View Full Version : Qloader question

02-02-2005, 01:00 AM
Ok I know there have been 34542540237548203438204211 ( :tard: ) Qloader threads, but I havent seen this answered.

For using the qloader, is it better to use warp left or warp right ule body? I would guess left b/c on the WARPIG review, it shows that the tube sticks out when its on the right. However, having no personal expirience, I wouldn't know for sure. :tard: :dance:

02-02-2005, 01:07 AM
where do you have your warp set up?

02-02-2005, 01:09 AM
I don't. I dont have a warp. I was thinking of trading my vert body for a warp and then getting the Qloader.

02-02-2005, 01:14 AM
well if you go to a q loader and put it under your barrel, it is nice ti have a warp right, it fits perfect, otherwise you can do a custom mounting system and put it parallel to your foregrip, but i don't know the specs on the custom system.

02-02-2005, 01:14 AM
If your right handed, on the left of the marker, if your left handed, on the right. Assuming you tend to lean out of a bunker shooting on the same side as your favored hand most of the time.
The Q-loader will feed just fine any which way so go for the lowest profile.

02-02-2005, 01:15 AM
ha kallahan i beat you to the post.



hoope you get a q i love mine


02-02-2005, 01:19 AM
Pinky, are you pondering what im pondering?
Yes Brain, but this time its your turn to wear the tutu.
No, Pinky, i was pondering how i could take over the world with a qloader!

Edit: wow i amaze myself sometimes, i really do...

02-02-2005, 04:25 AM
the hard to find warp right bodies are the ones, you want but if you get the mounting kit it could be either way so you could get one of the easier to find warp left bodies.

02-02-2005, 05:30 AM

With the standard mount on the qloader, the feed hole will be located on the 2 o'clock direction(right side of the gun). This is IF you mount it on the foregrip. Like this: http://www.qloader.com/images/aic_pic_players_23.jpg

So if you have a left warp body, you would have to route the hose to the opposite side.

Custom mounting system from Qloader will come with a new mount that has a swivel so the feed hole on the mount will face any direction you want.... IMO, get the CMS. It will give you much more freedom on mounting setups. Here's mine using a AGD Warp mount plate:

Emag Warp Right Qloader (http://home.comcast.net/~javate/emag01.jpg)

hope this helps.


02-03-2005, 08:18 AM
If you shoot predomenantly right handed, and lean out to the right more, going right hand feed means more target area when you come around a bunker on the right. If that's your style of play, left side feed is a better way to go.

The difficulty with that is that the standard mount sets the QLoader to feed to the right, not to the left. However, you can flip it upside down to feed to the left, I've run it this way on a Matrix with no troubles. The best solution for left side feeding though is AIC's universal mount, which lets you choose the side and angle at which the Q-Loader feeds.