend, heck I stalled him untill the auction was over (won by a non scammer) and then told him to send the check, it now hangs on my wall. :p

02-04-2005, 05:09 PM
I like the idea of making him give you just $20 cash and the rest check...you need it to pay for phone bill asap?? Something! Then, go out to lunch for free. Good luck

PS: I think that in all fairness you should release email account. It's probably not his main, but you can waste 15 minutes of his time to setup a new one. lol

02-04-2005, 05:57 PM
Take the check and mail him a stick of used deoderant.