View Full Version : Little Problem with New Mag

01-31-2005, 06:50 PM
Hey guys i just got my first mag and try to put the barrel on but found it impossible so i lossened the from grip screw and bam it goes on with out a struggle so i have found out if you tighten down my front screw all the way it interfears with the barrel. Has anyone else had this problem? the solution i am using is just keeping the front screw a 1/4 turn looser then all the way tight.

01-31-2005, 07:05 PM
you either need to buy a shorter screw at hardware store for $.50 or put a washer under it. Easy fix. Screw thread size is 10/32...fyi

Hey guys i just got my first mag and try to put the barrel on but found it impossible so i lossened the from grip screw and bam it goes on with out a struggle so i have found out if you tighten down my front screw all the way it interfears with the barrel. Has anyone else had this problem? the solution i am using is just keeping the front screw a 1/4 turn looser then all the way tight.

01-31-2005, 10:59 PM
Thanks a lot ill do that 2marrow.