View Full Version : X valve/Level 10 Problems

02-01-2005, 09:46 PM
Im having some problems with my X valve/Level 10. It leaks(by leaking i mean air rushing out) out of the little hole on the side of the X-valve.(Whatever that little hole is called :p ). My level 10 setup is 0.5 carrier and 2 shims and its my emag. Any help would be appreciated.

02-02-2005, 12:16 AM
That's a reg pin problem.

Take it out of the gun (it's the pin that sticks out when you take the valve halves apart. Oil it up and change the orings nearby it. If that doesn't solve it, replace the pin assembly.

02-02-2005, 12:59 AM
also clean out the hole that the reg piston goes into, i used a qtip and alcohol then oiled it up, that happens if somehting gets in the lines (dirt, teflon, ect.) good luck, let us know if that helped!