View Full Version : Need job from home help/advice...

02-02-2005, 03:11 PM
I am going to be somewhat disabled for the next 5-6 months and unable to work at my "normal" job (Quiznos Sub) and now need ideas. I'm 16 and need a job that I can perform at my house (obviously from the computer). I do not want to do web design, but that's basically the only thing. I am very capable in almost all popular programs so I dunno...

What should I do? Any ideas on where to start?

Thanks for any help.

02-02-2005, 03:28 PM
ive made a few bucks from ebay here and there (im 16 as well)

my father had a pretty good idea that someone turned into a store years later

Sell stuff on ebay for people. you could make like 10% commission. how many people have things laying around that they want sold? everyone! and if they only have to do is give you a small chunk of the profit, im sure youll have a bunch of customers.

if it didnt go down, i wouldve suggest ultimate arena, where you play games like counter strike for money (why! WHY DID IT GO DOWN?????!?!)

02-02-2005, 06:06 PM
I might look into the ebay thing, anyone have any ideas on products I could buy in bulk and sell that are in semi-high demand?

Any other ideas?

02-02-2005, 08:10 PM
I'd suggest a vacation. Your 16, you don't really need money to survive. I'd sleep all day, everyday. Or you could run a webcame so old pedophiles could watch you. eewwwwww

02-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Part out cars, just don't let the DMV catch you.

02-02-2005, 08:27 PM
I'd probably go the Ebay route. Try asking PowerSeller if they could give you any tips (but make sure they know you won't be infringing on their turf).

02-02-2005, 10:01 PM
Part out cars, just don't let the DMV catch you.

part out cars on ebay!

02-02-2005, 10:27 PM
Because you need a permit to part out cars. Which means miles of red tape.
Before you even start to get a permit you need a commercial lot. Once you have the lot you can get a buisness license (easy to get), then you have to deal with the IRS (deductions, etc), you might have to get an mechanical certification from the state, then you can apply with the DMV. Along the way expect to pay our your rear to everyone, it's amazing how they nickle and dime you to death with that kind of thing.
$50 for an application, $100 for an inpection, $3000 in legal fees, by the time your done you don't make anything. Ever tried to sell a house? I think my father spend almost $6000 selling his house not including repairs or commission. Just having to have all kinds of inspections and get a license for this and that.

They arn't going to bother you for doing a couple cars a year though so long as the neighbors don't complain. The only thing is you have to get rid of the remains somehow and i'm not sure if you can legally cut it up and throw it away (we did that to a couple of my friends cars stripped them then cut up he leftovers with a torch and threw it in a dumpster). You might have to pay a junkyard to take what is left of the car and dispose of it.

That's why CJs are good canidates, you can sell damn near every part off it and what you cannot is small enough to throw away. And their is a market for the Vin plates and coresponding titles, just don't get caught that is a big no no.