View Full Version : Anno issue from Freeflow

02-01-2005, 08:22 PM
I sent a dallara body/rail to Freeflow for anno, along w/ the usual assortment of parts like the feedneck, gripframe, etc. I just chose to have the whole setup annoed in gloss pewter. After waiting a good 3 months for the parts, they finnaly game back today. Much to my dissapointment, the mainbody looks nothing like the other parts sent to the anno. The other parts look perfectly fine, just as I would have expected, but the mainbody looks like a dull turd, or a gray crayola. It's not even gloss, and the anno is most definatlely not even; parts of the body doesn't even look annoed. The explanation given was that the aluminum main body was of a different type of aluminum than the rest of the gun, and it is claimed that all the parts were put in the same batch. Is it me, or that a total bs answer? I'll post some pics up of just how bad of a job, and how different the anno is on the main body as compared to the rest of the gun.

02-01-2005, 08:30 PM
Yeah that sucks man, sorry to hear that. I'm sure it cost a pretty penny too.

02-01-2005, 08:32 PM

gotta make sure the annoer KNOWs what the diff emtalt sare and what color dyes to use.

its not your fault it is msot def theirs...their ignorance and stupidity.

btw i myself wouldve seperated the aprts or made sure that the annoer knew what he/she was doing.

02-01-2005, 09:15 PM
gotta make sure the annoer KNOWs what the diff emtalt sare and what color dyes to use.
its not your fault it is msot def theirs...their ignorance and stupidity.
btw i myself wouldve seperated the aprts or made sure that the annoer knew what he/she was doing.

ignorance isnt a punishable crime (although it should be)

theres no fault to the anodizer if he didnt ask for the same color/shade specifically.

if they post pictures saying "this is the quality work we do" and it doesnt look anywhere near your gun, you might be able to get away with fraud, but that highly unlikly

assuming = well... you get the point.

btw, yes there are different types of aluminum, many different types. call up the manufacturer of the differing pieces and ask for the specific alluminum and alloy.

02-01-2005, 09:23 PM
technicly it is not a bs answer as the agd body is 7075, however the way it cleans, and the way it looks after anodizing would have told ANY qualified anodizer that it was a different material

7075 has a high mag. content and will darken after etching and turn a bronzish color after the anodize process

where as 6061 stays clear for the most part

E==Mag MAN
02-01-2005, 09:30 PM
My matrix was like that, however just my sidewinder came in a different shade. No biggy

02-01-2005, 10:29 PM
I don't know if freeflow does their anodizing in-house (doubt it) or if they send it out, but I've seen bad results from that company. Brand new bodies coming out with discolorations, light/white spots, and blemishes. Things that I would have sent the part back for, but my friends just didn't care that much.

I realize it's hard to match colors and it's hard to do a batch perfect, but you've got to draw the line somewhere on quality control. One two-tone acidwash body my friend ended up with had three 1-2mm white spots on it in obvious locations.

I think their products are slightly ovepriced anyways, I don't need a reason to stay away from them. :(

02-01-2005, 11:12 PM
i hate free-flow. they royally screwed up the install of my eyes on my raced merlin. my poor gun went working like a champ and came back acting like a real turd...

02-02-2005, 12:27 AM
This use to be a big problem with old autocockers... you'd get them annoed and the trigger frame and blocks were all different types of aluminum.

02-02-2005, 12:46 AM
ask them nicely they prolly wont refuse you, i really doesnt cost much (for the anodizer) to ano something. Hope everything works out.

02-02-2005, 09:37 AM
Has any one noticed that the new autocockers are total crap? I went to the local pb store yesterday and noticed the main body and rear blocks are about 3 shades off. There "fades" don't fade at all, they just go from one solid color to another :rofl:

02-03-2005, 01:30 AM
For you guys that bought raw dallara/karta/chord bodies... where did you guys get your anno done? I'll probably go to them next time, since it's obvious they didn't screw your mags up :)

02-03-2005, 08:37 AM
That's weird. I know some of the Pro guys, and I can't imagine them making these mistakes.

I believe that they send their orders out, most recently to FireBall Mountain. I know this because I've seen and used this badboy:


At Pro's field. I know the owner of it...or, I've met him frequently.

I've heard only great things about FBM.