View Full Version : I just can't find the op to break it off with her!

01-31-2005, 04:36 PM
I figured I would give you all a laugh by detailing my history with this chick and my current in ability to break up with her:

She is my friends cousin and she and I started dating last year, right after new years. On and off for the rest of the year, nothing spectacular. She saw people and I saw people.

As we approached Christmas I deceided that there really wasn't anything there so I figured I would break it off but so as to not be a total heel I decided to wait until after New Years. New Years comes and goes and two weekends ago I was supposed to take her out to dinner and give her the ax.

Wouldn't yah know it but I had to travel on business and was required to leave that Thursday. That was the 13th. I figured I would take that time and basically not contact her. she would probably get the hint and things went well. I figured she went off and found someone else cause I never heard from her. No phone, email, nada.

Man, was I wrong.

The emails have been coming fast and furious today and what's worse she's talking like we're married. I'll be back in town this weekend and I'm really thinking of giving her the ax now but it is rather close to Valentine's Day.

I'm torn.

Wait out the month and be nice or break it off now.

At this point I'm willing to break up with her over email but that would be just so wrong.

I know what I have to do. Just have sometime before I leave for the airport and I thought I'ld give you all a laugh.

01-31-2005, 04:41 PM
I have actually talked to women who would prefer you give them the axe in private, by phone, or by letter (written, though e-mail might be ok).

They say that breaking up with someone in public, expecting them to maintain composure - theres bound to be some emotion, expecting them to not vent - yell, cry, whatever is extremely cruel.

Opinions? Not an issue now, last woman I gave the ax got the idea when I served divorce papers - that works to btw :D . Of course she had a boyfriend so not as much fun ;)

01-31-2005, 04:55 PM
Just tell her your busy with other hot babes and if she's cool with that :Tup:

01-31-2005, 04:56 PM
If there's nothing there, don't try to be a nice guy and "save" her from the hurt. Whether it's before or after a special occassion, she's going to be hurt regardless. The sooner the better so both of you don't waste your time.

01-31-2005, 04:59 PM
"Just Do It" - Nike

01-31-2005, 05:05 PM
Do it before Valentines day. Hell, I broke up with a girl on Thanksgiving once... (I do regret breaking up with her- not because of when but because of why.) And no, I have no shame.

01-31-2005, 05:05 PM
hook up with other chicks in front of her...that works wonders!

Target Practice
01-31-2005, 05:45 PM
I broke up with my ex on Valentines day. I waited for it.

Trust me. You'll fee good.

01-31-2005, 05:49 PM
I broke up with my ex on Valentines day. I waited for it.

I'd expect nothing less of you ;)

01-31-2005, 05:57 PM
I'd expect nothing less of you ;)
My exact thoughts. :D

01-31-2005, 05:58 PM
Do it before Valentines day. Hell, I broke up with a girl on Thanksgiving once... (I do regret breaking up with her- not because of when but because of why.) And no, I have no shame.
Haha same

01-31-2005, 06:17 PM
Like a bandaid.

The sooner and quicker the better.

01-31-2005, 06:50 PM
just make sure you really want to break up with her.

i've made that mistake before.

01-31-2005, 07:03 PM
I broke up with my ex on Valentines day. I waited for it.

Trust me. You'll fee good.

I broke up with a woman once, on her birthday.

Of course, I forgot about it. :)

01-31-2005, 09:56 PM
Get this months issue of Maxim, It gives you the steps you need to break up with a chick and has lots of good hints... :cheers:

Or just do what countless others do.. sleep with her sister or her best freind, will make "when to break up" question go away.

01-31-2005, 10:16 PM
Pick Up The Phone.

There Is Your Opportunity

02-01-2005, 12:10 AM
Just remember to get in one last Hurrah. :ninja: :dance:

02-01-2005, 12:20 AM
wait, everyone slow down. If I read his post correctly, hes been dating other people the whole time he's with her. And you guys have been "dating" a whole year. So you probably have a good amount of sex. And if you have a good amount of sex, while still being aloud to date around....

Bro, dont call her, ignore her phonecalls untill you wanna hit it. Then call her and go over to her house, lay the pipe, and go home. Do this over and over again untill she realizes all she is, is sex to you. Worst case scenario shes gets mad, takes your sex away, and doesnt talk to you anymore. Best case scenario, she is ok with the situation, and continues this unnatched sex with you.


02-01-2005, 01:03 AM
wait, everyone slow down. If I read his post correctly, hes been dating other people the whole time he's with her. And you guys have been "dating" a whole year. So you probably have a good amount of sex. And if you have a good amount of sex, while still being aloud to date around....

Bro, dont call her, ignore her phonecalls untill you wanna hit it. Then call her and go over to her house, lay the pipe, and go home. Do this over and over again untill she realizes all she is, is sex to you. Worst case scenario shes gets mad, takes your sex away, and doesnt talk to you anymore. Best case scenario, she is ok with the situation, and continues this unnatched sex with you.


Maybe it is just me, but really good sex with just one person is soooooooo much better with "eh it was alright i guess" sex with alot of people. I say move on and continue trying to find that one person you click with really well. ;)

02-01-2005, 01:57 PM
Maybe it is just me, but really good sex with just one person is soooooooo much better with "eh it was alright i guess" sex with alot of people. I say move on and continue trying to find that one person you click with really well. ;)

Your missing the possibile option that it can be really good with alot of people :p . In fact sometimes a group of a lot of people make..... ok, I'm going to stop there well I think I'm still on the ok side of the rules

Edit: people, what is so wrong with an HONEST relationship - be it monogomaus (wow.. can't spell) or otherwise. As long as all the people in the relationship(s) are honest with each other, everyone might get what they want. For some people that means a monogomaus relationship, and if both partners agree on that - wonderful. Some people want an open marriage - not my thing but hey. The only time problems occur is when two adults can't sit down, speak honestly, compromise if needed, and carry through with promises made. I know a few couples that have open relationships with certain rules - both partners are happy. My ex decided she wanted an open relationship and never bothered to tell me - the courts frowned pretty heavily on that. If the relationship is over in your mind, be honest, its not fair to you or her to continue it if that is truly how you feel. Be nice about it... its a parting of ways, not killing someone. Might it hurt, sure, but life sometimes does that.

02-01-2005, 02:35 PM
The truth will set you free.

02-01-2005, 02:53 PM
Maybe it is just me, but really good sex with just one person is soooooooo much better with "eh it was alright i guess" sex with alot of people. I say move on and continue trying to find that one person you click with really well. ;)

Ah yes, the age-old puzzle of whether one "ten" is in fact better than five "twos". ;)


02-01-2005, 04:10 PM
tap that a$$ like there's no tommrow!

02-01-2005, 04:57 PM
Maybe it is just me, but really good sex with just one person is soooooooo much better with "eh it was alright i guess" sex with alot of people. I say move on and continue trying to find that one person you click with really well. ;)

well, he could be having average sex with this person while searching for "that one" or w/e. Average sex is also better than no sex.

For me, I think having sex with girls you havnt had sex with before is the best...but thats just me.