View Full Version : New Job! and journey south...

02-01-2005, 12:10 AM
Oh so stoked right now.

To brief:
I have been working for 1 1/2 years at a small marketing agency. Got to touch lots of cool stuff and learned a fair amount; but I was ready to move on.

New job is in SF, couple blocks from SBC Park. I am planning on taking the bullet train in, and getting 45 mins to an hour of walking in a day.

New position is fairly similar to previous, but it is much more focused, and the firm and client are much larger. Basically, I am going to manage the direct mail programs for member banks of a major creditor.

So, ha ha. I am having a few pilsners, and thought I'd share.

Anyone in Southern Cal area have a Super Bowl party planned? I am planning on trekking down to L.A. this weekend. SLO is a possible stopping point also. Although I am a bit scared of tsc and TP :shooting: . The liberal in me cowers ;) .

02-01-2005, 11:03 AM
Congratulations, man.